Does Guri dream of electric sheep?

By Ryuneke, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I really want to get into something new. After playing Kylo + QD since the FO release it's time to put both pilots back into the shelf.

Flying only two aces is still the best feeling I can get out of this game, so I knew what my new Squad will be:

Fenn Rau (68)
Outmaneuver (6)

Guri (64)
Outmaneuver (6)
Advanced Sensors (10)
Adv. Proton Torpedoes (6)
Shield Upgrade (8)
Virago (8)
Afterburners (6)
Total: 182

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

It's PhilGC's beautiful Guri + Fenn list. I really want to get into it and fly it at least decent.



I always struggled with Quickdraw because her offensive output was to dice dependent. Fenn Rau makes up for that with his massive 5 dice gun combined with Outmaneuver. Guri is 108 points and pretty cheap for what you're getting ๐Ÿ™‚

Because of all tournaments were cancelled, my local community started an online league with 20 players. The league starts on Apirl 1st. My goal for the league is to finish 10-9 or 9-10. This is not easy to achieve though because the list is really difficult to fly and I have no experience flying Guri or even a Starviper.

Until league starts I have some days available for practice. I will try to post all of my games in this thread.

Edited by Ryuneke

Looking forward to this!

Game 1 against Nom-Lumb, Fenn Rau and 2 Zealous Recruits


My plan was to trade Fenn for Fenn. Then Guri can clean up.

I used my Fenn as bait so Guri could start flanking. I had Fenn in a pretty good spot where I had the chance to engage or disengane in the next round. Unfortunately his Fenn bumped in his own ship and ended up in a pretty good spot to threaten my Fenn; so I had to engage and ended up in bad spot for the next rounds. But the Mandalorian refused to die and only took 1 damage against Fenn and a Zealous Recruit at range 1 and Nom Lumb at range 2. Guri started the dance and killed a Fang fighter without getting shot. Guri is also really good at blocking (what you can see in the picture) while Fenn put 5 dice with Outmaneuver in a 2 hull Zealous Recruit.

I was really lucky. In a different universe Fenn died or at least dropped down to half. Nevertheless the list felt awesome. Especially Guri, she's a beast.

Game 2 against Lando, Jake, 2x I2 X-Wings


Killing Lando asap - that was my gameplan. So I disengaged with Fenn again and again while none of his ships get a shot. Unfortunately I misjudged distances because I thought I can get Guri into range 1 of Lando with a lock to then get a focus token for a double modded Adv. Proton Torp. (see picture). But I ended up in range 2 with no defensive mods. Lando rolled 3 hits and Guri decided to blank... A couple of rounds later she used her Torp. to kill a X-Wing. Lando shoots at Guri with no mods for hit,hit,crit while Guri decided to blank again with a focus token available. Fenn turned into the fight, dealing heavy damage to another X-Wing and suffered 3 damage as well. With both of my aces being at one health I had an uphill battle to fight. One round later I overcommitted with Guri and she died. Fenn was all by himself against 3 ships. I started playing super aggressive and finished off Lando with a range 3 shot without mods. The X-Wing died on a rock as he suffered a direct hit...lucky me! Jake might be really maneuverable but he has no chance against Fenn.

One of the craziest games I played ever. Should have played Guri much more carefull. She still can die really fast. Fenn was the real star in this one.

Game 3 against Asajj, Han, I4 Fang


Long story short: I played super bad with Guri. Played to aggressive at the beginning. Missed a shot by an inch. My biggest mistake was as I had the opportunity to disengage with her, to turn in with a barrel roll instead (see picture) just to get a shot. I forgot about Asajj's ablilty and that she had 4-Lom Crew as well. Guri lost all of her shields and suffered a crit. Two rounds later she died and Fenn was all by himself (again). Against three healthy ships I conceded.

I was really mad at myself because I played so bad.

Game 4 against the same list (rematch)


I didn't want to end my day like that so we played a rematch. I played way more careful this time, keeping as much maneuver options open for Guri as possible. Fenn had a r1 outmaneuver shot into Han at the beginning of the game. Fenn decided to roll 3 hits and 2 crits. I finally played Guri well, engaged and disengaged at the right time without forcing shots. I didn't get shot much in this game and won 200-0 with Fenn only took one damage.

Major lessons:

- Be super patient
- disengage with Guri more often if you're not absolutely sure you won't take much shots
- playing Fenn right is the difficult part because he has to do some work
- super Guri is stronger than super Kylo because she has better maneuver options, can hit harder and is cheaper

Flying this is a dream. Can't wait to play this list again. Thanks PhilGC!!!!!

Edited by Ryuneke

Someday I will have the courage to try this list. I do like me some Guri/Moralo, though.

Game 5 against Vonreg, Quickdraw, Blackout

The last practice game before league starts.

Playing with Guri against two I6 Pilots could be difficult. So I used Guri as bait because she is able to get into positions where even an I6 flying after her can't end up in. He set up Blackout in the middle of the board while both of his aces started on the side facing Guri. Fenn took the long flank. Blackout 5 forwards into the middle of the board and Guri disengaged. All of his Aces came in very fast towards Guri as well. Fenn 5 forwards as well and already ends up in a good position for the next round to threaten the whole enemy formation. Guri continues to disengage and ended up in a position where Blackout had to decide to either continue following Guri or turn in facing Fenn. He pursued Guri. But the Android was able to arcodge him for a r1 outmaneuver shot for two damage. Vonreg came in as well and had a double modded range 3 shot into Guri which she dodged. Quickdraw did the right decision and threatens Fenn. I did not shoot at QD here because it was to risky for Fenn. If I'm going to shoot at QD I want to strip all of her shields in one round.


Looking at the picture Guri is in a pretty good spot to perform a segnors loop to the left. No matter what Vonreg will do, he won't get a shot on her. So he ended up next to her without any options. Meanwhile Fenn started an apporach from behind leaving QD behind. With Guri and the Baron being next to each other I dialed in a 1 straight with Guri to hopefully get a block on Vonreg. With a 1 turn he bumped into Guri. Vonreg and Fenn traded shots where both aces suffered a single damage.

