Pilot skill race between cadets of the resistance

By dinobaldi, in X-Wing Battle Reports

During these forced holidays, we set up a race with some home rules:


5 X-Wing race against each others, all in base configuration.

The start line is set up in an abandoned village.


All the ships are modified with lasers that can disable the engines for two rounds when shields and hull reach zero.
After that the ship restart a full charge. Obstacles (mostly 3D printed) are like asteroids.

To increase the difficults for pilots, we add a training fake-imperial outpost:


The 4 turrets have 3 hull points, no shield.
They roll 2 attack dices, at distance 2 with no distance adjustments.

I race against my 3 sons and my wife, it was really fun and a bit less bloody as first experience to attract the wife and the my young daughter in the first X-Wing contact !