Had a blast with Bond of Friendship, the spoiled contract from TFoN!

By Flrbb, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Total happy right now. 😄 I built a hobbit based deck with Bond of Friendship and playtested it on different quests. My last game was Journey up the Anduin. (This time no rule mixups with Goblin Snipers and the attached Haladan 😁 )

Early on, the deck struggles a bit with quest power so I had a long way to go. 😉 Also, Hills of Wilderland got me later in the game. Somewhat like 5 successive rounds I had to quest unsuccessfully and had to rise my threat by 4+ each time. Luckily the deck had lots of possibilities to reduce the threat, so in the end I was down to a threat of 29 again. Also, those "either deal one damage to each character or raise your threat by one for each character" treacheries would have been devastating. Additionally, a Dangerous Crossing (which forces you to deal one damage per Sauron threat on the active location) with that nasty Hills of Wilderland forced me to deal with 11 damage. Luckily, the deck has healing. Oh, I should mention that at leasst one time (not sure about a 2nd time) I made a small mistake: I optionally engaged a Mash Adder and a Hill Troll in the same round - defended and killed both within the same round!

In the end, I played 17 rounds, in between my threat was up to 41. A **** of a ride.

Finaly, you might be interested in the deck itself. ringsdb does not support the latest cards (which I subbed) and also no decks with 4 heroes. Nontheless, most of the deck is shown in the picture, tough.


In this game the card draw engine did not really got up running, so lots of resources. Sorry.

Thanks for reading my storry. 😄