So I have been playing for a while now...

By Curator, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

I just bought the new expansion, but haven't tried it yet.

I got my area into this game way back in the day first cycle just after Horror Beneath the Surface. We didn't want to get really into it at first and held off on buying the first 4 LCG format sets. Sleeper, Surface, Mountain, and Ancient Horrors.

These seem impossible to find now. My group has raised a good question. How much do these 4 packs change the game? I looked over the Ancient Horrors pack and flipped when I saw I am missing so many awesome ancients.

We play for fun. Only using one unique in each deck. Helps Yogg feel special being able to resurrect and bring back people. But now we are wondering just how much are we missing by limiting ourselves to just 2 copies of core game (per player) and 1 AP (per player). We feel that since you draw 2 cards instead of one, like most card games, that having multiple copies isn't as big a deal.

Now I am just curious, as it appears I missed out on some great APs.

Thanks for the answers and opinions in advanced.

Curator said:

These seem impossible to find now. My group has raised a good question. How much do these 4 packs change the game? I looked over the Ancient Horrors pack and flipped when I saw I am missing so many awesome ancients.

Honestly, if you missed AP, you missed cards and options. Hopefully the APs will recycle, cause I missed 2 of them and can't get any.

I don't think missing those really limits your game. Theres still a lot of good cards and mechanics in the other APs.

I rarely have more then two copies of a card, unless I built a deck around a specific mechanics- then I'd want three. My decks run thin at 50 cards, so i can usually get away with 2 of a kind...except shotgun blast. If Im playing agency, three go in.

So maybe I will buy two more of each AP that my store currently carries.

Only AP that I am missing are Mountain of madness, Ancient Horrors, Sleeper, and beneath the surface. As I am sure these are the impossible to find ones that desperately need reprints.

Three of a certain card is typical and an option best to have. Being infinitely rich, would also be nice.

They will be reprinted at some point. We're still gauging when.


The Spaniard said:

They will be reprinted at some point. We're still gauging when.


I like how that man thinks! aplauso.gif