Play test, story 4, Mission 2.

By LTuser, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Now on to mission 2 of this last of my home made storys.. Raiding the Cookie Jar..

The mission's played on a 3x4 star field map. Hostile territory with a 12 turn limit.

2 large asteroids and 2 large debris fields, space range 2 from the 'facility', which is 3 end-cap modules around a small connector unit. The two southern caps, each have a sensor dish atop, while the northern one has an improved turbo-laser turret on it. The facility is placed, movement range 2, off of dead center of the map, towards the imperial side. All the asteroids/debris fields form an 'even box' around. Add a 2 nd turret at 3 players, and a 3 rd at 5. The facility is dead center of the map.

The eastern edge, is where the imperials start, and either the north-east or south-east corners are where the reinforcements come into play.

At 3 rebel players, the imperial forces will be -

Starting out;

Alpha squad, 2 Tie fighters (one shifted to a tie advance if the PS is 7 or more)

Beta squad, 2 more tie fighters, one shifted to an advance at PS 8+

Delta squad, one Tie interceptor (OR striker) elite.

Reinforcements are-

Gamma squad, 4 th round, 1 tie defender, with a 2 nd being added at PS 5+ (elite).

Jericho squad, 1 tie aggressor elite.

Alpha and Beta squad, along with Jericho squad, ignores the HWK, and shoot at the fighters only.

The Defenders of Gamma and the interceptors/strikers of Delta, target the HWK. Once Gamma squad has take damage, they shift to an attack AI, focusing now on fighters, but can still target the HWK.

ONCE the HWK has planted its virus, those in Gamma and jericho squad shift to a flee AI, and try to escape to warn high command.

IF ANY DO MAKE IT OUT, then the mission 3 and 4 in this string, will be harder, as they are now alerted.

Once it shifts up to 5 rebel players, the imperial forces become

Starting out;

Alpha is 3 tie fighters, with one fighter shifting up to a tie advance at PS 5+ (a 2 nd fighter is replaced by an advance at PS 7+)

Beta squad, 3 tie fighters, one converts over to a tie advance at PS 6+, a 2 nd at PS 8+.

Delta squad, 2 tie interceptor or striker elites


Gamma squad is 2 tie defenders, with an added tie defender elite at PS 5+

Jericho squad, 1 tie aggressor elite, with the addition of a 2 nd at PS 5+

Mission goals:


1 -Eliminate the turrets.

2 -Escort in the HWK to dock.

3 -The HWK must escape once the virus is planted.

Secondary goal;

Eliminate all imperial reinforcements, none must be allowed to escape.

IF any ships in Gamma or Jaffa squads to escape, there is a -1xp penalty to all players, PER SHIP that get's away. If the mission is a loss, there is no loss of gear.

The HWK is represented by a PS 2 operative, with the Blaster turret.

If the group's PS is 5+, upgrade to Roark Garnet.

If the group's PS is 7+, upgrade to Elite PS 6 with the wingman EPT.

If the group's PS is 9+, upgrade to Jan Ors.

All players at range 1 of either the HWK or YT, can perform Protect Actions on it.

Once the HWK docks with an end-cap, roll 1 attack dice, 2 hits are needed for the operative to move into the central hub. Each round in the 'central-hub' roll 2 attack dice. 4 total hits are needed for Virus to have gotten planted. IF only 1 hits is scored, it carries over to the next round. If someone gives up their action for the round, they can give the HWK a focus token, the crew can use that to modify any Focus results into hits. Otherwise it's a cumulative. After the Worm has been planted, it can de-dock the following round. Like with 'capture' missions, rolling a critical hit equates to 2 hits.

Once the virus is planted, the HWK must then escape either via map side A, or into hyperspace.

For our Rebel ships we have:


Drogo – PS 5, ion pulse missile, hull and shield upgrades, Predator and Outmaneuver EPTs.

Gruff – PS6, Assault missile, Hull upgrade, stealth device and munitions failsafe. EPTs of Determination and Lone wolf, with the named pilot of Bohdi Rook.

Deox – PS5. Concussion missile, Vectored thrusters and munitions failsafe mods. EPTS of Push the limit and Intensity.

Red-Bull. PS 4, Assault missile, Auto thrusters and hull upgrades for mods, and the EPTs of Predator and Debris gambit.


Grood – PS 6, Fire control system, Heavy laser cannon, Ordinance of Advance proton torpedo and plasma torpedo, Munitions failsafe, a hull upgrade and stealth device for mods. EPT of Intimidation and the named pilot of Nera Dantels.

