Iron sheathe fighting

By Nheko, in Rules Questions

Hi guys if a Wondering Blade (Path of the Waves) with preferred weapons swords character fights with a katana inside an iron sheathe (scabbard), like Nanashi from Sword of the Stranger, does fighting with his katana inside his scabbard counts as a sword for his school bonuses or not?

I'd allow it, though I don't know what stats I'd end up using, since the sheath stats are for using just the sheath on its own.

I suspect that strictly speaking it wouldn't count, though, so both interpretations are fine.

10 hours ago, Nheko said:

Hi guys if a Wondering Blade (Path of the Waves) with preferred weapons swords character fights with a katana inside an iron sheathe (scabbard),

Not really answering the question, as I don't have the Path of Waves yet, but!

At the indicated point in the text, I started cringing, thinking that "that would be really bad for the edge!"

Thanks I think I will use the sword category for attack and the iron sheathe for the damage.