New British Units in Normandy

By MKHom, in Tide of Iron

Hi All,

I was wondering why there are some new British minis for the Normandy expansion since there are some in the Days of the Fox expanision? Was it because you can Normandy with out the Days of the Fox expansion.



MKHom said:

I was wondering why there are some new British minis for the Normandy expansion since there are some in the Days of the Fox expanision? Was it because you can Normandy with out the Days of the Fox expansion.

Well, presumably not everyone who buys the Normandy expansion will have Days of the Fox.

Also in the rules it looks like the Brits in Normandy have long trousers rather than shorts, which makes them more appropriate to the setting.

TeufelHund said:

Also in the rules it looks like the Brits in Normandy have long trousers rather than shorts, which makes them more appropriate to the setting.

Sadly this is not the case. It's the same models as for DotF, which means short trousers for the regular infantry llorando.gif
Still, I'm going to paint them the Mid-Europe-style and I'm happy they're in this box, so I don't have to use my Africa-style Brits in Normandy.

Hi Al,

Thanks. That's what I thought.


I think there are 3 british scenarios in the Normandy Box - saying that they dont include enough elite troops for the red devils scenario.

Also, there were less British pieces in DotF than the other nations in the base game. This brings the total of infantry pieces to the level of the others, although they are still short in vehicules. I would have liked to have seen beige sherman tanks in this expansion myself...