Late of the Rings - Podcast

By hellboyberry, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Good stuff! As I mentioned earlier in the thread, this was added to my podcast rotation, but I've been that far behind... I'm currently up to Episode 4, and it's reinvigorated my interest in the game. Cheers.

10 hours ago, icabod said:

Good stuff! As I mentioned earlier in the thread, this was added to my podcast rotation, but I've been that far behind... I'm currently up to Episode 4, and it's reinvigorated my interest in the game. Cheers.

Glad to hear you stuck with us (as with every podcast ever it does take a few episodes to get into its stride) and really happy to hear that you're getting back into this wonderful game!

Thanks a lot for listening, hope you enjoy catching up with our ramblings.

Edited by hellboyberry

Thanks for doing this. As a semi-new (one year) player who is trying to progress through the game in release order, I very much appreciate your podding to the same experience.

I might not have understood you correctly, or I am playing it wrong, but to my understanding there is an action window between staging and placing progress, the action window used for Faramir’s or Eowyn’s action or Cunning of Radagast etc.

1 hour ago, Fredmans74 said:

Thanks for doing this. As a semi-new (one year) player who is trying to progress through the game in release order, I very much appreciate your podding to the same experience.

I might not have understood you correctly, or I am playing it wrong, but to my understanding there is an action window between staging and placing progress, the action window used for Faramir’s or Eowyn’s action or Cunning of Radagast etc.

You are absolutely correct. In fact we recorded a new episode yesterday and I raised this very point.

As you will hear (once I get it edited!) the way Em played he did still technically lose the quest as he placed the progress tokens before claiming the objectives. Basically he forgot to use that action window you mention and during the recording we didn't spot the fact that he could have easily still won. I only picked up on it during the edit.

So in short; know that you are not playing it wrong and we highlight this in the next episode.

Thanks a lot for listening and I really hope you continue to enjoy the game and the cast.

There is an old saying that podcasts are like Hill Trolls, sometimes you can go for weeks without seeing a single one and other times just as you get past one... another one shows up right behind it!

That's right, Episode 11 of Late of the Rings is available now at all your favourite pod places.

Saddle up for a trip to Rohan as we delve into the Spirit sphere Player Cards from the first cycle. We hope you enjoy!

There's victory points in them there hills!

Episode 12 of Late of the Rings is now available to download or stream from all your favourite pod places.

We might not be able to pronounce it but we sure know how to talk about it... Our Shadows of Mirkwood adventures continue with The Hills of Emyn Muil.

We hope you enjoy!

Edited by hellboyberry

Just a quick update in case folks are waiting on the new episode...

Treachery and mounting threat has slowed our heroes progress during these trying times, but with increased power of will we can be sure to soon press onwards with our quest!

(In other words, we've been delayed in recording this month but hope to be back again very shortly!)