Radiation Cannon

By Jaran91, in Rules

Hello there!

In my group there was a question about the wording on the B1 radiation Cannon.

The text on the card says: a trooper wounded by an attack that includes this weapon gains 1 poison token.

The text in the RRG is a little bit different but following „the golden Rule“ - Card before RRG.

The question is now does Trooper mean the whole unit or only a single miniature?

I assume that the wording means after the whole unit got a wound token it also gets a poison token.
But we had another rule interpretation that „trooper“ on the card means a single miniature so that only 2 or more lifepoint models could gain a poison.

I hope you can clarify our discussion on this rule!

thanks in advance

Edited by Jaran91

Pretty sure "Trooper" means single OR unit.

"A trooper is a unit type that consists of one or more miniatures affixed to a small round base."

What you're talking about on the card is just rules reminder text, not rules. It doesn't matter in the slightest. Go with the RRG.

“Trooper” is a unit type. If the unit suffers a wound, then the unit gains a poison token.

Unless the trooper is also a droid, 'cause they can't get poisoned IIRC

11 hours ago, Indy_com said:

Unless the trooper is also a droid, 'cause they can't get poisoned IIRC

Yep, Rogers are the exception ;)

On 3/6/2020 at 12:04 AM, Jaran91 said:

„the golden Rule“ - Card before RRG.

Im pretty sure the golden rule is RRG before Card.

5 minutes ago, ResoluteHusky said:

Im pretty sure the golden rule is RRG before Card.

The golden rule is that card text overrules the RRG whenever there is a conflict. However, reminder text doesn't count as rules text, so in that case ignore the card and go to the RRG for the full rules.