Hi everyone,
My game group has engaged in a spirited discussion around how the new premeasuring rule works. It went to Facebook and there's still some confusion about what's allowed in the new rules. Any help or insight would be appreciated!
The rules state that I can only use one distance tool and one movement tool. Can I use one speed 2 tool to quickly plot out where two movement actions would take me, or I’m I only allowed to measure one movement action at a time? The question comes down to if a player can use a speed 2 or speed 3 tool twice before moving the mini. Moving it around freely to check how far I can move Sabine in any direction is assumed, but could I use the speed 3 tool to go toward an objective, put my finger at the end (or even more extreme, put a different mini down to mark the end of that movement) and then move the speed 3 tool again to see how far she can go? It's only using one tool (speed 3) twice. I say no...based on Luke Eddy's interview with Notorious Scoundrel, but I can see the other side.
Here's a way I'm thinking about it: the Range Ruler part of this rule is to prevent me from using two different Range 2 rulers to perfectly avoid units that have Standby Tokens (something I did the other night before reading this rule more carefully). The movement rule is the same: you can use one movement tool (of any length) to check a move, but you can't follow that up by checking a second move without moving the mini forward. But the wording is unclear.
Hopefully that makes sense!