Now Vonreg was in an excellent position to block Fenn with Blackout following from behind. Guri segnor loops again and missed the shot at Blackout by a millimeter. I dialed in a 2 bank with Fenn. My opponent performed an excellent move I didn't expect... a 5k with Vonreg to get a really good shot a Fenn. Unfortunately for Vonreg, Fenn's 2 bank with a barrel roll got him into this position:


Fenn rolled 5 hits and Vonreg died. Two rounds later Blackout decided to blank against Fenn drawing a Fuel Leak with a direct hit following up...BOOOM! Game!

It was a good game and I was happy with my performance. I only took one damage but have to admit that my red and green dice were super hot.

I haven't thought the practice will went so well. League's starting soon and these games are a different caliber because everyone is playing more seriously.

See you soon!

Edited by Ryuneke

Game 6 against 8 Sep. Drones with Energy Shells

Now that's really the last pre-season game...for sure ๐Ÿ˜‰

I don't like playing against such lists because a) I'm not good at it b) it ends up in a big bump festival and c) those games always feels sooooo long because setting dials and executing maneuvers takes forever.

So my game plan was to trade Fenn for 3 drones and force the list to use most of their Energy Shells on him. Guri is able to deal with 5 of these guys if she's in a knife fight. So I held Guri back and put Fenn in the to do damage and draw all the attention. It worked out and Fenn refused to die round after round. My opponent had some really bad results on his reds. Fenn evaded shot after shot but wasn't able to deal much damage in return. As he finally went down I managed to kill 2 drones and half another one. I was behind by a couple of points and we had only one round to play with Guri in an excellent position to half another drone without getting shot much. The other good thing was that Guri had taken only a single hit.


This picture is showing the last round after everything moved. All the Drones missed Guri while she puts 2 damage into the Drone. We took out our calculators and I managed to win by 3 points - 77-74

Like I mentioned before I am not a fan flying against stuff like that. If Fenn would have died earlier (what he should) I might have lost this one.

Edited by Ryuneke

1st league game against Hera, Luke, Jake

Seeing Hera with Saw crew across the table is always threatening. My game plan was to go after Luke first starting with slow maneuvers.


The boardstate after a couple of rounds. Luke decided to blank against Guri and lost two shields already ๐Ÿ˜ž . Guri is in an excellent position next round for a 4 straight having all the barrel roll options available.


Hera bumped and Luke 4k's. Fenn disengaged again to avoid getting shot from Hera. Guri's move fit perfectly for a range one outmaneuver shot at Luke.


Luke went 1s and Guri flew behind the Jedi getting double mods for her Adv. Prot. Torpedos. Hera's 4k didn't fit so se bumped into Jake. If this move would have fit Fenn would have been in a world of pain. I was lucky and Fenn boosted into range 1 of Hera.


A few rounds later I continued attacking Hera who had 3 health left afterwards.


Fenn tracked down Hera while Guri started to focus on Jake with a segnors loop to the right.


The last round of the game...

That was suprising. I won the first league game 200-0. I was really lucky because two of my opponents moves resulted in a bump so he hadn't had the oppotunity to shoot.

After 7 games with this list every Fenn maneuver still feels super uncertain and scary. Nevertheless I played a decent game without much mistakes.

Edited by Ryuneke

Game 8 against 3 Auzitucks and Roark Garnet

My opponent wanted to try out the Auzitucks. Playing against ships with 180 degree arcs is a tough matchup for my list.

He setup his ships in formation while I setup Guri on the opposite site using her as bait while Fenn got the flank.


The round before I took this picture I parked Guri behind the gas cloud where she was save. My opponent split up to threaten Fenn a bit. The Mandalorian came in and stripped both shields from the yellow Auzituck. Guri barrel rolled to the right and 3 straight next to the green Auzituck, stripping both shields while she lost her first shield in return as well. I was really scared to dial in the one turn to the left with Guri because it could be blocked easily by the Auzituck with a 0 stop maneuver.


So I dialed in the segnors loop for a range 2 outmaneuver shot. Meanwhile Fenn turned away.


The green Auzituck 3 banks towards Fenn which I think was a mistake because that move got Fenn into range 1. Both aces killed the Auzituck while Fenn's green dice held up.


Fenn disengaged and won't be seen again while Guri started following the formation. Both Roark and Guri decided to blank here.


The next round. I misjudged distances a little bit: I dialed in a 3 straight followed by an Afterburners charge to the barrel roll. Unfortunately Guri still ended up in Roarks turret arc. A 4 straight would have been better. So it was fair that Guri lost her last shield. Only one hull point before my opponent gets half points for her.


Two rounds later Guri was still behind the formation but was unable to hit Roark. Before the barrel roll Guri was at range one of the HWK with the opportunity to shoot her Adv. Proton Torp. Roark had 3 hull left. I was to scared taking that shot. If Guri was unable to kill him, she could easily give up half points. (btw. the probabilty calculator shows 3.4 expected hits ๐Ÿ˜ฒ )


The last round. Roark wanted to surprise Guri so he two turned towards her. I dialed in a one bank which fit nicely next to Roark dodging all the arcs. Furthermore Guri got a Adv. Proton Torpedo shot with Outmaneuver into the Auzituck bringing it down to half points. 66-0

This game could have easily gone the other way. Loosing half on Guri would have been a big deal. Fenn's impact on that game was huge. Although he had only two rounds of shooting, he dealt lots of damage giving Guri the opportunity to kill or severely damage an Auzituck.

Edited by Ryuneke

2nd league game against Sabacc, Fith Brother, Seventh Sister and Jendon

The list my opponent created is soooo strong. Setting up locks for all three ships with Jendon + Homing missiles on both Inquisitors is a blast.

I forgot taking pictures but my opponent did ๐Ÿ™‚ (Thanks for sending me the pictures afterwards!!)

I split my ships as usual using Guri as bait. As I saw he's turning towards Fenn's site of the board without much options to threaten Guri the next round I sent Guri forward.


