Burden of the ring deck

By wyrm187, in Strategy and deck-building

I wanted to make something semi-thematic and fun to play. I am by no means an expert at this game but I've been playing since the beginning and still love it. I also wanted to get Gollum in there with Sam, Frodo and the One Ring to see if I could make it all work. With plenty of time on my hands I've been testing this and having a lot of fun with it.

The focus of the deck is to get the unique allies out and pump them up with power of command. This tends to be more of a quest heavy deck that supplements a combat deck nicely. I always play solo 2 handed, so I'm not sure how this deck perform true solo but my guess is not great.

One of the stars of the deck is Rosie Cotton with fast hitch. She can boost during questing and the combat phase which is really effective. Boosted with power of command and she's adding +3 during questing phase.

One of the best cards in there is Drinking Song. I underestimated this card big time. My mulligan is looking for this card. Play the cards you can and get out whatever you can after playing drinking song.

Ive had some nice turn ones with 2-3 strong allies out for cheap, compliments of Timely Aid. Then dumping Rivendell scout and Bill the Pony for free is great. The pony is nice since he's unique he gets the boost from Power of command.

Another great free card is Curious Brandybuck to aid in your quest.

The first 2-3 turns are for using secrecy cards. After that the deck starts rolling and you can start using power of command and Gollum's ability without regret.

Please look at the deck list below and give me some ideas on what to tinker with. The decklist does not include the old sneak attack/ Gandalf combo since I was pairing this with a Gandalf hero deck. He'd be in there otherwise. I'd love for you guys to test it and let me know what you think. Thanks!


Sam Gamgee

Leadership Frodo

The One Ring (attached to Frodo)


1 × The Power of Command (starting in your hand)

3 x fast hitch

1 x hobbit cloak

3 x woodmens clearing

1 x protector of Lorien

2 x resourceful

1 x staff of lebethron

1 x Dunedain remedy


3 x timely aid

3 x sneak attack

3 x daerons ruins

3 x the master of the ring

3 x drinking song


2 x Bill the pony

3 x Rosie cotton

1 x Gaffer Gamgee

3 x Gimli

1 x Merry

3 x curious brandybuck

3 x Rivendell scout

1 x legolas

2 x quickbeam

1 x Elrond

1 x knight of the dale


1 x scout ahead

51 card deck since you are starting with power of command in your hand in addition to your other 7 cards.

Questionable cards are definitely Legolas since you can only get him out with timely aid. You can burn him with protector of lorien but ive had decent luck getting him out.

Knight of the dale is one of the place holders for Gandalf but still a decent card.

Scout ahead is great for getting rid of stinker and setting up the encounter deck but there may be better options.

The nice thing is any card you can't situationally use can be shuffled back into the deck with drinking song. I welcome feedback, thanks.

4 minutes ago, wyrm187 said:

One of the stars of the deck is Rosie Cotton with fast hitch. She can boost during questing and the combat phase which is really effective. Boosted with power of command and she's adding +3 during questing phase

Just a minor correction, you cannot play Fast Hitch on Rosie unless you make her a Hero somehow (Sword-Thain, Messenger of Kings Contract).

5 minutes ago, wyrm187 said:

Questionable cards are definitely Legolas since you can only get him out with timely aid. You can burn him with protector of lorien but ive had decent luck getting him out.

Knight of the dale is one of the place holders for Gandalf but still a decent card.

Scout ahead is great for getting rid of stinker and setting up the encounter deck but there may be better options.

You could always add The Storm Comes as a side quest so that you will no longer have any sphere match problem for the allies. Otherwise A Good Harvest can be a good solution

Anyways cool deck

Fast hitch can go on Rosie, it attaches to characters, not just heroes.

also, this could totally be a Fellowship contract deck if giving up the Rivendell Scout and the Curious Brandybuck is not too high a cost.

4 minutes ago, GrandSpleen said:

Fast hitch can go on Rosie, it attaches to characters, not just heroes.

Totally misremembered, my bad 😞

Man you scared me about fast hitch lol. I swear i read that card 5 times to make sure it was legal before putting it on her. It's a great combo

2 hours ago, GrandSpleen said:

Fast hitch can go on Rosie, it attaches to characters, not just heroes.

also, this could totally be a Fellowship contract deck if giving up the Rivendell Scout and the Curious Brandybuck is not too high a cost.

Thought about it but so many of the allies are just chump blockers. Hard to keep them alive