Does Guri dream of electric sheep?

By Ryuneke, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I have only ever tried Fearless and Outmaneuver on my Fenns. And occasionally Predator. But I have never used him in a two-ship list. The only two-ship list I have ever really put any time into is Guri/Moralo. And I did use Lone Wolf on Moralo in that one for quite a while, until I stopped. I found that I was mostly using Lone Wolf on defense, where it is so much more likely that I would reroll a blank into a blank just based on the physical facts of the die. And that was only ever just a single die roll on a ship that is just plain expected to die. It didn't feel good. And I found that I was unable to use Lone Wolf rather frequently as well, as I was trying to trap my opponents between Moralo and Guri, trying to concentrate fire. I gave it up and put Intimidation on Moralo. That doesn't trigger often, but it has changed the way my opponents have been flying, forcing them to make suboptimal choices even when they didn't *really* need to.

In terms of Fenn, I think Fearless is the way to go. Every time. Lone Wolf, as you say, may trigger with fair regularity, given the way you fly, but has that probability of producing zero result. And Outmaneuver is so easy to turn off; turrets aren't uncommon. But Fearless is a guaranteed result, as long as you fly right. And further, you know you are going to lose Fenn. He is a glass cannon, a variance attractor. Keeping him cheap is the best policy, and Fearless is the cheapest of those options. Now, if only we put both Fearless and Predator on the Fang....

7th league game against 8 CIS Drones with Struts and Energy Shell Charges

Facing 8 ships is probably one of the worst matchups for my list. It's way more difficult playing against CIS than against 8 Tie/Fo's (or a different swarm) because they ignore rocks, shoot 3 dice at me and have a sheer unlimited amount of calculates to share.

My win condition is killing 3 Drones before Fenn dies. Then Guri can run away or kill a couple more before dropping down to half


Setup: He setup in the middle. I split my forces to make him a least think a bit...


Round 1: I wanted to go slow so I turned and barrel rolled both of my ships. The roger, roger menace approached slow as well.

Options: I could send Guri around the rocks to the right to get her into a flanking position. The problem with that: If I'm to slow he'll probably catches her and if I'm to fast he might get a shot next round. So I dialed in a 1 straight which gives me more options next round. Fenn will 1 turn again.


Round 2: The Drones continued with their slow approach.

Options: Fenn can 5 forward an pray or turn again. Guri can 4 forwards with some options beforehand. I decided to dial in a 3 bank. If the Drones turn toward Fenn she's in a good position. If the Drones go straight she can disengage.


Round 3: Guri had to disenagege without getting shot.

Options: I don't like Fenns position. I thought my opponent will do a move where he would have less options for next round. If I turn Fenn again he gets evaporated so I have to get into range 1 of at least one Drone, so 5 foward it is. Banking in is to risky because it can get blocked. Even if I don't like it but I have to turn Guri in as well. Disengaging all time doesn't get me anything. I have to do damage. And if all Drones fly towards Fenn, Guri will be in a good position.


Round 4: He split his forces...good move. Now both of my ships facing 4 enemies. Fenn boosted into range 1 and Guri rolled to dodge at least one arc. I dealt some damage to two Drones (Fenn has Fearless! Glad I took it). Fenn suffered two damage from two incoming enery shells. Guri dodged like crazy and only lost a single shield.

Options: Fenn can 3 forwards to avoid bumps and get into range 1 of something. Guri has a ton of options. I tinkered with the 1 turn to the right first. But if he places his Drones in the right spots, Guri ends up in a bad position. I dialed in a 3 bank to the right. I can barrel roll Guri to the left if I want to come around the rock in front of her or Guri can just execute the maneuver to get behind the Drones.


Round 5: Fenn's 3 bank was the right decision. He got into range 1 of one Drone. Again, Fearless helped a lot - BOOOM! Guris 3 bank landed in front of the exploding Drone. I used Afterburners to boost over the Drone to get behind the enemy formation. Fenn suffered one more damage and has 1hp left.

Options: I know Fenn will die next round so I don't have to disengage. I dialed in a 1 turn to the right even while he's stressed, I don't care. I want to do damage. Guri has a ton of options again. Thought about 3 banking to finish of pink but I was to scared about the Drones on the rock turning towards Guri and firing Energy Shells. So I dialed in the segnors loop to the right to avoid shots, stay out of the fight and get an Outmaneuver shot into brown.


Round 6: Fenn is a lucky bastard. He should have died here but both Drones only rolled one hit. The range 1 shot wasn't a problem for him because he's Fenn. Guri missed her shot as well.

Options: Fenn is still stressed and won't get a shot so 2 bank it is. Guri is not in the best position because she's stressed and the entire enemy list can turn towards her. The brown Drone next to Fenn is the problem because if she leaves the rock und barrel rolls to the right, she can block Guris 3 straight. A 1-2 bank to the left isn't as good as well because Guri will land in front of every single I have to take the risk going 3 straight and pray that brown will stay on the rock. If it works, Guri can use Afterburners to get into a good position.


