Suggestion for future Return to boxes contents

By kongg, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Dear FFG,

Can you include something more than just cards and dividers in your return to boxes for future releases? I suggest cardboard punchouts for encounter and discarded card holders (simiiar to Arkham horror 3rd edition). Maybe even include an active investigator token.

Would you be happy with the additional price increase?

I don't mind paying a bit more for good stuff.

I think the only thing I'd want them to tweak in the Return to... boxes is to include dividers to split the Return to... cards for a scenario away from the original cards from the scenario.

They do this for the enemy sets, and it makes it that bit quicker if you're wanting to play the OG version of a campaign instead of the Return to... version.

13 minutes ago, dysartes said:

I think the only thing I'd want them to tweak in the Return to... boxes is to include dividers to split the Return to... cards for a scenario away from the original cards from the scenario.

They do this for the enemy sets, and it makes it that bit quicker if you're wanting to play the OG version of a campaign instead of the Return to... version.

True. I'd also like tabbed dividers. These aren't great for reading what each one is, and they're hard to flip through.

1 minute ago, CSerpent said:

True. I'd also like tabbed dividers. These aren't great for reading what each one is, and they're hard to flip through.

Can't argue with that, though I'd say that's more of a factor for the enemy sets than the scenario sets.