Another Task Force game between @ArmadaMatt and myself on Vassal so he can refine his list. Below are the lists:
Name: Task Force Admonition
Assault: Surprise Attack
Defense: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation: Minefields
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Lando Calrissian (4)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (5)
• Admonition (8)
= 84 Points
CR90 Corvette A (44)
• Ezra Bridger (3)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
• Jaina's Light (2)
= 56 Points
CR90 Corvette A (44)
• Leia Organa (3)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
= 54 Points
= 0 Points
Total Points: 194
Name: Task Force Vanguard
Assault: Advanced Gunnery
Defense: Rift Ambush
Navigation: Doomed Station
Pelta Command Ship (60)
• Ray Antilles (7)
• Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
• Intensify Firepower! (6)
= 76 Points
Nebulon-B Support Refit (51)
• Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
• Spinal Armament (9)
• Vanguard (4)
• Gunnery Team (7)
= 74 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Ahsoka Tano (2)
• Comms Net (2)
• Bright Hope (2)
= 24 Points
• Green Squadron (12)
• A-wing Squadron (11)
= 23 Points
Total Points: 197
He had initiative and chose to be first player. He chose Doomed Station as the objective.
Deployment: After placing the Gravity Rift in the center, we scattered the other obstacles out and I placed the station on my side to the far right of the board. He deployed between the rift and the station while I lined up across from him. And I switched out one of Vanguard's braces for a redirect (after my opponent reminded me that I could... thanks!).
Round 1: We both charged forward towards the station. I moved the station Distance 1 closer to the Gravity Rift and picked up a Victory Token.
Round 2: Even though he was temporarily slowed by the Gravity Rift, he continued to charge forward and made a hard left turn with both Jaina's Light and Admonition , trying to get close to the station. Bright Hope activated the A-Wings for two hits against Jaina's Light , and then slowly moved forward to ram it. The Pelta and Vanguard got in position to attack as soon as his first ship activates. The station was unable to move and I picked up another victory token.
Round 3: After I trigger Intensity Firepower!, he activated his unnamed CR90 to get it away from my Pelta's double arc. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the angle to move away, so he ends up ramming Admonition and ends up in the exact same position. I again activated Bright Hope , the two A-Wings got two hits, and he again rammed Jaina's Light . Jaina's Light then activated and effortlessly destroyed Bright Hope , but not before discarding Ezra Bridger to move the station away from my ships. While the Pelta severely crippled his unnamed CR90, Vanguard finished off Jaina's Light and barely stayed out of Admonition's close range side arc. Admonition ended up on the station and gained him a Victory Token.
Round 4: Knowing that his CR90 was going to get destroyed either by Vanguard , my Pelta / A-Wings, or a Speed 2 or higher maneuver (he pulled a Ruptured Engine card the previous round and was within 1-2 of the Gravity Rift, so he couldn't reach the station and would be within medium range of both my ships and squadrons), he activated Admonition and attacked Vanguard's side arc. After getting only an accuracy and three hits, we moved and he conceded. Using our proposed Task Force tournament scoring system, the final score would be 260-68 (8-3, 192 MoV).
Thoughts: This was a fun game and Vanguard is one of my new favorite titles. @ArmadaMatt is going to tinker with his list a little after this, but aside from not having a plan with his vanilla CR90 (his words, not mine), he flew his ships very well. Admonition continues to be a beast in Task Force, as even engaging it feels like a waste of dice rolls. Doomed Station is a pretty fun objective too and I can't wait to use it when someone chooses it from my Task Force Interdictor fleet.
Hope you enjoyed the BATREP!