Round 7: It worked. Guri used Afterburners and barrel rolled. A range 1 shot with Outmaneuver isn't something Drones like. (Compare this picture to the last one and look at Guris positions. It's rediculous. She basically moved 3 forward and 2-3 bases to the right.) Fenn bumped and should probably die again but still decided to dodge the incoming shots.

Options: I want to stay aggressive with Fenn. No disengaging; so the tallon roll it is. Guri can 1 turn to the left to keep up the pressure but again she will land in most firing arcs there. So I dialed in the 3 bank to the left to dodge some arcs.


Round 8: All the Drones turned towards Guri. I misjudged distances and bumped into the Drone. NOOOO! Fenn's tallon roll brought him behind the opponent ships-awesome! Guri killed blue. 4 Drones fired at Guri for 0 damage. My opponents dice were bad and mine were hot. Whats interesting: I ran the probability calculator to see what the expected damage would be. It's 0.29. That's not what I expected looking at the picture. But Guri's behind a rock against 4 incoming shots and double modded...

Options: Fenn can 2 turn to the left without getting blocked. Guri can segnors loop, 1 turn to the left with a barrel roll beforehand or 3 bank to the left. All options are reasonable and I wasn't sure what's the best move here becuase the Drones got lots of options as well.

Currently I am ahead on points and we're facing the last round so I think 3 banking with Guri is the save move.


Round 9: Guri rolled after her maneuver dodging whites firing arc. Fenn barrel rolled as well. Both Drones were already damaged.

Win 125 - 31


- Fenn Rau is the most unpredictable ship in the galaxy. There are games where he just dies from two shots and then there are games where he seems invulnerable. Fenn should have died in round 4 or 5 which would have swung the game in my opponents favor.
- I have no strategy playing against so many ships. I think if both of my ships survive the first 2 rounds of the engagement I have a chance. My dice helped me in this game but won't bail me always out.
- I don't know how to approach these kind of swarms. I really don't...
- I am happy with my Guri performance. I didn't do a major mistake with her. And Fenn...don't know what to do with him against 8 ships...
- Fearless helped me a lot here. Will stick with it.


Edited by Ryuneke

Wow. Just wow. I play both Scum and CIS. And I have played heavy Guri against CIS. Your win condition was accurate and reasonable, and your approach was solid. Your opponent's approach and decision to split the squad was spot on. In fact, if I had been the CIS player, I would likely have been too aggressive in that match and over-committed to Guri; props to opponent on his patience. This was a fantastic read.

Guri is a CIS swarm's nightmare. Her sheer maneuverability and the unpredictability of Advanced Sensors give her a power that no other ship can match, and with a little luck she can delete a Drone in a single shot. The other side of the coin is that multiple shots are Guri's nightmare. And there's where splitting the swarm may have been just ever so slightly less than optimal. However, as you recognized, Fenn should have died, and done so on the second turn of combat, allowing all the remaining Drones to build a net around Guri. If I were that CIS player, I would have been cursing my dice, loudly - I need to work on my patience, ha ha.

A pure Drone list is very much an alpha strike list. If they can't can't get a clear advantage by the second or maybe third round of combat, they've pretty much lost the game. So I would say you played this pretty much perfectly. AND had a ton of dice variance go your way, too. In my experience, this game should have been a 50/50, down-to-the-last-turn event; Fenn's survival is astonishing. But as you said, that's kind of Fenn's thing - he either dies tragically, or lives magically. Part of the strength of this kind of swarm is the flexibility it derives from having so many firing arcs. To a certain degree, it shuts down opposing strategies by virtue of denying safe places to practice any kind of strategy. So your approach, a slow-rolling bait and flank, was I think about as good as could be. In the same situation, I think you should probably consider this the correct approach again - it would give me as a CIS player trouble. Your opponent's decision to split his swarm at just the critical moment was both genius and suicide, given how the dice played out.

Looking again, the dice variance in turn 4, the first round of combat, was critical. And turn 5 sealed the deal. You opponent I think misplayed his left-most drones - I think he was expecting a hard disengage from Fenn and your aggression outfoxed him. In his place, and also expecting a disengage from Fenn, I would have let Fenn go and collapsed on Guri. Your scissor action in that turn was brilliant, especially given your opponent's choices. Just really cool to see played out.

This was an amazing write-up for me to read - from both sides of the table! Thank you.

I played at a TTS Tournament yesterday. 28 players were there playing 3 rounds of my favourite game. It was the first time I brought Guri/Fenn to a tournament.

