Deploy the Fleet - Download on Dropbox (v4, 19/10/20) (19/10/20 - Added rebel captain and fleet composition info)
Update: Added a back page, a new encounter, and also a spine on request!
I've been working on this for a while - behold, Deploy the Fleet : an unofficial splatbook focused on starships and space encounters.
The meat of this book is modular encounters centred around starship combat, presented in a practical and usable way as close to the official resources as possible! They're designed to help ease groups into starship-based encounters, provide them with ships, or trial-run larger-scale battles. It also contains a bunch of optional expanded or variant rules- including the Genesys social rules tweaked for Star Wars, an expanded version of the chase rules, and a bunch more aimed at making starship encounters (particularly multi-ship or capital scale) faster and easier to run. The chase and social rules are used in the modular encounters, but everything else is completely optional!
If you're a GM looking for some encounters to drop on your players, or you'd like to test out the stealth or social rules within, give it a try! The content is focused on small-scale capital ship encounters, but each encounter provides suggestions for how to customise it to smaller or larger vessels. Each features a mix of personal-scale and starship encounters, and all contain combat but in most it can be side-stepped by stealth or social skills. They should easily fit in to most Edge of the Empire or Age of Rebellion games (and even Force and Destiny).
A selection of example pages are shown below. Hopefully, the book should be easy to read! I'm happy to take comments and critique- particularly from people who've encountered unexpected snags in the modular encounters or variant rules.
Chapter 1: Fleets of the Galaxy
- Rebels, Imperials & Scum: Simple single-page sets of stats for pilots, captains and admirals for each faction.
- Flora & Fauna: Stats for gigantic space-creatures, from the Exogorth to the Purrgil.
Chapter 2: Ships of the Galaxy
New Ships:
A small range of fighters, corvettes and capital ships.
- Fighters: Droid TIE Fighters, Scurrg H-6 Bombers
- Corvettes: Crusader Corvette, Imperial Customs Corvette
- Capital Ships: Strike Cruiser, EF-97 Intelligence Cruiser
- Buying Used: Rules for allowing PCs to buy sub-par ships at a discount.
Chapter 3: Alternative Rules
- Expanded Social Rules: A tweaked version of the Genesys structured social rules adapted for SWRPG!
- Expanded Chase Rules: A version of the core EotE chase rules, modified for multi-party chases.
- Expanded NPC Crews & Minions: Run large fleet battles with much less effort.
- Starship Stealth Rules: Rules for going dark and sneaking past blockades.
- Alternative Defences: Small tweaks to the shield & defence rules to make PC ships more survivable!
Chapter 4: Modular Encounters
- A Historic Hunt: Track down a vast and ancient Purrgil to recover an old hyperspace beacon... before its nemesis catches up with it.
- Hostile Acquisitons: Pull off a 'routine' heist of a newly-built cruiser as it's delivered to its new owners.
- Proscribed Prescriptions: Smuggle a hold full of vital medicine past two Imperial blockades, whilst avoiding its original owner.
- The End of World's End: Help a small mining colony defend itself from a criminal syndicate out to steal the ancient wrecks they've uncovered.
- Unnatural Entanglements: The PCs ship is trapped in an isolated system by a horde of space jellyfish and a malfunctioning hyperspace beacon.
19/10/20 - Added new NPCs