Pathfinders, panic and inspiration

By Gorgork, in Rules


I have a doubt about the rule of inspiration on Pao and panic with pathfinders. Let's say I have 4 suppression on them when I activate them.

First I can rally and roll my 4 dices, taking the "risk" of loosing 2+ suppression tokens which means I will loose one dice (or more) in armour save with their special rule "danger sense".

My other option is to keep the 4 suppression and just take one off with inspiration of Pao, and so keep my 3 additional dices with "danger sense" BUT :

-both inspiration and panic state that it is "after the rally step" but which occurs first ??

Thank you for your help 🙂

You misunderstood the inspire rule that is why you are confused:

After a unit with the inspire x keyword performs its “Rally” step, remove a total of up to x suppression tokens from other friendly units at range 1–2.
• A unit performs its “Rally” step even if it has no suppression tokens. RR, p. 48.

Pao can't remove supression from his own unit of pathfinders. So there is no timing problem during the rally step.

Edited by Staelwulf

Indeed!! Dont know why... i was playing it like this with Leia or Veers but I thought it was different for Pao xD

Thanks mate!

You're welcome. Glad I could help 😄

Also wanted to point out one thing:

5 hours ago, Gorgork said:

First I can rally and roll my 4 dices, taking the "risk" of loosing 2+ suppression tokens which means I will loose one dice (or more) in armour save with their special rule "danger sense".

With the danger sense keyword they don't have to remove their suppression if they dont want to at ANY time. They could rally, roll 4 blocks, and then only remove one. Page 33 of the rules reference says: "A unit that has the danger sense x keyword may choose how many of its suppression tokens to remove both during its “Rally” step and during the End Phase, as well as when another game effect or ability would remove its suppression tokens."

Ok thanks for thé information, i didnot noticed that !!