Game 1 against LeHuse, Scorch, Longshot, Holo, Rivas (Do they even fit in a list? Wtf.)

My opponent split his forces and I had a really good approach with Guri while using Fenn as bait. Guri faced Scorch and Holo. Unfortunaltely the barrel roll I wanted to do clipped the rock by a millimeter (we had to use the magnifying glass). Guri stayed in front of both ships instead of arcdodging both. I was able to kill Holo with the help of Fenn but Guri dropped down to 2hp. Not the best start. I played super cagy with Guri and brought her in positions where she had to dodge only umodified shots, used Afterburners while stressed to suprise my opponent and keep her out of the action. Fenn killed LeHuse, dropped down to half as well. Scorch was the last ship on the board which survived. Win 178-90


Game 2 against Rose, Finn, Jessika Pava, Bastian, Res Sqdr. Expert (Do THEY even fit in a list? Whats going on here?)

5 ships again...

Guri took the flank, Fenn baited. It worked well until Fenn decided to just die where he shouldn't. But Fenn is Fenn and I am not mad about it. At least he dealt 5 damage to Bastian...
Guri faced two shots and blanked twice, dropping down to 2hp remaining. So it was a 2 health Guri against 4 fully operational ships and a 2 health Bastian. Guri shot 3 times at Bastian with Outmaneuver triggering and wasn't able to kill him. It was frustrating BUT Guri is Guri....and she started dancing. She danced around the opponent ships like she never did before. I think it was my best Guri performance since I played this ship. Guri killed Rose, Finn and Bastian died landing on a rock in the end 😅 . Jess got halfed and I was ahead 5 points.


The last round was incredible. Guri faced a range 1 shot from Jessika with only a single hp remaining. Jess had a single reroll and no focus. Guri should die there but Jessika rolled 3 blanks and a focus. For more then 25 minutes my dice were horrible but bailed me out in the last round. Win 130-125


Game 3 against Soontir, Vader, Duchess

You can watch this game on stream so I don't need to say much about it. Facing two I6's is tough so I played super aggressive and presented Guri as a juicy target what allowed Fenn to do what he wants because everyone wanted to see Guri dead.


- I'm super happy going 3-0 and making it into the cut. Yes, there's a top 4 cut
- a bad start with this list is not the end of the world. Both aces can win games by themselfes.
- Know your opponents win condition and adept to it. Game 3 was an example where it worked out. I know he wanted Guri so I tried putting her in positions where she's not completely out of the fight. This gave Fenn enough time to do the heavy lifting
- Keeping Fenn and Guri together against the imperial aces was the right decision because Fenn can help Guri against the I6's
- I segnors looped to often with Guri and found myself in a bad position for the upcoming round. Only segnors loop if it doesn't matter that Guri's stressed next round
- I finally accepted the fact the Fenn can die randomly. I was totally fine with it in the second game.


Edited by Ryuneke

Top 4 against 5xM3A's and 1xMining Guild Tie

This game got streamed so you can watch it if you like.


- Had a good start, especially with Fenn. Didn't see my opponents phenomenal block against him coming. 5 straight with Fenn would have been the right decision, though
- I'm happy with my Guri performance in this one. Did only one segnors loop which was the right decision
- Fearless on Fenn! This is the way! At least for me. This card helped me a lot in this tournament!
- Again, playing against 6 ships is tough but the moment where the swarm splits and 1-2 ships are down makes life easier. Get to this point without loosing Fenn is so difficult and I am still struggling flying him decent...

Edited by Ryuneke

Final against 2xT-70's (Heroic), Greer & Talli (Optics, Heroic, Crack Shot), Rose

Wow, what a list!? The Resistance can field so much good stuff atm. This list is a tough matchup because the A-Wings have a high time on target and they usually don't care about Concordia Faceoff. It's also a 5 ship list with lots of hitpoints, rerolls and/or green dice. The A-Wings are my primary targets.

Again, this match got streamed


- I am super happy winning this tournament facing lots of really good players and strong lists with 5+ ships most of the time (you can see all the lists here )
- I played really cagy in this match which was the right decision
- Setting up Fenn and Guri together helped dragging my opponents through the rocks and denying him escape routes
- My best Fenn Rau performance since I started playing this list. I played him really defensively, he only got 2 shots off but was always in a position where he could either turn in facing the opponent or disengage.
- Played Guri well but was a bit unlucky with her offensive and defensive rolls at the start of the game.
- The A-Wings didn't do as much as I thought they would.
- One of the few games where my opponent went after Guri right from the start. It's something I'm not used to and I have to learn countering it.

After 24 games and 24 battle reports I'm still enjoying every second flying this list. I never experienced anything like that in X-Wing.

