X-Wing painting skills on non-X-Wing miniatures...

By Ghosthacked, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Are there any rules against posting other paint jobs as part of your learning journey but on non-X-Wing ships?

I've gotten into a couple other games and wanted to share those pics as well.

Go for it, but try and keep X-wing as the main thrust of your pics.

You could always start a thread in the Off-Topic subforum. While it would be more readily spotted here, you'd be less likely to receive any guff for it there. Although, really, most folk in the Painting subforum are pretty chill.

Now that I think a second, your best bet for posting here would be to show whatever it is that you painted alongside your X-Wing stuff to show how it's related. Do it that way, and I say, "You're all clear, kid!"