Having read the rules a few times it is my understanding that vehicles/creature troopers receive cover in the same way as other unit types - If they are obscured when being viewed from the highest center point of the attacker's sculpt draw a line from base to base, if it intersects cover the defender gets that cover.
The exceptions to this being:
- Notched bases with a transparent stick are ignored when determining if a unit is obscured.
- Barricades only provide cover to non-creature troopers.
I currently think vehicles/creature troopers receive cover because I cannot find anything in the rules explicitly saying they do not, and in the cover rules it describes units receiving cover as 'units', not 'trooper units' etc.
Could someone confirm whether this is correct according to the latest official rules please? I've been teaching some friends Legion over Tabletop Simulator currently due to the lock-down and situations such as this AT-RT receiving heavy cover due to it being blocked by part of a building defined as heavy cover cause confusion and a little bit of frustration from them. The way I see it is that part of the vehicle is covered so it increases the chance that shots strike terrain instead of the unit when attacking, but they are imagining this means the AT-RT is effectively squatting behind the small section of wall.