Edited by Ryuneke

Played two games against Han Solo and two X Wings

Since I started playing this list I never faced such a brutal counter to Guri. Han had Seasoned Navigator so he was able to change his dial after Guri moved which allowed him to perfectly react on her position. I had a nearly full Guri against a 5 health Han in my first game and wasn’t able to win. So I went after Han in my second game first which is absolutely the right decision in this matchup. I traded Guri for Han and Fenn faced two X Wings. I won because Fenn is awesome. But

I tried this list for the first time yesterday against a janky imp list with 4 Reavers and force crew galore. Fenn had incredible red dice and Guri was not too shabby in the dice department either, but I still think I would have won with more average dice. I put Guri out to dry a couple of times (as judging distances and angles on TTS is hard), but she is just amazing. Every throw of green dice was a clench moment, but so much fun. I can't imagine how you've won so many games with it as you have to fly almost perfectly. Fearless on Fenn triggered 3 times, so I think that is the best bet.

Big ships with turrets and especially high I like Han sounds just terrifying against Fenn and Guri...I guess it is a case of dodging that pairing in a tournament.

Thanks for all the good bat reps- keep it going as I need to learn more from you :)

3 hours ago, Samurai33 said:

I tried this list for the first time yesterday against a janky imp list with 4 Reavers and force crew galore. Fenn had incredible red dice and Guri was not too shabby in the dice department either, but I still think I would have won with more average dice. I put Guri out to dry a couple of times (as judging distances and angles on TTS is hard), but she is just amazing. Every throw of green dice was a clench moment, but so much fun. I can't imagine how you've won so many games with it as you have to fly almost perfectly. Fearless on Fenn triggered 3 times, so I think that is the best bet.

Big ships with turrets and especially high I like Han sounds just terrifying against Fenn and Guri...I guess it is a case of dodging that pairing in a tournament.

Thanks for all the good bat reps- keep it going as I need to learn more from you :)

Thank you, too. I'm really happy if someone tries this list. You can watch the youtube videos if you like (it's german, though). Maybe start with the final because I think it's my best performance and I am really happy it got streamed. If you have any questions, you can ask me anytime!

Game 27 against Hatchetman (Vader, Vynder, Jendon)

There's only one thing to do in this matchup - kill Vader.

My opponent locked Fenn using Jendons ability. I played hyper aggressive trying to face Vader with both Guri und Fenn asap. It worked. Fenn jumped into range 1 dealing 3 damage to Vader. Fenn died one round later but was able to strip both shields from Vynder while Guri halfed him afterwards. Vader was stressed so his options for the upcoming round were limited.


So I dialed in a 1 forward instead of using a barrel roll to fly around the rock. Guri grabbed a lock and bumped into Vynder. Vader ended up in a bad spot where he couldn't escape.

I really like the Alpha-Class and how they fly. But they are no match for Guri because they're predictable and can't k-turn. Win 200-71


- I need more practice games against I6's
- Vader is managable for Guri if you force him to k-turn
- 3 ship lists are one of the best matchups you can get

Edited by Ryuneke

Got my second game in against Soontir, Vader, Fifth brother. 200-0. This list is just too much fun. I wanted to ask about bid. You run it at 179? Both my games have had adv proton on Fenn for 185 and both games saw it do lots of damage. Have you had any games where it was necessary to have a bid under 180? I can imagine a boba/Fenn list having a bid down to 182, but other than that..? I guess an argument could also be made to conserve points should Fenn die.

8 hours ago, Samurai33 said:

Got my second game in against Soontir, Vader, Fifth brother. 200-0. This list is just too much fun. I wanted to ask about bid. You run it at 179? Both my games have had adv proton on Fenn for 185 and both games saw it do lots of damage. Have you had any games where it was necessary to have a bid under 180? I can imagine a boba/Fenn list having a bid down to 182, but other than that..? I guess an argument could also be made to conserve points should Fenn die.

Well done! Winning against Imp. aces is super hard. One of the toughtest matchups you can get.

Yeah, I run the list at 179. With a 21 point bid I make absolutely sure to move last. With 185 you might get into trouble against some lists. But tbh, you move last in every game...

I am not using torps on Fenn because I usually have to boost into range 1 and/or just take a focus for defense. The other reason is that I want to win the points race. If Fenn dies and Guri gets halfed, my opponent only got 125 points destroyed. The torpedo gives my opponent another 6 points and I am probably not using the torpedo anyway.

Your MOV can be extremely high with this list. The final score often looks like you were beating your opponent ships to death without any effort.

Great writeup, loved the read and the nice visuals.

In summary: "Guri does not dream of electric sheep, she does infact dream of burning down the galaxy" 😄

I have played against Fenn+Guri (but not sure if the loadup were exacly the same as this list) in 2 different tournaments against with my seperatist swarm. I actually won both mathups, but only because the target priority is 100% Guri, you have to take her out first. She is the most manuverable of the two so you need the entire swarm to ensure a block on ALL of her possible manouvers. Once blocked she is trapped and will burn down fast. Fenn is a totally different ballgame his concordia is so nasty even in the blocking game.

