Combat Cards

By Vorthrax, in Horus Heresy

Are Hero Combat Cards and (regular) Combat Cards both considered Combat Cards when a card says that your opponent randomly discards 2 Combat Cards or just the regular Combat Cards?

Vorthrax said:

Are Hero Combat Cards and (regular) Combat Cards both considered Combat Cards when a card says that your opponent randomly discards 2 Combat Cards or just the regular Combat Cards?


"Note that it is always obvious to a player’s opponent which
card(s) in his hand were drawn from his Hero combat deck
and which were drawn from his regular combat deck, since
they have distinct backs. A player is entitled to choose or
avoid cards of a given type with full knowledge of which is
which when carrying out special effects such as that of the
“Attrition” card, which allows a player to discard random
cards from his opponent’s hand. Obviously, in a hand with
mixed card backs, the selection is not entirely random." (p. 26)

when a card says draw combat card, can you draw a hero combat card also/instead..?

Anonymus said:

when a card says draw combat card, can you draw a hero combat card also/instead..?

I would say no. They are both classed under combat cards for simplicity, but are still two separate decks. "Sacrifices Must Be Made" card's special effect for example differentiates between the two discard piles.