Tales from the Fringe Anthology PbP Recruitment

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Tales from the Fringe is an Edge of the Empire or sometimes Force and Destiny-style collection of short stories. Not quite one-shots, but generally short stories in three parts. Sometimes stories adapted from backstories of characters, sometimes fully original stories.

The idea is to have a rotating roster of 1-3 players, shifting every story, so there is no sort of long-term commitment for those of you who are interested, but don't think you can stick around for long.

The current storyline was put on hold due to circumstances, so in the meantime we're starting a new one: RO-0K (played by @RuusMarev ) is a droid courier who flies a modified HWK-290 along with his partner(s). This is where the recruitment part comes in.

We've got space for one, maybe two more characters, if anyone is interested. Character creation is pretty open ended right now, but no force users for this one. Starting at Heroic-level (150 bonus XP, 9,000 bonus credits), but no XP gains since it's such a short story. However, this character may make a reappearance in a future story Ruus and I have discussed, at which point there will be a time-jump and extra XP.

RO-0K the droid, and Rook the ship.

For future stories, suggestions and requests are recommended. I'm not up to running strictly social games, but I'm also not intending to run military stories here. I'll bump this whenever we start a new story.

Bumping this. Anyone interested? If no one is, we're going to start it on Friday.

I'm interested! If you still have a spot I will create a character and be ready Friday.

Edited by jhh3