1 hour ago, Sciencius said:

Great writeup, loved the read and the nice visuals.

In summary: "Guri does not dream of electric sheep, she does infact dream of burning down the galaxy" 😄

I have played against Fenn+Guri (but not sure if the loadup were exacly the same as this list) in 2 different tournaments against with my seperatist swarm. I actually won both mathups, but only because the target priority is 100% Guri, you have to take her out first. She is the most manuverable of the two so you need the entire swarm to ensure a block on ALL of her possible manouvers. Once blocked she is trapped and will burn down fast. Fenn is a totally different ballgame his concordia is so nasty even in the blocking game.

Separatist swarm is always my toughest matchup. Still don't know what to do against it. I have a BatRep. against one written here somewhere. I won that game but was really lucky.

Game 28 against Hatchetman (again)

My opponent wanted a rematch.


Round 1: I had this feeling that he will go after Guri this time so I dialed in a 1 straight. Better keeping it slow. Fenn can 2 forwards and see whats going on.


Round 2: I was right. Both locks on Guri. Vynder slammed so the 1 forward from Guri brought him into range 3 of her. With the lock she stripped the first shield off of him.

Options: Vader will most likely 2 or 3 turn to the right. But he has more options. he can disengage with a 5 forward or even turn towards Fenn. So I dialed in a 2 forward with Fenn which can't be blocked by Vader and it gives Fenn some options for next round. Vynder might turn or bank towards Guri. I dialed in the 3 bank to the right to get close to the rock while locking Vader. After lots of games with this list it's often the right decision dialing in a maneuver for Guri where she doesn't has to use Adv. Sensors first.


Round 3: Vader clipped the rock and I forgot locking him 😞 . Fenn barrel rolled and missed Vader. Guri dealt the first damage to him.

Options: I don't know if the 2 turn to the left for Fenn fits...So I dialed in a 2 straight to deal some damage to the shuttle. Vader will probably 4k. Vynder doesn't matter 😉 . Guri has a ton of options and I am still not sure whats the best one. She can barrel roll and sloop or turn towards Vynder...I dialed in a 2 straight to help Fenn against the Shuttle. The barrel roll afterwards gets her away from Vader and grants her a focus from the shuttle.


Round 4: ****! Jendon coordinated a focus to Vader who performed a tallon roll to the right. Then he used Afterburners and ended up right behind Guri. He rolled 4 hits of course because he's Vader and Guri lost 2 shields. I was able to deal 5 damage to the shuttle. Ah, and Vader lost his last shield flying over the asteroid.

Options: Vader is stressed and can't do much. The shuttle will stop and Vynder will turn in to get her torp off. So Fenn can 2 forward to deal more damage to the shuttle or even to Vader. Guris options are limited. I dialed in a 1 turn to the right to bump into Vynder after barrel rolling.


Round 5: It worked. Guri bumped and dodged the incoming shot. Fenn missed Vader. Don't know if it would have been better to unload into the Lambda here but Vader was at range 2...

Options: My opponent will switch targets most likely. Fenn doesn't want to get shot so 5 forward it is. All of his other options are to risky imo. Guri has only one valid options, I think: Barrel roll forward to the right and 1 turn to the left. I was sure the barrel roll fits. Guri will end up behind Vader and Vynder.


Round 6: Guri fits. Her shot brought Vader down to half. (Sorry, wrong animation. Vader lost his first hullpoint here). Vader and Vynder locked Fenn btw.

Options: Vader and Vynder will probably follow Fenn so the Mandalorian can 3 turn away. Guri can go straight to stay behind the enemy ships. I thought about 1 banking to the right if Vader tallon rolls to the right but because he has a lock on Fenn I kept the 2 straight...

Round 7: No photo, sorry. Vader tallon rolled to the right into range 1 of Guri. A really nice move by my opponent. With Vader force he was able to get 3 hits and Guri lost her last shield. Unfortunately for my opponent Vader and Vynder were in bad positions.


Round 8: Both of my ships ended up at range 1 of Vader. The dark lord rolled 4 hits against Fenn who blanked completely suffering a panicked pilot. Being super mad about that Fenn annihilated Vader.

Options: Vynder is predictable again. Guri can barrel roll to the right and bank to the left. Fenn is triple stressed and will die.


Round 9: Vynders first attack in the game. Guris attack brought him down to 2 remaining HP.

