Empire List

By shark1j, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Hi all, I am a huge Games Workshop fan and have been very faithful to them. I love the idea of space battles but its super hard to find a BFG game in my area. I am looking into getting into some Armada. Specifically Empire. I have some questions though...

1) how big are the games, point wise?

2) anyone have any sample lists for Empire?

3) is it hard to find games?

On 4/17/2020 at 4:18 AM, shark1j said:

Hi all, I am a huge Games Workshop fan and have been very faithful to them. I love the idea of space battles but its super hard to find a BFG game in my area. I am looking into getting into some Armada. Specifically Empire. I have some questions though...

1) how big are the games, point wise?

2) anyone have any sample lists for Empire?

3) is it hard to find games?

The official figure for a game is 400pts. That typically gives you a couple of large ships plus an escort, or half a dozen small ships, and some squadrons.

In reality you can play any size you like. 800pts works well. On the last one I played I had 9 ships including a pair of ISDs, and ten squadrons. That was about as much as I could comfortably handle, and the game took 5 hours.

There are lots of sample lists here in this subforum and there are programs that can let you create your fleet.

At the moment with lockdown a great many people are playing online using Tabletop Simulator or Vassal. Games are easy to find online. It's also a lot cheaper than buying the ships!