Kullbee Sperado as wing leader

By LUZ_TAK, in X-Wing Epic Play

Was perusing the partisan pilots and noticed Kullbee could be an awesome wing leader:

Kullbee Wing

(46) Kullbee Sperado [T-65 X-wing]
(2) R4 Astromech
(2) Veteran Wing Leader
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(4) Inertial Dampeners
(2) Daredevil
Points: 56

(55) Wedge Antilles [T-65 X-wing]
(4) R5 Astromech
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(1) Crack Shot
Points: 60

(41) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(1) Crack Shot
Points: 42

(41) Red Squadron Veteran [T-65 X-wing]
(0) Servomotor S-foils
(1) Crack Shot
Points: 42

Total points: 200

R4 enabled dial, daredevil-boost and hard stop to boot. Always keeping 3 red dice. Enough points to get Wedge and 2 Red pilots for the wing.