Options: Close your eyes and dial in something for Guri. Vynder can't do anything against her. 🙂


Round 11: BOOOOM. Win 200-71


- My opponent did a good job preventing damage from Vader and did two really good moves I didn't expect
- Even if Vynder didn't do anything in this game she is a huge threat you have to consider
- The obstacle field was to dense for Guri. That was my fault.
- I played well with Fenn. Blanking out against Vader is something that won't happen often (it's a 1,5% chance while having a 60% chance of taking no damage at all)

Great play. That move with Guri in turn 6 was brilliant and ballsy. I really thought Guri would have to disengage there due to being so “trapped” in the asteroid field.

Just want to report back after playing 3 small tournaments with 8,10 and 12 players attending.

I didn't take any pictures so I will just write a short roundup.

1st Tournament

1st match against Wedge, Braylen, Ten Numb, Jake

Wedge is the problem here so I traded Fenn for him and Jake. Guri against two B-Wings was easy. 200-71

2nd match against a Sear Swarm

Brutal matchup. I played super aggressive just throwing in Fenn and Guri from two different sides of the board. My opponent decided to go after Fenn who got evaporated but I killed two Drones. So Guri fought against the remaining list all by herself. It was one of my best Guri performances and she survived with 1hp remaining. Win 129-125

3rd match against 3 Silencers

I love 3 Silencers! Unfortunately it's a 3 ship list with no I6. Win 200-0

2nd Tournament

1st match against Obi, Plo, Ric

See game 3 of Tournament 1. Win 200-31

2nd match against Poe+3A

A hard matchup because Poe's an I6 and the A-Wings have an insane timo on target. I played super cagy and traded Fenn for Poe but lost some shields on Guri. I really struggled against the A-Wings but Guri refused to die because my green dice were hot. Win 141-125

3rd match against Rexler + 2 Phantoms (Juke party!!)

Fenn destroyed the Phantoms all by himself. I suprised my opponent playing really aggressive with him. Even if Defenders have 3 green dice + Focus/Evade, they don't like Outmaneuver. Win 200-31

I was shocked, winning 3 tournaments in a row but I have to admit that most of my matchups were very good and my dice were hot most of the time

3rd tournament

Played against the same two guys again...3 Silencers and Poe+3A.

I felt really bad especially against the 3 Silencers because there's nearly nothing he can do...200-0

The Poe+3A matchup went better this time but Fenn died again and Guri dropped down to half points. A-Wings don't like Outmaneuver as well. I dialed in fast maneuvers for Guri most of the time to either disengage or stay close to the A-Wings which was the right decision.

Played the last game against 4 M3a's and 2 Fangs. My opponent played this list for the first time. The good thing in this matchup is the fact that these ships don't have any turrets so it's easier for Guri to stay out of arc. I played really cagy, disenaging again and again. As the opponent ships had to split up, Fenn went in and set things on fire. After he died, Guri cleaned up. Win 144-71


- I played 4 tournaments with this list and won them all. Thats insane and amazing
- I want to play something else for some time and give Guri and Fenn a break
- After a lot of games I think it's one of the strongest lists out there
- What I really like about it: You can play it super aggressive and be successful and you can play it super cagy and win games!


"Thanks for reading!"

Edited by Ryuneke

Vs Jarek Yaeger + 3 A-Wings

Playing against Resistance A-Wings is tough because both Fenn and Guri don't like back-arcs much. Therefore I was really happy playing a game against them.

My strategy was to stay on the board edges with Fenn to avoid the overshoot while waiting for the right time to engage. In the meantime I used Guri as bait because she's able to arcdodge better.


After a couple of turns. You can see Guris position at the start of the round on the yellow square facing towards the middle of the board. What I learned when it comes to flying Guri is to dial in a maneuver Guri can execute without using her barrel roll before executing the maneuver. This gives you way more options. Of course there are certain rounds where you have to plan a maneuver using the barrel roll first. Because the A-Wings turned towards the middle (what I didn't expect them to do) Guri barrel rolled to the right and 3 banked towards Jarek (my buddy doesn't have a Fireball) who was cloaked.

Fenn dropped down to half and Guri lost two shields while all the A-Wings took same damage as well. Jarek died.


This round decided the game. Guri wasn't in the best spot so I dialed in a 3 straight to have the Afterburners option. Fortunately Guri ended up at range 1 of a damaged A-Wing. A-Wings hate Outmaneuver btw.


Two rounds later. Guris 1 turn to the right ended up right behind the A-Wing. Guri already had the lock so I tried the barrel roll the right knowing I can fail it and still get the focus. As you can see it's pretty close. Again: A-Wings don't like Outmaneuver. Especially against a fully modded 5 dice attack. Win 200-31


- A-Wings are tough but they have the problem of "only" rolling two dice so Guri won't get killed instantly
- Keeping Fenn out of the fight and avoid getting him in the middle of the board was the right decision
- If possible dial in a maneuver Guri can execute without using her barrel roll first

Edited by Ryuneke

Vs double Firespray (Emon, Boba)

This matchup is difficult. There are several problems facing this list: 1) the 3 dice back arc gives Guri & especially Fenn a hard time. 2) the Firespray is really fast because it has the boost option; combine this with 1) and you have a deadly ship. 3) bombs, bombs, bombs.