Guri is behind the formation while Fenn is turning away. What I should have done next is to 5 straight Fenn away from the fight. But I decided to turn him in with a 3 turn to the left thinking I will clear the rock with a straight boost. BUT I ended up to close to the rock being unable to boost. Fenn shot once and then get critted to death by Fith Brother. My dice were bad, that crits were bad, I flew bad (most importantly)!

So it was Guri against the world.


A couple of rounds later I was super lucky initiative killing the Seventh Sister which brought back some hope. In the next round Guri ended up behind 5th Brohter for a range one outmaneuver shot stripping a shield. Two rounds later Guri used her Proton Torp to get rid off the Inquisitor. But this came at a price. Sabacc had a range one shot into Guri. He rolled 5 hits. Guri evaded two hits and stayed alive with two hull points left. Lucky me!


The decision! Sabacc had two hull left. Guri rolled 3 natural hits and Sabacc's dice only showed one evade.

After Sabacc's death I felt a bit more relaxed. But I still played really cautious against the shuttle because a two hull Guri can die pretty fast. I miscalculated one maneuver and ended up at range 3 behind the shuttle. Guri's greens saved the day. A couple of rounds later the shuttle explodes. 200 - 128

The most intense game I had for a long time. Variance had a huge impact here.

But omg, Guri is such a beast! I love her.

Imo I played the best game with Guri since I started playing this list. On the other hand I really sucked at playing Fenn.

Edited by Ryuneke

3rd league game against Broadside, Obi-Wan (CLT) and 2 Arcs

Facing ships with multiple firing arcs is hard to deal with so I was a bit concerned.


Thats the setup. Approach slow to see what happens. I really wanted to kill Broadside first because he was the most expensive and threatening ship in his list.


Two turns later. I sent Guri in the middle of the board trying to draw the whole formation into the obstacle field. It worked out. Fenn had the opportunity to get a decent flanking position, stripping the first shield of Obi-Wan. Guri disengaged. Fenn is now in a good position for a 2 forward to get another shot at the Y-Wing.


Fenn rolled 5 hits and dodged all the incoming fire. Meanwhile Guri 3 banked and barrel rolled out. Now Guri is finally in a good position to engage without getting shot back.

But Fenn is not in the best spot. Broadside had Bombs so I decided to dial in a 2 turn away from the enemy ships with the option to barrel roll behind the Gas Cloud to dodge some arcs.


Fenns move worked out. He only suffered a single damage from Broadside and most importantly didn't become ionized. Guri 3 banked and used an Afterburners charge afterwards. The android locked Broadside and brought him down to two remaining hull points.

Guri has a ton of options next round. I dialed in a two straight. This allows Guri to approach the Arc if it doesn't k-turns or to execute the maneuver and barrel roll behind the Gas Cloud.


So Guri rolled behind the Gas Cloud, stripping all the shields from the Arc. Fenn did the obvious move. Obi-Wans shot at range 3 through the cloud didn't do anything.

Guri was not in the best spot there because lots of her barrel roll options were blocked. However Obi was in a bad spot as well because he either had to block Fenn or disengage to avoid getting shot. I dialed in a 4 straight for Guri. This allwos me to use Afterburners afterwards to get into range 1 of Obi-Wan.


I was really happy because it worked. Guri rolled 3 hits and a crit. Obi-Wan dodged two hits but suffered a direct hit. Killing Obi-Wan there was huge.


Both of my ships did the one turn. Guri barrel rolled afterwards and dealt the killing blow to Broadside.


I dialed in fast maneuvers to get close to the Arc. Luckily Fenn dodged the second arc and only got shot by a single attack. Fenn did Fenn things and evaded the range one shot.

Now the Republic ships haven't had much options. So I decided to disengage with Fenn and turn Guri in to hopefully get into range one for a double modded Torpedo.


Guri rolled 3 hits and 2 crits but wasn't able to kill the Arc. The other Arc shot at Fenn which dodged again.

Again Guri had lots of options for the next round.


I decided to dial in a segnors loop. Boosting before executing the maneuver got Guri out of every firing arc. Guri rolled 3 natural hits - BOOOM!

We played two more rounds until time got called. Win 177-0


- I was really happy winning this because I wasn't sure how to approach this list at the start of the game.

- For the first time I was satisfied with my Fenn Rau performance

- Imo the key to victory was to fly Guri over the cloud to kill Obi-Wan.

Edited by Ryuneke

Game 11 against Sabacc, Fith Brother, Seventh Sister and Jendon (rematch)

Played against the same guy I had the league game lately. I was pretty tired so I tried a different strategy with Guri...being more aggressive.




Two round later. Guri's on the run while Fenn's trying to get into a flanking position. My opponent put all locks on Guri but I had a feeling that he will change targets to Fenn soon.


I was right. Both Inquisitors locked Fenn. Now I had to make two big decisons: Turn Guri in with a one turn to the left or go fast with a three bank? Hard one to the left with Fenn or bank him in? Because the red Inquisitor couldn't go straight I dialed in the turn maneuver on Fenns dial. I caught my opponent by surprise dodging all the Inquisitors arcs with Fenn. Only Sabacc was facing Fenn. Unfortunately for the Striker both of my aces had a shot at him dealing two points of damage which turned off his ability.


I did not disengage with Guri. She stayed in the fight firing an adv. proton torp. into Sabacc...BOOM! Fenn rolled into range one of Fith Brother dodging the incoming shot. I was really happy with my performance until that round. Haven't done a single mistake, suffered no damage, destroyed one ship. Time to switch off myy brain!


I wanted to be super clever so I dialed in the two turn to the left with Fenn. Of course the Inquisitor landed there so Fenn got blocked and suffered a Fuel Leak. Baniking there would have been the right move... Meanwhile Guri got angry stripping both shields from Seventh Sister.


Another brain fart! I thought Fenn is still stressed so I bumped again instead of 3 turning away...What am I doing?? Fith Brothers Homing Missile did the rest.

Guri suffered two damage as well but was able to damage the Seventh Sister who now had only one hullpoint left.


