Questions/problems painting templates and tokens

By Skitch_, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

I purchased some curled paw templates and several sets of target tokens and have started to paint them to mixed results.

So far I've used only Vallejo brand acrylic paints - some Game Color and the metallic gold Model Air. I've had better results with the Game Color than the Model Air. I've been watering down the game color (2-3 drops of water per 5-6 drops of paint) to thin them out. I've sprayed the Model Air metallic through my airbrush with some airbrush thinner and also have tried just using a brush without thinning since they are already thin.

Strangely the Model Air paint is not sticking as well as the Game Color and seems to be gooping up a lot more than the Game Color, to the point that when I peel up the tape that comes on the Curled Paw templates/tokens a lot of the paint comes with it. This is the case whether through the the airbrush or paint brush.

Has anybody run into this situation? Any clue what may be causing the Model Air to be more and less sticky at the same time? Do you think it's specifically the (any) metallic color? The fact that it is Model Air and a different consistency/formula? No water to thin it out?

I may just water down the metallic paints as well going forward with the other tokens I have.

Maybe you need to lay down a bit of primer first? I would think you also wouldn't want it to be too watery as well.