Temples and Castles for GM resources

By Ellahrairah, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

Have been going through my travel stuff lately and thought that some intrepid GMs may find these useful. After-all, reality is always a great start point for the fantastical. I will try to update as I come across more. Originally, I was just trying to upload the content directly to the thread, but I immediately exceeded what was allowable, so I made a OneNote link instead. I am a pretty low tech guy, so I hope it works.



PS. My scans seem to be a touch bulky, so for me at least, it took a second to load.

Edited by Ellahrairah

Nice. Thanks for them. Can you not upload one image per post at a time?

1 minute ago, neilcell said:

Nice. Thanks for them. Can you not upload one image per post at a time?

When I tried even one, it exceeded the limit. I am glad the One note thing worked though. I am sure that just the maps themselves would be handy. I have more, but some of them are just brief histories with no maps, so not really that useful I think.