Ryfterek's Minor Army of the Republic [16/05/20 - Captain Rex]

By Ryfterek, in Painting

"Hello there!"

~ Obi-Wan Kenobi

So, ever since the pandemic happened, my resolution to spend less money on plastic crack called X-wing went down the ventilation shaft. Or maybe it actually didn't - I found a new drug and it's called Legion now.

Truth be told, I was terrified the moment I've realised how tiny are these figures, actually. Never before in my life I've painted miniatures, except some fooling around my spaceships with some sharpies...

But, armed with some paints and masterful tutorials by sir @Sorastro , who I'd like to show greatest of gratitude for his online guidance, I went on working on my Republic minis.

Having worked on some first batch, I think I might be able to actually show to my FLGS' game night with no shame, maybe?

There's still lot to be done, as I want my troops to wear different Battalions' colours, and bases are yet to represent something... But there's 3 more groups like that to go and another Obi-Wan mini to spare, so C&C is very welcomed at this point!




As for the background, I'd like to - once more - make some hype for my GF's artwork done on my Feldherr Mini bag ! Can't wait till I'll be able to unload a whole bunch of clones to the battlefield from such a transport!

Edited by Ryfterek

Those look great!

You crushed it! That's a great start.

4 hours ago, Ryfterek said:

I want my troops to wear different Battalions' colours

While I totally get the urge to give each squad a different color, there is a certain impressive effect given by an army with a unified theme. You can still vary the markings, but maybe consider sticking to a certain color scheme for the bulk of your forces.

Edited by Contrapulator
1 hour ago, Contrapulator said:


While I totally get the urge to give each squad a different color, there is a certain impressive effect given by an army with a unified theme. You can still vary the markings, but maybe consider sticking to a certain color scheme for the bulk of your forces.

Your point is a valid one.

Yet, a problem arises and it's a serious one.

That would take picking just one of many great painting schemes out there.

I'm not sure I'm ready.

For somebody who has never painted miniatures in their life before, these are fantastic. I've been at it for 15 years and you're better than me!

1 hour ago, Jamburgin said:

For somebody who has never painted miniatures in their life before, these are fantastic. I've been at it for 15 years and you're better than me!

Thank you, that's something very encouraging to read!

great stuff

3 hours ago, Ryfterek said:

Your point is a valid one.

Yet, a problem arises and it's a serious one.

That would take picking just one of many great painting schemes out there.

I'm not sure I'm ready.

Oh yeah, I totally get that. Originally my stormtrooper squads were each a different color, but recently when touching them up I decided to make them all the same. My rebels are a total mishmash, though, and I love them that way.

15 hours ago, Contrapulator said:

Oh yeah, I totally get that. Originally my stormtrooper squads were each a different color, but recently when touching them up I decided to make them all the same. My rebels are a total mishmash, though, and I love them that way.

My take on the subject is that the standardised white armour of the Clones / Stormtroopers, as long as not overwhelmed with the extra markings, gives enough unity, while highlighting each unit with a distinct scheme is 1) fun, 2) helpful at playtime, because it's quite easy to tell who's with who.

"I'm Always First, Kid."

~ Captain Rex

And that being said, no wonder that Rex was the first unit after the spare Obi-Wan figure and some warmup clones I've put my paints on.

Gotta say, buying these I'd never have expected:

- How much fun it is to paint these tiny little things!

- That I'd be able to make fine details into something more than a shady blob of paint...

C&C always welcomed!







Rex looks great. And I love the Feldherr case in the background!