104th Wolfpack Sabre Tank Scheme

By GergRyPal, in Painting

I'm making a 104th Battalion Sabre Tank and I started with a large Wolf Pack insignia. I think it i got it to line up pretty darn well with the countours of the tank.

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My next step is painting up the rest of the tank, but I need to figure out a scheme. My initial thoughts are to paint the rest of it more like a standard GAR paint job. As if the 104th got it straight out of the factory than customized it by painting the huge wolf on it.

Any ideas for schemes or colors? Comments and suggestions are being solicited and will be greatly appreciated!

Edited by GergRyPal
updated title to reflect project status

Following a suggestion, I painted the tank using the colors from the Plo's Bros LAAT gunships and the more standard GAR pattern. Had to be careful getting it around the wolf's head, but it worked out well enough


Added some GAR transfers I had to make it look like it was official at one point


Painted the turrets to match the wolf's head when viewed from the side. I also added a space wolf head to the turret shielding and some pennants which help sell the motion of the active posing


Next up is weathering where the Plo's Bros color scheme will show up in scratches and chips through the wolf's head to sell it a little more. I also want to try to make the starboard stabilizer look like it just plowed through a rock spire as the tanks sped along