Shunt – PS 6. Trajectory simulator system, Heavy laser cannon. Ordinance of a Proton and Seismic bomb, Ion and Plasma torpedos. Crew slot of Sabine Wren, Stealth device and Extra munitions for mods. EPT of Wingman, and named pilot of Etahn Abaht.

Doc – PS 6. Sensor jammer system, Mangler cannon. Ordinance of a proton bomb, Ion and plasma torpedo. Stealth device mod and crew of Sabine wren. EPT of Predator and named pilot of Gemmer Sojan.

Wilt – PS 6. Sensor jammer, Ion cannon, Munition's failsafe, shield and Hull upgrades for mods. Ordinance of Plasma and advance proton torpedos, EPTs of Outmaneuver and Expertise.

Spot – PS 6, Sensor jammer system, Ion cannon. Munition's failsafe and Shield upgrades for Mods. Crew slot of Gunner, Plasma and proton torpedo for ordinance, EPT of Intensity and named pilot of Sabine Wren (Different than the crew slot).


Squeaky. PS 7. Plasma torpedo, R2-D2 astromech, Vectored thrusters, Munition's failsafe and a Shield upgrade for mods. EPTs of Intensity and Outmaneuver.

Jinn – PS 7. Plasma or proton torpedo for ordinance, R3 astromech, Stealth device, Shield upgrade and a hull upgrade for Mods. EPTs of Saturation Salvo and outmaneuver, and named pilot of Jake Farrel.

Chaka – PS 7. Proton torpedo, R2 astromech, Stealth device, Shield upgrade and Engine upgrade for mods. EPTS of Determination and Predator, and named pilot of Dutch Vandar.

Tin-bok. PS 5. Plasma torpedo, R7-T1 astromech, Vectored thrusters and Shield upgrade.

Reign-fire. PS 4. Plasma torpedo, R5-K6 astromech, Guidance chip and stealth device mods. EPT of Marksmanship.


Crack – PS 6. Ordinance of Seismic bomb, Ion and Seismic torpedo, R7 astromech, Sync turret. Stealth device, Shield upgrade and extra munitions for mods. Saturation salvo and Intimidation EPTS.

Dozer – PS 7. Ordinance of Seismic bomb, proximity mine and plasma torpedo. R5 astromech, Sync turret. Vectored thrusters, Shield and Stealth devices for mods. EPTs of Expert handling and Outmaneuver.

Unca – PS 7. Ordinance of Proton torpedo, Proton and Seismic bombs. R3 astromech, Twin laser turret. Munitions failsafe, Extra munitions and Stealth device for mods. EPTs of Predator and Intimidation.

Cmoz – PS 6. Ordinance of Cluster mine, seismic bomb and proton torpedo. R7-T1 astromech and a dorsal turret. Vectored thrusters and a shield upgrade for mods. EPT of Determination and Wingman.

Imo-thep. PS 5. Ordinance of Proton and Seismic bombs and a proton torpedo. R7-T1 astromech, Ion turret. Stealth device and shield upgrade for mods. EPT of Predator.

Once the rebels have planted the Virus, all enemies in Jericho and Gamma squad shift to flee AI, and will FIRST try to hyperspace out. If they take damage while trying to do this, they shift to needing to flee by EITHER of the map corners they came into play from.

Ship assignments for 3 players:

1 st running. A-wing Drogo, X-wing Reign-fire, and B-wing Grood

2 nd running. A-wing Gruff, X-wing Tin-bok and B-wing Shunt

3 rd running. A-wing Deox, X-wing Chaka and Y-wing Dozer

4 th running. X-wing Squeaky, B-wing Wilt and Y-wing Unca

5 th running. A-wing Red-bull, Y-wing Cmoz and B-wing Spot

6 th running. X-wing Jinn and Reign fire, and Y-wing Crack.

Running 1, 4 and 6 have Strikers for Delta squad. Running 2, 3 and 5 are interceptors.

Edited by LTuser

1st running @ 3 rebels.

Using the A-wing Drogo (PS5, ion pulse missile), B-wing Grood (PS6, advance proton torp and plasma torp), and the X-wing Reign-fire (Ps4, plasma torp). PS averages to 5. SQL is on Grood.

Alpha squad starts on spot 1, Beta on spot 7, Delta's lone Striker on spot 3. Drogo lines up in front of the HWK on the north edge of the rebel starting zone, Reign and Grood line up along the western edge, angled towards the base, to take out the two turrets. The HWK is in the corner, angled towards the base.

Round 1. Reign fire plans a 4 straight, 3 straight for both Grood and the HWK, 5 straight for Drogo.

Alpha squad straights 5 and evades. Beta squad banks 3 right and barrel rolls right to avoid an asteroid in their path.

The HWK and Reign fire both move. Both take a focus.

