Foreign posts

By Rimsen, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


This is probably gonna be a quickly answered question, but I haven't found anything on the topic.

We are about to launch a PBP game (well, partially relocate it) and the forums would be convenient. However I'm not sure if it is a problem that we would play it in our mother tongue (which is not english). Are there any rules that we violate posting and playing here in a foreign language?

It probably a dumb question, still I dont want to get moderate once we have started.

Edited by Rimsen

For what itโ€™s worth, I think you should feel welcome to play here in any language.

I feel like Discord has a bunch of advantages over playing on forums, but that's just my two cents.

2 hours ago, Yaccarus said:

I feel like Discord has a bunch of advantages over playing on forums, but that's just my two cents.

Actually we use discord to play while Social Distancing, but the rooms are a bit spammed with funny gifs and jokes inbetween rolls and infos, so it's quite chaotic ๐Ÿ˜„


You can create your own server on Discord, and then only invite your friends to the server.

Then, set up a channel for Off topic stuff. That would eliminate the unnecessary spamming.

8 hours ago, salamar_dree said:


You can create your own server on Discord, and then only invite your friends to the server.

Then, set up a channel for Off topic stuff. That would eliminate the unnecessary spamming.

There is an off topic text channel. It's just not used. We have fun, so I won't be bothered with it.