I've Been Trained In Your Jedi Arts - Range question [ANSWERED]

By samusthe17, in Rules

So I ran into this at my local gaming store:

In general Grievous' 1 pip card it states: use the following weapon: Melee/1

Since there is a slash between the weapon ranges, does that mean the range is EITHER melee or range 1, or UP TO range 1 from melee? Weapons that have specific ranges usually have a dash instead of a slash (like 1-3), but we weren't sure and couldn't find a ruling online.

Also, as a followup, if it indeed is Melee OR Range 1 (as I believe is the correct ruling), does that mean that enemies benefit from cover and suffer suppression if its ranged, but do not gain cover bonuses and suffer suppression if it's melee? Or how would this get ruled?


Edited by samus17
Added Reference image

Also, final followup question:

Can Grievous perform a normal or free attack action and still use this ability? The RRG specifically states "During a unit’s activation, it is possible for a unit to perform more than one attack through the use of card abilities or other game effects; however, that unit can only perform one attack action during a single activation, regardless of whether it is an attack action or a free attack action." and the 1 pip specifically leaves out the keyword "attack action" and "free attack action"; it just says "perform an attack".

Do I have this right?

from what i know,

1. the attack is either melee or range 1

2. following standard ranged attack rules, they would gain benefit from cover and receive suppression

3. you perform an attack action on grevious' activation and perform the attack action stated on the command card. pretty certain it is only 1 attack action (free for as one of the 2) per activation

4 hours ago, samus17 said:

Also, final followup question:

Can Grievous perform a normal or free attack action and still use this ability? The RRG specifically states "During a unit’s activation, it is possible for a unit to perform more than one attack through the use of card abilities or other game effects; however, that unit can only perform one attack action during a single activation, regardless of whether it is an attack action or a free attack action." and the 1 pip specifically leaves out the keyword "attack action" and "free attack action"; it just says "perform an attack".

Do I have this right?

Yes. There’s no limit to the number of attacks you can perform during your activation, there’s only a limit to attack actions you can perform. Any card text will always explicitly refer to an attack or an attack action. They’re two different things.

Edited by mini78

The Melee/Range 1 means EACH attack made by the weapon can be either melee or at range 1.

That means Grievous can, with that attack, execute it against anything in melee with him AND up to range 1. Remember that there is no range 0 in Legion - stuff in melee with a unit is also at range 1 of that same unit. The limitation is that units engaged in melee cannot be attackd by weapons with only ranged profiles.

10 hours ago, samus17 said:

Also, as a followup, if it indeed is Melee OR Range 1 (as I believe is the correct ruling), does that mean that enemies benefit from cover and suffer suppression if its ranged, but do not gain cover bonuses and suffer suppression if it's melee? Or how would this get ruled?

This is correct. Everyone in melee gets hit by a melee weapon, everyone in range 1 (and not in melee) gets hit by a ranged weapon. Note that the melee targets would receive a suppression because the weapon has Suppressive. The ranged targets will receive 2 suppression if the dice don’t blank out.

On 3/16/2020 at 6:53 AM, TIE wing said:

from what i know,

1. the attack is either melee or range 1

2. following standard ranged attack rules, they would gain benefit from cover and receive suppression

3. you perform an attack action on grevious' activation and perform the attack action stated on the command card. pretty certain it is only 1 attack action (free for as one of the 2) per activation

No 3, although the end result is the same the wording you've used is wrong. The wording on the command card makes no mention of an attack action. It just says that at the end of your activation, you may attack any enemy unit at range one. So

Note this is not an attack action, so anything that keys off an attack action does not work here. It's just a series of free attacks , much like Leia or Veers bombardment cards. So yes you can attack during your turn, but if there is anything , or they release anything that triggers off attack action, then these extra attacks do not qualify (cant think of anything in game offhand this matters for, but who knows what might come out)

Edit found an interaction that is appropriate as an example due to another question posted nearby(at least for now) if you had Gunslinger which triggers off an attack action it wouldn't trigger here.

Edited by syrath

Just to be clear for the games I've played:

Grievous can Activate, Rally, Aim, move into melee with Obiwan, Attack Obiwan in Melee due to Relentless (with his 2 lightsabers)


at the end of his activation, perform the attack on his card on Obiwan, and the 2 units of Clones within range 1 while engaged in melee with Obiwan?

6 hours ago, buckero0 said:

Just to be clear for the games I've played:

Grievous can Activate, Rally, Aim, move into melee with Obiwan, Attack Obiwan in Melee due to Relentless (with his 2 lightsabers)


at the end of his activation, perform the attack on his card on Obiwan, and the 2 units of Clones within range 1 while engaged in melee with Obiwan?
