Will a direct-clone digital version of this game ever come to be?

By StGemma, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Hi all,

I was wondering if this card game will ever be created into a direct-clone digital version? I know there is the one on steam, but it would be amazing if they made a direct copy of this game into digital format, because it has so much depth to it, and it's easy to forget so many little details of each card when playing. 😛

It would be amazing. It would also never happen officially, unfortunately.

Most likely not... card games not counting macig the Gathering Are not popular enough to be worth of putting digital game format. Lotr is guite complex card game, because cards and scenarios change normal rules a quite a bit, so each scenario is like one separate game... how Many would be willing to buy new game for each scenario... not Many,

Yeah. I can image programming would be quite crazy, because the game is so complex, and there are so many different abilities and such.

Well, I guess a fan-made version would be the only option. I can dream. 😛

Man, I don't know, I feel like it isn't TOO bad to program, as long as you focus on player cards first, stick with the simple scenarios and then keep updating the game one scenario at a time.

Maybe I just don't appreciate programming as much as I ought to.