The next round and I still played Guri super aggressive. Grabbed a calculate with Adv. Sensors to then perform a segnors loop and use Guris Ability to get a focus token. I love that ship so much! The best part: Guri rolled three hits against Seventh Sister!

Nevertheless Guri ended up in a bad spot for the upcoming round. She bumped into the shuttle while 5th Bro dealt two points of damage to her bringing her down to half. Now I had to kill something to win.


So Guri continued dancing dealing lots of damage to the shuttle.

Playing her so aggressive was really scary but rewarding at the same time. She ended up double modded pretty often but had to dodge more shots here and there that I wanted her to do. Luckily for me my green dice didn't fail me.


5th Bro 4k'd so Guri grabbed a lock on him for later. I only needed a single hit on the shuttle with a focus token available. The dice showed three blanks and an eye. Lucky me!


Two rounds later.

So we had the same score as we had in our league game: 200 - 128


- I had a good start with a strong opening engagement but stopped playing decent X-Wing after that. Don't know why... Staying focused for 75 minutes is so important in this game.

- It was a ton of fun playing Guri so aggressive but really scary at the same time. If my greens would have failed me once...don't know if I would have won this one. Because of that I will stick to my old battle plan: Flying her super cagy.

- I can't recommend enough trying out this list. It's so much fun! The most fun I had in X-Wing since I am started playing it.

Game 12 - A lesson learned against Asajj, 4Lom, Lando, Autopilot Drone

After so many successful games I really needed this game.

This match showed me that making a single mistake with this list will inevitable result in a loss. Therefore I only need to show you one single picture.


I lost that match on round three. As you can see Fenn is in a good position to hurt 4-Lom. Guri is also in a good position with lots of options. I dialed in a 3 straight. Asajj flew a 1 straight. 4-Lom and Lando banked. The right move I should have done with Guri there is executing the maneuver and roll behind the debris. There she is in an excellent position for the upcoming round because the enemy forces need to turn facing the obstacle field + Guri has options getting behind the formation or just savely run away while Fenn is threatening from behind.

What I did instead was a boost towards Asajj to then perform the 3 straight to get Guri into the fight. The only decent thing was a shot at 4Lom. But Guri ended up in a terrible spot without any good options because Asajj, asteroids and debris were blocking all the barrel roll options.

The next round I forgot about Asajj's ability. She stressed Guri and the game went downhill faster and faster.

Guri died and I only killed the Autopilot Drone.

Major lessons:

- Turn 0: Creating a dense obstacle field is not what I want for Guri. I really struggled maneuvering her through the obstacles because they blocked so many options

- Stick to your rules: In the last battle report I wrote that I have to play Guri patient and cagy. In this game I did the exact opposite and got punished.

- If you know what the right move is, do it. Don't try to be super clever trying to suprise your opponent.

- Read your opponent list. Then read it again.

- If you win multiple times with a list you're not a pro with it. I was really careless in this game, thinking it'll be an easy win...

Like I said at the beginning I really needed that loss . I learned more from it and about myself than I did of the games before.

Game 13 against two I3 Supernatural Inquisitors and a couple of Tie's

First game after lockdown. It was a good feeling touching the ships again and moving them across the table.

I played Guri very cagy this time with lots of maneuvering options most of the time. My opponent went after Fenn being super aggressive. So the Mandalorian was on the run right from the start. While Fenn was dodging arcs and shots Guri sneaked behind the formation, dealing damage and destroying Tie's. This game showed me how beautiful the bait & switch strategy is. While one of the Aces drawing all the attention, the other Ace starts doing the damage. Fenn suffered only one damage while running away.


Fenn is on the left here. I dialed in a one turn to the right landing right in front of Mauler Mither. Fenn rolled 3 hits and two focus symbols. I kept the focus. Mauler rolled three natural evades and four natural hits against Fenn. The Mandalorian blanked on four dice ๐Ÿ˜ž and died (probality calculator says it's a chance of 0.0062 for Fenn to die here). If you play Fenn Rau you have to live with such outcomes.


Guri was up against three ships. Two of them where Tie Fighters. An endgame Guri loves. Win

Game 14 against Poe + Rey

My opponent is playing this list for a while and was pretty successful with it. BB-8 Poe is a big threat to Grui so I tried to avoid Poe at the beginning of the game.

Setup was key to this one because Guri and Fenn were able to attack Rey from two angles. Fenn bumped into her while Guri shot her fully modded torpedo with Outmaneuver being online into Rey for 5 damage. Poe joined the party and stripped two shields from Guri. I changed targets and went after Poe. Even if an i6 Pilot is flying after Guri she's still a beast because you know which options the I6 has. So you can dial in some strange barrel roll into segnors loop maneuver or stuff like that. I love it.


Because Rey's on a large base she's pretty fast and had to disengage. Changing targets was the right decision. Poe had only 4 hull points left and got outmaneuvered twice. Win


- I was pretty happy with the result because I played decent.

- Playing against a single I6 Pilot is doable with Guri but I might struggle against two I6's.

- I need to get better with my bait and switch strategy. In the first game of the evening Fenn had only a single shot before he died. He needs to do more damage even if his part of the game was just to buy enough time for Guri to do the heavy lifting.

4th league match - The most important game (against Torani, Sunny, Cartel Spacer, Unkar, Zuvio)

I forgot taking pictures. Well, not quite, but I only took three and those were pretty bad...

What Guri+Fenn don't like are any kind of control elements like stress, tractor or bombs. Playing against i6's is tough but doable because Guri can outmaneuver them. Even a large base with a wide firing arc isn't a bad matchup per se.

