***Please help me choose***

By Phillipsosophy, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Hi guys. I’m starting a second round of Corellian Conflict (my first Fleet one round #1) and I can’t decide on my second fleet. My first Fleet was a Starhawk, two MC-30s, one GR-75 and 5 unnamed A wings. Please see below and let me know what you think and if i should change anything around. Appreciate you guys as always:

CC Option 1 (397/400)

Commander: Admiral Ackbar

Objectives: Planetary Ion Cannon, Advanced Gunnery, Dangerous Territory

[flagship] Starhawk-class Battleship Mark I (140)
- Admiral Ackbar (38)
- Unity (10)
= 188 total points

GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
- Comms Net (2)
= 20 total points

MC30c Scout Frigate (69)
- External Racks (3)
= 72 total points

Squadrons (117/134):
1x Shara Bey A-wing Squadron (17)
5x A-Wing Squadron (55)
1x Millennium Falcon - Han Solo (26)
1x Moldy Crow - Jan Ors (19)

CC Option 2 (399/400)

Commander: Admiral Ackbar

Objectives: Advanced Gunnery, Planetary Ion Cannon, Dangerous Territory

[flagship] MC75 Armored Cruiser (104)
- Admiral Ackbar (38)
- Gunnery Team (7)
= 149 total points

MC30c Scout Frigate (69)
- Gunnery Team (7)
= 76 total points

MC30c Scout Frigate (69)
- Gunnery Team (7)
= 76 total points

MC30c Scout Frigate (69)
- External Racks (3)
= 72 total points

GR-75 Combat Retrofits (24)
- Comms Net (2)
= 26 total points

Seconds really just for a change in pace and not running 2 Starhawk list and that many mc30 in an ackbar fleet.....can’t cut in front of that line and it’s ackbar so don’t stay at long

yes you may loose more ships with this list but also campaign are meant to be fun try something different that 400 will normally not see is why I like where the second list

Thanks for the input!