Crab Clan 'Wins' the chance in front of the Emperor.

By Magnus Grendel, in Lore Discussion

Trying to find reference to this. I'm sure I recall reading this - maybe in an old Winter Court book? - A Crab Samurai has just won a contest (I think Sumai?) and is really proud, until a crane/scorpion courtier tells him the 'prize' is the chance to perform some complex traditional dance in front of the Emperor...

Can someone let me know where I'm looking for this?

Edited by Magnus Grendel

It's the tournament that led to the creation of the Badger clan I think, but yes, after sumai there is a traditionnal dance going (see book of water).

Which supplement? - I'm pretty sure I don't have the Book Of Water.

It was a start-of-chapter or sidebar fiction, I think.

I cannot find that reference to dancing in 4e's Book of Water, unfortunately.

And it doesn't seem to be the creation of the Badger either, at least not according to 1e's Way of the Minor Clans.

(Sorry, all I can do here is check references, I have no idea where this story might be from.)

Hello there,

Maybe the information that you’re looking for is on one the the previous edition of the game, like Way of the Minor Clans. See the wiki on the Badger Clan .

Okuma has been known as the Fortune of Documentation, so most likely when he comes back he will let you know the source.

It's definitely an older edition.

....found it. Ended up working back through my collection. As I thought, it was an old Winter Court book.

Specifically Winter Court: Kyuden Kakita.

Thanks for your help! Story below for your entertainment (Any suggestions I am planning to throw something similar at our group's resident Crab during Winter Court are purely baseless rumours...)

Hida Kuroda smiled throwing salt over each shoulder in the ritual of purification. Finally, here was a contest he could sink his teeth into! Maybe being banished to Kyuden Kakita for the winter wasn’t such a waste of time. He stepped into the circle, stomping his feet heavily onto the packed earth. Across the ring another large man wearing the loincloth of a sumai completed the same process Kuroda smiled grimly and bowed to his opponent. In the background Kuroda noticed Ichiro.

The pampered Crane courtier had made a game out of humiliating Kuroda since the Crab had arrived The first night, Ichiro tricked Kuroda into entering a poetry contest. The day after that, a young maiden enticed Kuroda to meet her in the gardens He ended up spending the rest of the day with the old women sculpting snow dragons. He later discovered that the maiden was one of Ichiro’s servants.

Now, the courtier simply stood back and smiled in a most unnerving manner, Kuroda pushed the thought out of his mind. This was sumai. Surely, even Kakita Ichiro couldn’t find a way to rob Kuroda of this victory.

And what a victory! Kuroda slammed one shoulder forward, forcing his opponent out of the ring in seconds. The courtiers applauded appreciatively. Even Kuroda’s opponent seemed impressed. The big Crab turned to Ichiro and sneered.

“There,” Kuroda snapped. "That is how we win a contest at Kyuden Hida.“

"I stand corrected.” Ichiro answered with a small smile. Fluttering a silken fan over his face, smiling at some joke that Kuroda obviously did not understand

"What?” Kuroda asked narrowing his eyes. ‘What is going on?”

A tall man in the golden-bronze ceremonial armor of the Imperial Guard stepped to the edge of the sumai ring. He bowed deeply to Kuroda and waited with infinite patience.

"Eh?” Kuroda asked “What do you want, Seppun?”

"You are the victor." The Koharu replied. "It is time for your reward. The Hantei awaits."

"The Hantei?" Kuroda laughed triumphantly. "This must be some prize!"

The Seppun looked momentarily confused. "Do you not k ow? The winner of the Sinai competition has the honour of performing the buguka for the Emperor."

Kuroda's jaw dropped in horror. "Buguka?" Kuroda asked. "A dance? I don't dance!"

Kakita Ichiro chuckled. "I suppose you shall learn. That is how we win a contest at Kyuden Kakita."

On 4/20/2020 at 3:28 PM, Nheko said:

Okuma has been known as the Fortune of Documentation, so most likely when he comes back he will let you know the source.

It's a bit overexagerated. I can recall most details of the background, but locations in books is harder...