I deployed Fenn on the right and Guri close to him. The M3A's setup in the middle with one Quadjumper. Torani and Unkar setup on my opponents right side of the board. I wanted to kill Torani first but in round 3 (I guess) I did one mistake which basically decided the game early on. After Fenn and Guri switched places I moved Guri a bit to fast along the right side of the board. She was unable to threaten Torani there (because of a rock being in the way) who came in from the left side. So Guri was locked into going straight withtout producing any threat while Fenn was all by himself. Fenn bumbed into Torani (it was really close) and had to run away from here. After that I played to cagy. I should have taken more risks. So both of my aces got cornered, I did another mistake with Fenn (instead of dialing in a 5 forward I banked him in) and he got critted to death (the 3rd time). Guri all by herself wasn't able to do anything, especially against the permanent threat of the Quadjumpers. Loss 200-28

Conclusion: I learned a lot and still got lots of questions

- my opponent played a nearly flawless game controlling the middle of the board and denying engagements
- it is so tough playing against Quadjumpers with this list. Even if it was the first time flying my list against such an archetype I never felt in control because I always had to take into account where those Quadjumpers can go to tractor my ships.
- the most difficult thing flying this list is to know when to engage with Fenn and Guri and when to take risks. There is a fine line between playing to cagy and being to aggressive with her. With 7 total hitpoints she can take a couple of shots but still...
- I should start planning ahead 2-3 turns with Guri
- One major flaw in my game was that I moved Guri to fast. I dialed in 3-4 speed maneuvers most of the time what I souldn't have done. If I would have flown her slower at the beginning I would have had the opportunity to really hurt Torani early on.
- Trading Fenn for Torani would have been wise. Torani is the big gun and I think Guri has a decent chance against the other ships.

I really should have taken more risks here. To know when and where to take them is the toughest part flying these ships. Mastering this is my intention. So there is still a long way to go with lots of lessons to learn.

Yeah, two ship lists really do hate control lists. I ran into an Ion Control Battery C-ROC/Nantex list with Guri yesterday. Guri didn't want to danve with the Nantex, or so I thought. But I couldn't get close enough to hit the C-ROC before it ionized her. And that was the end of her. And while the rest of my list struggled to take down the C-ROC and free up Guri , the Nantex just nailed my non-Guri elements. Two games in a row, with completely different deployment and approach vectors. Ionized Guri is **really** sad.

I keep thinking back to when we could play out in the real world. There was one guy at the store who fell in love with the Jedi, and would run two-ship Super-Jedi lists. Games frequently went to time, with his ships completely untouched, and him scoring half of one or maybe two of his opponent's ships. Super frustrating to play against. Guri and Fenn have some parallel, but don't have the maneuverability that Jedi do so you are forced to engage more frequently and more dangerously. It sounds extremely mentally exhausting. Kudos to you for continuing to hone this list!

3 hours ago, Kleeg005 said:

two-ship Super-Jedi lists

Do you know the list?

2 hours ago, Ryuneke said:

Do you know the list?

Oh, geez. This was quite a while ago, back before Supernatural Reflexes was priced out of the game. He was undefeated in something like fifteen games, and so stopped playing because it was too easy - if you can believe that. I'm pretty sure that it was Anakin and Mace, both with Delta 7-B and R2 astromechs - and both I think with Supernatural Reflexes. And maybe Shield Upgrades and *still* a pretty substantial bid? I expect now it would look something like this (and perhaps not be so very, very dominant):

Anakin Skywalker โ€” Delta-7 Aethersprite 62
Sense 5
R2 Astromech 9
Delta-7B 20
Shield Upgrade 8
Ship Total: 104
Half Points: 52 Threshold: 4
Mace Windu โ€” Delta-7 Aethersprite 45
Heightened Perception 3
R4-P17 5
Delta-7B 18
Shield Upgrade 8
Ship Total: 79

Half Points: 40 Threshold: 4

Total: 183

edit: Or maybe something like this? It's almost enough to make me go out and pick up a couple things, eh?

Unnamed Squadron ( 197 )

Obi-Wan Kenobi โ€” Delta-7 Aethersprite 48
Sense 5
R4-P17 5
Delta-7B 19
Shield Upgrade 8
Ship Total: 85
Half Points: 43 Threshold: 4
Anakin Skywalker โ€” Delta-7 Aethersprite 62
Precognitive Reflexes 13
R2 Astromech 9
Delta-7B 20
Shield Upgrade 8
Ship Total: 112
Half Points: 56 Threshold: 4
Edited by Kleeg005

Game 15 against Vonreg, Quickdraw, Kylo

Aces are a tough matchup. Especially if you're facing two I6 pilots. Because of that I had to fly Guri different, taking more calculate actions and using her as a blocker. I mean Guri is still Guri and she can do things even an I6 can't do but the possibility of initiative killing her and do repositioning moves to avoid/get shots is a major threat for the android.

Round 1


Guri and Fenn turned away. He set up his aces across the field and started his approach.

I don't want to risk anything with Guri here so I dialed in a hard turn for next round with an Adv. Sensors barrel roll. Fenn two banks in and has the option to barrel roll outside to avoid shots. The 1 hard turn was to risky if Kylo 5 forwards+boost. Adv. Optics Kylo is rolling 3 hits most of the time. Fenn doesn't like that.

Round 2


I was surpised seeing a two forward from Kylo. QD banked in as well. My opponent thought Fenn will turn towards Kylo again. The two bank+boost gave Fenn an unanswered Outmaneuver shot into Quickdraw which is huuuuuge at this state of the game. Fenn rolled two hits, QD nattied ๐Ÿ˜ž . I still like Fenns' position, though. Together with Guri he can threaten Vonreg the upcoming round.

Round 3


(We deleted Vonreg here by mistake. He's the ship in front of Fenn)

Guri 4 forwards towards Vonreg and Fenn is turning in as well. Both Vonreg and QD were shooting at Guri who evaded both shots. Fenn rolled 4 hits stripping both shields from the Baron and Guri's shot went into the hull. Like I mentioned before Adv.Optics Kylo is a beast. He rolled 2 hits and a crit against Fenn. Fenn evaded two and suffered a Fuel Leak. Could have been worse.

Vonreg and QD will probably k-turn/segnors sloop. The good thing: QD can't sloop to the left because it'll blocks Vonregs k-turn.

Fenn can turn towards the middle of the board to threaten Kylo while Guri can turn towards Kylo as well.