Delta 1 straights 3, takes its free focus, and barrel rolls to its right, due to the debris field in its path.

Drogo boosts forward, Grood focuses. No fighters have a shot.

Turret 1 misses Drogo, Turret 2 misses Grood.

No one has any XP.

Round 2. Reign and Drogo plan 4 straights, 3 straight again for Grood and the HWK.

Alpha squad straights 5 again, just out of range still, so they evade. Beta squad straights 4 and evades.

Reign-fire moves and activates marksmanship, the HWK focuses.

Delta-1 takes its free focus, straights 2 and evades.

Drogo moves and locks onto Alpha-1, Grood locks turret 2. Grood shoots it dealing only 3 hull damage. Re-locks via its FCS.

Delta-1 out of range to shoot the HWK.

Drogo misses its ion torpedo vs Alpha-1, missile wasted.. BOO. Reign fires at Alpha 2 dealing it a Structural Damage critical. The HWK misses turret 2.

Alpha-1 misses its counter shot on Drogo, Alpha-2 however, hits him taking 1 shield. Neither in Beta have shots. Turret 2 takes a shield off of Grood and his stealth device, Turret 1 barely misses Drogo.

XP 0 Grood and Drogo, 1 Reign.

Round 3. Drogo and Reign-fire plan bank 3 right, 4 straight for the HWK, 3 straight for Grood.

Alpha 1 straights 2 bumping into Drogo. Alpha-2 also straights 2, does not bump, tries to fix critical but rolls a blank. Both in Beta squad straights 3 and focus.

The HWK moves and focuses. Reign activates marksmanship again.

Delta-1 takes his free focus, then banks 3 left and barrel rolls right to get out of Reign-fire's arc.

Drogo moves and focuses, Grood protects the HWK. Grood's shot finishes off turret 2.

Delta-1 then hits the HWK, taking one shield and its stealth device (would have been two if not for Grood's protection).

Drogo then kills off Beta-2 with a direct hit critical and 1 other hit. Shifts up to 2xp. Reign-fire misses Beta-1.

Beta-1 then takes a 2 nd shield off of Drogo, Turret 1 takes his last, and gives Drogo a Weapons malfunction critical. Neither in Alpha have shots.

XP now 2 Drogo, 1 Grood, 1 Reign.

Round 4. Drogo and Reign plan 3 turns right, 2 left turn for both the HWK and Grood. ( Should have just gone straight, to the south-west end-cap to land)..

Alpha-1 does a 3k. Alpha-2 turns 3 left, and fails to clear structural damage critical. Beta-1 straights 2 and focuses.

The HWK moves and focuses. Reign bumps into Drogo, as Beta-1 blocked him bumping his path. No action.

Delta-1 bumps into the HWK trying a 2k, takes its free focus anyway.

Grood then moves, focuses. Drogo fails to clear his weapons disabled critical. Grood then takes the shield and deals 2 hull to Delta-1. Shifts to 2xp.

Delta-1 returns fire on Grood (as had no shot on the HWK) taking another shield off of Grood.

Drogo then hits turret 1 for a single hull. Reign deals a damaged engine critical to Beta-1.

Return shots from both Beta 1 and Alpha 1 miss Reign-fire. Alpha-2 smacks Grood for another shield. Turret 1 misses.

XP 2 Grood, 2 Drogo, 2 Reign-fire.

Round 5. The HWK and Grood plan 1 banks right. Drogo plans a 3 turn right, 2 bank right for Reign-fire.

Alpha-1 straights 3, focuses. Alpha-2 rolls another turn 3 right, has to convert it to a bank 3 due to an asteroid. Beta-1 bumps into Alpha-1 trying a 4k. No action.

Reign locks Turret 1, the HWK focuses.

Delta-1 takes his free focus, then does a 2k, getting in behind the HWK.

Drogo fails to clear his weapons disabled critical (a 2 nd time), Grood protects the HWK. Grood then deals 2 hull damage more to the turret.

Delta-1 then misses the HWK, thanks to Grood's protection.

Drogo hits Alpha-2 for a 2 nd hull, Reign finishes off the last turret. The HWK has no shot now (had to spend his focus defensively, so now can't use his turret).

Alpha-1 misses Reign-fire, Alpha-2 misses Drogo, and Beta-1 has no shot.

Round 6. Gamma squad's two defenders (one elite) shows up in the North-east corner.

The HWK plans a 2 right turn, so can dock, 2 turn left for Reign, 3 left turn Drogo and 2 bank left for Grood.

Alpha 1 banks 2 right and focuses. Alpha-2 tries a 2 straight, but bumps Drogo. Beta-1 turns 3 left. Gamma-1 straights 5, locks the HWK and focuses.

