Painting bases and Pegs.

By LTuser, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Sure, we have the colored base/peg packs, (Red, blue, green, orange and purple), but has anyone (BESIDES ME) painted others???

I've got a group of 4 painted white (used white out!), black, sandy brown, and Gold.

I’ve painted mine with Tamiya’s clear Orange and Blue paints - making them look like those FFG’s colored pegs.

But one of the coolest bases I’ve seen live are these, take a look at the bases:

I’m guessing that it’s all airbrush (with black/blue/white), but maybe @Niinivaara can share his secrets..? 🤔

Edited by Jokkker

i just spray mine black - no one has ever said anything, plus they look cooler IMO lol

Right now, i am up to 4 bases silver, 4 gold, 4 green, 4 grey (Gun metal grey), 4 white, 4 black, 4 sandy yellow...