Round 4


Vonregs unmodified shot did one damage to the Mandalorian. Fenn stripped Kylos shields while Guri blanked against Kylo. Kylos shot brought Fenn down to 1 hp.

Options: Looking at the picture I should have dialed in a 3 bank to the left for Guri to just put her on the cloud. In this position she can hurt Kylo the most and has cloud protection as well. I dialed in a segnors loop to the right with a barrel roll to the right to land behind the enemy ships. Fenn can 1 hard turn to the right even if he's stressed to get a shot into Vonreg and the cover from the cloud.

Round 5


My opponent saw Guris move coming. Only Vonreg had a shot and stripped the first shield off of her. That 3 banke I mentioned last round...look where Guri would have been!

Round 6

I forgot taking the picture. Guri 3 forwards and used her Afterburners. Vonreg 5 k'd and Kylo came around the gas cloud. QD then bumped into Guri by a millimeter. Kylo was unable to boost and took two damage from Guris shot. Vonregs umodified shot got ignored by Guri.

Round 7


Kylo wanted to block Guris options and Fenns maneuver so he turned in. Guri's 3 segnors loop fit and now she's at range 1 of Kylo with a lock, a calculate, a focus and cover form the cloud. I 3 banked Fenn out of the trouble. He took a lock on Vonreg. Guris Adv. Proton Torpedo showed 4 hits. Kylo showed Guri the Dark Side.... that Panicked Pilot crit will matter next round.

Options: Guri can move forward and barrel roll towards the rock while Fenn Tallon rolls to the right to deliver the killing blow to Vonreg.

Round 8


I never thought Vonreg will k-turn because he was strained. I also thought that Guris move will bring her closer to the rock to arcdodge Quickdraw. With two shots incoming Guri suffered two damage, one was a crit so she became double stressed. Thats a sad Guri.

Fortunately Fenn killed Vonreg.

Round 9


Now I had to play really aggressive against QD so I banked Guri because I thought that the Sf will sloop again. Guri got her focus while QD has no modifiers. Because of that I can risk the incoming double tap here. Guri lost her last shield and QD two shields.

Fenn is now in a good position to turn in towards QD while Guri can disengage.

Round 10


I knew that Fenn will die here because he only has 1hp left. QD's first shot killed him but Fenn, with his last breath, got super angry and rolled 4 hits and 1 crit. QD nattied, suffered a blinded pilot and is still alive with 1hp left. (I should have taken a lock with Guri here)

Nevertheless Guri has still 3 health left and QD isn't the most maneuverable ship in the game.

Round 11


QD's options were limited so I barrel rolled Guri and turned her in. A range 3 Outmaneuver shot in QD. Guri rolled 2 hits and QD evaded. This is why I should have taken the lock last round.

Round 12

No picture, sorry.

Again, QD has limited options. Because of that I boosted Guri forward to perform the segnors loop to the left. QD turned in. It was super close but QD had a range 3 shot. The blinded pilot crit got repaired and therefore no damage gets done to Guri. Guris shot showed 3 blanks.

Round 13


Guri was in a bad spot behind that rock so I dialed in a two bank and barrel rolled her backwards to either block QD or still get a shot if she will overshoot Guri.

QD landed in front of Guri, took a focus and rotated the arc. QD rolled 3 hits. Guri didn't blank and suffered only one damage. The return shot killed QD.

Win 200 -128


- I won that game because my opponent ships had to perform lots of red maneuvers to get shots. The other thing was that Kylo wasn't part of the game. He only had a single shot.
- My green dice showed average results across the game. Because of that Guri refused to die.
- I was pretty happy with my Fenn performance. I took risks and was rewarded. Fenn shot 7 times which is awesome.
- Guri can perform against I6's but you really have to adapt. If my greens would have failed me once or twice I would have lost that one

Edited by Ryuneke

You did well to drag your opponent's ships into the obstacle field and then keep them there. Nice work!

Game 16 against 4 Inquisitors (2 with Supernatural/Prockets + 5th Bro + 7th Sis)

Inquisitors are super tanky but don't like Outmaneuver.

He setup his Inquis in the middle of the board. With Supern. Ref. he can react on the boardstate pretty fast. I setup Fenn on the left and Guri on the right both facing toward the enemy ships. I thought he will go after Fenn so I dialed in a hard turn. As I saw he will go after Fenn, Guri was able to start her approach. As he recognized Guri was in a good flanking position two Inquisitors turned towards her.


Round 2: I sent Guri in with a 4 straight followed by a barrel roll to dodge the Inq. Guri rolled 3 hits and stripped the first shield off of the Inq. Fenn 5 straight forwards. Fenn can now 3 bank to threaten the damaged Inq. Guri's is in an excellent position to 3 straight. There is nearly nothing what the red Inq can do against that because Afterburners + barrel roll can get Guri in weird positions most players forget about.


Round 3: Guris 3 straight fit. The Adv. Proton Torp dealt 3 damage to 5th Bro. Fenn did no damage and evaded the incoming fire.
Guri can now perform a 1 turn to the right. Fenn is in a difficult position because 7th Sister has Sense and he is stressed. With a Supernatural Refl. Inq in front of him there is nearly nothing he can do to avoid the block. So I dialed in the 5 straight and prayed. The Inq. couldn't block Fenn and the other were to far away to do any meaningful damage. Fenn evaded and I was happy.


Round 5: He tried blocking Guris options but she was still able to get out. This ship is insane! Guri rolled 3 hits and a crit against the Inq which blanked. He had to spent his evade token but suffered a direct hit ๐Ÿ˜ž

Fenn did the same to 7th Sister. He rolled 5 hits against focus/blank. BOOOM! 5th Brother did his Homing Missile shenanigans against Guri for 2 damage. My opponent conceded after that round.


- What a brutal game! One shotting two Inquisitors in one round won't happen again.
- in nearly every game I played my opponents went after Fenn first. So it's even more important that I become better with him; to know when and how to arcdodge is key

Edited by Ryuneke

5th league match vs Jendon (Palp), Vynder (all the upgrades you can get), Redline (Torps, Bombs, Rockets)

It was really late as we decided to play this game. Playing against 3 ships and moving last is usually a good matchup for me if I can manage to avoid the ordnance.


