Does anyone have a good paint color suggestion for Clone Troopers?

By Kingsguard, in Painting

I hate mixing paint so I'd really like to find a paint color that fits the skin tones of a clone trooper. All the usual "Flesh color" paints are too fair. I have brown paints but they aren't "Fleshy" enough.

Any suggestions?

Have you tried doing a traditional fair skin tone and then at the end using a flesh wash to try and darken it a bit?

1 hour ago, Atromix said:

Have you tried doing a traditional fair skin tone and then at the end using a flesh wash to try and darken it a bit?

Flesh wash? What's that?

1 hour ago, Kingsguard said:

Flesh wash? What's that?

Just any sort of Flesh-coloured wash/shade. I use Reikland Fleshshade from GW but I'm sure there are others out there.


I'll check that out then.

Was searching amazon and found a whole set of different shades of flesh tone Vallejo paints. I'ma try them out.

Bugmans glow is usually good to mix with, for all types of human skin. Blood flows beneath skin, which is largely translucent, so without a reddish base a lot of colours can look flat amd artificial. If I'm doing black skin I usually put some on the cheeks for example. Adding Seraphim Sepia could help get the Temuera Morrisson skin tone too