Because of that I had to change my strategy:

- Create a dense obstacle field, close as many lanes as possible to take away as many maneuvering options as possible. Unfortunately this comes at a cost. Guri doesn't like a tight obstacle field, either
- Fly super cagy and wait for the perfect moment to engage. Being to aggressive will result in a block, followed by a bomb and a dead Fenn

I setup Fenn and Guri close to each other to have the obstacle field between us.


Round 1: Fenn gets the flank. Guri will dance around in the corner. You can see that my opponent has to pass 3-4 rocks if he wants to attack Guri.

Options: Fenn 5 forwards because I want to split up. Guri will turn in having lots of options the upcoming round.


Round 3: After Emon dropped a bomb on the rock in the middle and both Firesprays turned towards Guri, she decided to disengage. Fenn turned in.

Options: Fenn can 5 forward again but I wasn't sure about that so I dialed in a 1 turn to the left. Guri can disengage again but I dialed in a 1 turn to the right. This allows Guri to get into the fight or stay outside of range 3 depending on what my opponent will do.

Round 4: Boba went 2 straight so Guri barrel rolled back/right and had an Outmaneuver shot into Boba. Guri rolled 2 hits and Boba lost his first shield.


Round 5: With both Firespray's engaging, Guri decided to disengage and acquiring a lock on Boba

Options: I wasn't sure what to do with Guri. The Firesprays can turn towards Guri, approach Fenn or split up. I dialed in the segnors loop to the right even if this was a risky move because Guri gets a stress token. Fenn can turn in which isn't a good idea. The 3 bank to the right is a save option. If Boba turns towards Guri, Fenn can put 5 dice into his flank. If Boba moves forward, Fenn can barrel roll to avoid shots.


Round 6: Guri used Afterburners and stripped 2 more shields off of Boba. Fenn barrel rolled.

Options: Here you can see why it's often not the best idea to stress Guri. She really hasn't many options. Non of them are good... Boba/Emon can turn in or away. Fenn can 1 turn facing Boba but this maneuver can get blocked if Boba turns in and boosts. So I dialed in a 3 bank to the right. This will give me rock protection and if Emon turns in, Fenn gets a range 1 shot.


Round 7: Both Firesprays turned in, Emon landed on the rock... Fenn rolled only 3 hits but Emon blanked. Guri lost her first shield.

Options: The next round will decide the game. Now you can see why Firesprays are so tough to deal with. Fenn can't bank/turn to the right because of bombs and his options to the left can get blocked by Emon. I decided to dial in a 1 turn to the left. If Fenn gets blocked he might stay at range 1 of Boba if the bounty hunter turns in. Because my opponent has so many good options it's basically a 50/50 chance what will happen. I don't want to disengage with Guri. She has to stay in the fight and deal some damage. I dialed in the 2 turn to the left and really wasn't sure about that, either.


Round 8: It worked. Emon boosted and Fenn landed right behind him. Guri barrel rolled but wasn't able to arcdodge Boba. Fenn rolled 1 hit and 4 eyes. I spent the focus because I want to kill Emon with Guris help. Outmaneuver is amazing and Emon goes BOOOM. Boba rolled 3 hits against Guri. The android then decided to roll natties :)

Options: Fenn turns away. Guri can 1 turn towards Boba with a ton of options to avoid getting shot.


Round 9: Boba tallon rolled. Guris move fit dealing the first damage card to Boba.

Options: Fenn will 2 turn and Guri 1 turn again. Even if Boba gets a shot on Guri she can take some damage.


Round 10: Boba 1 banks, no boost. Guri's torpedo decided his fate. Win 200-0

Conclusion :

- This game could have gone the other way. Round 8 was a 50/50. In a different universe, Fenn gets blocked and dies to bombs.
- The dense obstacle field was the right decision
- Being super cagy is the right strategy against this list. My opponent attacked 3 times in this match

Edited by Ryuneke

I met a couple of friends yesterday. We decided to play our league games.

9th League game against 4-Lom, Asajj, Lando, Autopilot Drone

I played against this list before . It's one of the hardest matchups I can get because 4-Lom and Asajj are dealing stress. Moreover 4-Lom denies range one which both of my aces want.

Strategy: Create a dense obstacle field and play super cagy. Force your opponent ships to split up and wait for the perfect engagement to kill 4-Lom in one round.


After a couple of rounds. Still not the right time to engage.

3 rounds later 4-Lom wasn't able to get rid of his stress and parked in front of the rock on the top left. Fenn stripped his shields the round before.