Setup: I placed Fenn next to Guri. My opponent did a great job by splitting up his forces to deny me lanes and flanking positions. I will 3 straight Guri here because she can dance around the shuttle pretty easy even if it will fly towards her. Fenn goes the other direction.


Guri 4 forwards and boosts into range 1, stripping the first shields from the shuttle. Fenn 2 banked and barrel rolled. Now he's in a decent spot because he has all the attention while Guri can turn in towards Redline (who is my primary target) and being safe. Getting blocked with Fenn here is something that could happen so I dialed in a 3 bank to the right because I thought that my opponent will come straight at him.


It worked. Fenn boosted out of both arcs while Guri dealt some damage to Redline.

Options: Guri is now able to 4 straight after barrel rolling to the right because Redline will most likely going to k-turn and Vynder has to move aorund the gas cloud. I don't want to run away with Fenn here because then he will have a Redline on his 6. If Redline k-turns they can trade some range 1 shots. I am fine with that.


Fenn stripped the last shields and Guri put the first damage into Redlines hull. Redlines Adv. Proton Torp dealt 1 damage to Fenn because I rolled 4 natural evade.

Options: Vynder has to turn and Redlines hasn't a ton of options either. Guri can probably take a lock on Redline with Adv. Sensors and then 1 turn onto the gas cloud for a range 1 torpedo. Fenn can turn to the left and is save as well.


Something is wrong in this picture! Why does Fenn explode behind Redline? Correct, I forgot about the Proximity Mine Redline is able to drop next round. Of course I rolled 2 hits and Fenn died. Making mistakes like that feels so bad... Guris Adv. Proton Torp. did only 3 damage to an outmaneuvered Redline (the probabiltiy of rolling 3 hits on 5 dice with a lock and a focus is 3% - such things happen)

Options: Redline will k-turn again because he still has a lock on Guri. I think Vynder will go really slow because he wants to create a killbox for Guri. Because of that I don't want to go fast with Guri.


Guri locked Vynder and turned to the left. Redlines attack dealt two damage to Guri. She has one shield left. Guri rolled 4 hits against Vynder who has only a single green.

Options: Redlines options are limited and Vynder can't do much as well so I think Guri can Segnors loop behind Redline to finish him off.


Guri rolls to the right and landed behind Redline. The fat Tie finally explodes.

Options: Because Guri is stressed and Vynder will bank left and slam afterwards I have to be careful with Guri. The good thing: I can predict where Vynder will be after her two maneuvers.


Guri 1 banked to the left and rolled back. If you compare this picture to the last one you can see that it looks like Guri turned 90 degrees. A one bank with a roll backwards let you do such things with Starvipers. Vynder hat no shot and Guri halfed the shuttle.

Options: The upcoming round is a tricky one because Vynder can get in a good spot to finally launch her Torpedo. Vynder will probably 2 straight forward and slam with a 2 turn to the left. The shuttle can go 1 straight to block Guris barrel roll options to the right. I don't want to face Vynder so I dialed in a 3 bank to the left which moves Guri over the cloud. The cloud is not a problem because Guri can still use her Afterburners to get out of arc.


Guri slooped again and is now in a perfect position for a 3 straight. Even if Vynder turns left and lands on the cloud, Afterburners + barrel roll will grant Guri an unanswered shot.


Guri rolled and brought Vynder down to one hull. Vynder had a loose stabilizer so she needs to go straight to live.


Vynder explodes. Win 200 - 74


- One of the best perfomances with Guri imo
- My first rounds with Fenn were really good as well but losing him because of such a horrible mistake could have cost me that game. It was late but nevertheless I have to read my opponents list at least twice!!!

6th league match vs Nom Lumb, 2xY-Wings (Ion Cannons), Sunny Bounder (Autoblaster), 2xM3As (Tractor Beam)

That's a tough matchup. My list prefers fighting against 3-4 ships. If my opponent got 5 or even 6 ships, winning becomes significantly harder. The reason for this is that I have to kill >74 points (because Fenn comes in at 74 points) or 3 ships before Fenn dies. Flying 6 ships requires more time to set dials which will be a factor, too.


Setup: I setup the rocks in a diagonal line across the board because Jumpmasters don't like that. Fenn can start to bait while I can send Guri in to mix things up a bit.

I played against Nom Lumb several times. The best strategy against him is to just ignore his ship and never shoot him. I want to kill the M3A's first because there is a higher chance of triggering Outmaneuver against them because they don't have an additional firing arc.


Round 1: Fenn turned away and barrel rolled while Guri 1 forwards. I want to see what my opponent does.

Options: Guri is now able to 4 forwards using her Afterburners+barrel roll. Because the M3a's turned I will turn Fenn as well. I really want to see what the Y-Wings will do.. If they go straight, Fenn can savely approach the M3a's. If they bank towards Fenn, he will turn away again.


Round 2: I messed up by unintentional swapping Fenn and Guris dial. So Fenn went 4 fowards and Guri turned to the right. I was able to fix that a bit with the help of Adv. Sensors for Guri but I don't want Fenn in this position. I got really frustrated at this point because I know that one mistake flying this list could result in a loss.

Options: Fenn will turn towards the M3a's because he doesn't want to play with the Jumpmaster and get blocked. I will dial in a 4 forward for Guri which gives me the option to engage really aggressive or disengage if I have to.


Round 3: I sent Guri towards Nom and Sunny. She bumped into the Jumpmaster which will trigger her ability. Her shot stripped the first shield off of Sunny. Guri's in a good spot because she can dance around the enemys without getting in trouble. It'd be huge if she can kill something without any loss on my side.

Options: Guri will 4 straight. She can get back into the fight one round later. I was to afraid that Sunny and Nom will k-turn. Because the M3A's dont have a 3 turn on their dial, Fenn can 4 forwards without getting blocked. Turning is not an option because Nom and Sunny approaching from the top. The turret indicator of the Y-Wings is pointing to the right which also helps Fenn in this situation.


Round 4: Guri is save. No k-turns from Nom and Sunny. Guri locks Sunny which will be important later. Fenn landed in front of the M3A dealing two damage to him. Fenn dodged the incoming shots.

Options: Guri can 1 turn to the right followed by a barrel roll to get behind Sunny and Nom Lumb. Fenn has lots of options: 5 straight is strong here but I changed my mind after thinking about it. I dialed in a 1 turn to the right because the red M3a will most likely do a 3 or 5 k-turn leaving him without any modifiers; a perfect target for Fenn.


Round 5: Fenns move fit. He killed the M3A. The Y-Wings had unmodded shot at him. Fenn doesn't like range 2 and suffered one damage (of course). Guri fired her Torpedo at Sunny who died as well.

Just wanted to say that I love the Adv. Proton Torpedo on Guri. I use him in nearly every game and its a hammer with Outmaneuver. Becaue Guri has a focus+lock everytime she's using it, you have a 72% chance of rolling 5 hits.

Options: Guri will 4 straight to help Fenn. She won't get in trouble the next round. But what to do with Fenn? I thought that my opponent will bank his ships to the right to catch Fenn behind the rock. So I stayed aggressive because time is already running out and I need to do more damage. I dialed in a tallon roll to the left to catch my opponent off guard who will bank is ships, right?


Round 6: No, he didn't bank his ships. Fenn dealt 2 damage to the yellow M3a and Guri halfed the orange Y-Wing. Four ships were shooting at Fenn - BOOOM!

I'm ahead by 2 points which I didn't know at this point because I forgot that Guri halfed the orange Y-Wing. So I stayed aggressive with her

Options: I want to kill the yellow M3A with Guri so I have to move fast because he will bank away most likely. I dialed in a 3 bank to the right which gives me lots of options after Guri executes the maneuver. The Y-Wings and Nom Lumb don't have that many options so Guri won't get shot often.


Round 7: Nom Lumb turned to the left which I didn't see coming. Luckily the M3A bumped into the orange Y-Wing. Guri Adv. Sensors for a calculate and bumped into Nom Lumb granting her a focus token. I rolled 3 hits against the Scyk while his greens only showed a single evade symbol. The two incoming shots stripped the first shield off of Guri.

Options: I knew that I'm ahead on points but Guri hasn't many options to disengage. Nom Lumb will segnors loop most likely while the orange Y-Wing 1 forwards... Blue will either 1 bank or 2 turn to the right to get a shot. I dialed in a 2 turn to the right for Guri. If the blue Y-Wings banks, Guri can execute the maneuver and barrel roll behind him afterwards. If the blue Y-Wing 2 turns, Guri can barrel roll to the back right first and then execute the maneuver to arcdogde him...


Round 8: The Y-Wing banks and Guri did Guri things. She dodged the incoming shots.

Win 104 - 74


- Playing against 6 ships is so tough. I still don't know what the best strategy is.
- Swapping dials is another unnecessary mistake I did...Mark your dials! It's easy in TTS. If you want to know how, let me know.
- I played Fenn Rau really aggressive this game. Don't know if it was the right decision. He had 3 range 1 shots killing one ship and halfing another...which is good because it helped Guri doing her thing in the endgame playing only against 3-4 ships.
- Overall I was happy with my Guri performance. I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am now 5-1 in our league which is awesome and by no means something I would have expected. This list is the best one I have ever played....

Edited by Ryuneke

It's always very interesting to me that so many players are so concerned about Fenn. Yes, he hits like a truck, but Guri is where all the points are; Guri is harder to pin down; Guri can hit just as hard, or harder, with that Advanced Proton. My locals have learned this, to the point where it's almost pointless to fly her against them. My most difficult decision is always that one turn where there is the choice to stay aggressive with her or to disengage. It *feels* like I get it wrong more often than not, but it's probably more 50/50. Regardless, I think it makes me overly cautious with Guri, which is definitely a mistake.

I am just loving your batreps, since I can't play her myself right now. Thank you for keeping the dream alive!

On 5/21/2020 at 3:16 PM, Kleeg005 said:

It's always very interesting to me that so many players are so concerned about Fenn. Yes, he hits like a truck, but Guri is where all the points are; Guri is harder to pin down; Guri can hit just as hard, or harder, with that Advanced Proton. My locals have learned this, to the point where it's almost pointless to fly her against them. My most difficult decision is always that one turn where there is the choice to stay aggressive with her or to disengage. It *feels* like I get it wrong more often than not, but it's probably more 50/50. Regardless, I think it makes me overly cautious with Guri, which is definitely a mistake.

I am just loving your batreps, since I can't play her myself right now. Thank you for keeping the dream alive!

You're right. Knowing when you should engage with Guri is the hardest part. Being to catious - you lose, being to aggressive - you lose.

I usually wait for a turn to go all in with a 4 straight or a 3 bank because that allows me to use Afterburners. Intentionally bump into your opponent ships is a good strategy as well.

Key to the list is that one of your aces is baiting while the other is dealing damage.

I played 18 games with this list and still think that it's way harder to fly Fenn than Guri. This is why I play this list, I want to fly him flawless at some point.

Edited by Ryuneke

Just some thoughts about choosing the right upgrade for Fenn Rau:

Since I started playing this list I'm not sure about Outmaneuver because I had lots of situations where I really wanted Fearless. So I looked at some of my games and counted the possible triggers of the following upgrades:

Fearless: 16

Outmaneuver: 10

Lone Wolf: 17

My feeling was right. Outmaneuver had less triggering options than Fearless. Lone Wolf is also an interesting choice because I'm only flying two ships. But Lone Wolf is an upgrade where you never know what you get. You really want a focus token when rerolling a single dice. I hate this feeling when I'm using Lone Wolf to reroll a blank into a blank. Fearless on the other hand definitely gives you a hit under certain circumstances.

Still not sure... What do you think?

Edited by Ryuneke