So Guri and Fenn approached and annihilated 4-Lom in one round. Fenn suffered 2 damage.

Now the sad thing begun:

Fenn was on the run. Asajj right behind him. We only had a couple of rounds left. Guri attacked Lando. So we calculated points and both of us came to the result that I am winning even if Fenn dies.


Guri stripped 3 shields off of Lando and the last round started. Because I was sure I am going to win I disenaged with Guri and parked Fenn at range 3 to Asajj with an obstacle between them. Asajj rolled 3 hits, Fenn did Fenn things and died (25% chance btw). Doesn't matter right? Still ahead on points! NO, of course not! We calculated again and I lost by 5 points. What did both of us do wrong? We had no idea. If I would have known that I am behind I would have attacked Lando with a torpedo. He only needed 3 more damage for half points. I am still really mad at myself. Loss 66-71

For real guys, use a calculator or yasb or the Highground App.

The worst thing is that I played really good. So losing because of such a mistake felt even worse.

10th league game against 3 T-65 Wings, 1 Y-Wing (Ion), 1 U-Wing

I didn't felt good going into this game after the first one so I started playing really bad, making mistakes I know I shouldn't do. I played to aggressive with Guri and brought her into bad positions. Fenn lost 1 hp early because I didn't disengage. My opponent played this really well creating lots of firing solutions. What made the game even worse was that my red dice were horrible. I really like Guri/Fenn as a two ship list because you usually don't have the problem of a low damage output. Guri has Outmaneuver and Fenn rolls 5 dice. This time I wasn't able to kill a frickin X-Wing. Fenn had 3 range 1 engagements and produced 4 hits. Guris Torpedo showed 1 hit after rerolling dice. I traded Fenn for one and a half X-Wing. Guri was already damaged (no shields). So she started dancing like she never did before. Dodging arcs and killing another X-Wing. A blank out with a direct hit following brought her down to 1hp. My opponent was going to win. I had to get half points on a X-Wing and kill the U-Wing. So Guri halfed the X-Wing and the last round started with 10 seconds on the clock. Guri approached the U-Wing like a fury. The rebel ship had 4 hp left and Guris shot was double modded. Guri rolled 4 hits. The U-Wing had only one die and blanked. Win 143-125


I never thought I am going to win this one.


- I don't know how to shake off bad results. I played so bad at the start of the second game because I can't get the first one out of my head...
- This game showed again what Guri can do and how awesome she is
- Play cagy against these kind of Rebel list and drag your opponent ships through the rocks. I played way to aggressive this time.

Enjoyable write-up ,thanks. Are you running Fenn with outmanouver still or did you change the EPT? I can't get my head around how you've lost like one match in 25 games. I mean the list is good (5-0 myself, not being able to play these last couple of weeks), but you seem to have really understood how to play it. Keep it up :)

38 minutes ago, Samurai33 said:

Enjoyable write-up ,thanks. Are you running Fenn with outmanouver still or did you change the EPT? I can't get my head around how you've lost like one match in 25 games. I mean the list is good (5-0 myself, not being able to play these last couple of weeks), but you seem to have really understood how to play it. Keep it up :)

I switched to Fearles a while ago. The reason for that is that most of my opponents went after Fenn first so he's on the run and can't use Outmaneuver. Most of the time Fenn then turns in facing the opponent ships where Fearless really helps. It also grants me a 21 pt. bid and Fenn gets cheaper. This can win you games as well.

I know I won lots of games with it (41 played so far with 5 loses) but I'm still making mistakes, especially with Fenn like in the second game yesterday. Improving my opening engagement is something I have to achieve.

And btw. the more matches I win the more uncertain I become playing it because I set myself under pressure. It's so hard for me to even make the decision playing this list...

Edited by Ryuneke

Yeah that self-pressure to keep up the winning streak is horrible. That's why I switch lists semi-often and just use the "good" list for competitions. Fearless on Fenn is my choice also. Could never get outmanouver to work on him. The second game mistake you describe is understandable- once you tilt due to a loss it takes a lot of mental energy to get back to neutral.

After not touching the list for 2 months I want to report back. I tried a couple of other lists. I am still in love with the triple Silencer archetype and the Nantex experiment was worth it. But now you'll start seeing Nantex everywhere because of their recent success. Because of that I won't put them on the table anymore because I don't like flying stuff everyone does.

I missed Guri and Fenn quite a bit so I decided to put it back on the table.

Played against Oicunn (with Sloane) and 3 Ini 1 Interceptors. I totally messed up and it felt like I never played this list before. I will take pictures of my upcoming games and hope I will do better.

I like the way you think. I play Corran a lot because nobody does. If he started to show up too much I’d probably leave him on the shelf. Not likely to be happenning soon though 😂 .

P.S. It would be nice to see you play the 6 ship nantex list with Fenn Guri...