The HWK moves and docks onto the north most end cap. Reign-fire protects the HWK.

Gamma-2 straights 3 locks the HWK and focuses. Delta-1 banks right 1 bumping Drogo after taking his free focus.

Drogo fails a third time to clear his critical. Grood locks Gamma-1. His plasma torpedo misses, but isn't wasted due to munitions failsafe.

Gamma-2 misses the HWK barely, due to being obstructed and at range 3. Delta-1 however hits, taking the last 2 shields off the HWK. OUCH.

Drogo has no shot. The HWK can't shoot (docking), and Reign fire hits taking one shield off Gamma-2. This takes him to 3xp, 2 still for Grood and Drogo.

Beta-1 no shot, Alpha-1 takes another shield off of Grood, and Alpha-2 misses Reign-fire.Gamma-1 hits the HWK dealing it 1 hull and ionizing it.

The Crew is now in the end-cap.

Round 7. After the rebels move, Gamma-1 and Delta-1 combine to kill the HWK. Drogo finishes off Delta-1, taking him to 5xp, 4 for Reign and 3 for Grood. Grood missed, so did Reign.

The mission is a loss, as the HWK is destroyed. XP 4 average.

This was mostly cause of poor tactics on my part (forgetting that the HWK's crew slot gives it a GREEN 4 straight, which could have had him docking 2 rounds earlier!), and bad dice...

Edited by LTuser

I realized one major booboo.. I didn't have Gamma squad coming in till the 6th round, vice round 4, when they should have appeared.. (forgot to put the little cardboard markers i have, for what round they appear by the sheets)...

I will correct that for the 2nd running.

2 nd running at 3 ships

Using A-wing Gruff (PS6, Assault missile), X-wing Tin-bok (PS 4, goes with his plasma torpedo), and B-wing Shunt (PS6, plasma torpedo and proton bomb, with trajectory simulator). Gruff having the lone wolf EPT, gets out right in front up on the north end. Both Tin-bok and Shunt line up directly facing the base, along the west edge, the HWK is in the corner, angled towards the SW end cap. Squad leader on Shunt.

Delta squad is now an Interceptor elite. GAMMA comes in on round 4, Jericho 6.

Alpha squad starts on spot 4, Beta squad on 8, and Delta on 9.

Round 1. The HWK plans a 4 straight, so does Tin-bok, 3 straight for Shunt, and 5 straight for Gruff.

Alpha squad straights 5. Even a 4 straight would have landed Alpha-1 on a debris field, so he keeps with the 5 straight. No damage taken as no action taken. Alpha 2 evades.. Beta squad moves 5 straight and evades.

The HWK moves and focuses defensively.

Delta-1 straights 5 after taking his free focus, then boosts left.

Tin-bok boosts right, moves, then locks turret 1. Shunt uses Squad leader to give Tin-bok a focus, Gruff moves and locks Delta-1. His assault missile shot whiffs, but thanks to his failsafe, it's not wasted. Shunt has no shot.

Delta-1 has no shot.

Tin-bok shoots, dealing 3 hull to turret 2.

Turret 1 misses, so does 2. No shots from Alpha or Beta squad.

Round 2. Tin-bok and the HWK plan 4 straights, 3 straight again for shunt, and 4 straight for Gruff.

Alpha squad straights 4 and evades. Beta squad straights 4 and focuses.

The HWK moves and focuses again.

Delta-1 takes its free focus, then straights 5 boosting right this time.

The rest of the rebels move. Gruff barrel rolls to his right to get a shot on Beta-2, Tin-bok uses Sabine wren to barrel roll to his left, finishes his move, then locks Delta-1. Shunt also locks the interceptor.

Shunt's shot deals it 2 hull damage. Bok gets in the kill, and Gruff deals a direct hit critical to Beta-2. XP now 4 for Tin-bok, 2 for Gruff and 2 for Shunt.

The HWK finishes off turret 2.

Alpha-1 no shot. Alpha-2 misses, Beta-1 also misses. Beta-2 rakes Gruff, taking two of his shields and his stealth device.. Not off to a good start.

Round 3. The HWK plans another 4 straight, 3k for Gruff, 3 turn left for Tin-bok and 3 straight for Shunt.

Alpha squad banks 2 right and focuses. Beta 1 does a 4k. So does Beta 2. Both no action.

The HWK bumps into Alpha-2, no action (still has a shot on Alpha-1 though). Tin-bok boosts left via Sabine, then moves, locks onto Beta-1 and via his droid boosts left. Gruff takes a stress and Shunt focuses. His shot deals only 2 hull to Alpha-2. Gruff misses, and Tin-bok kills off Beta-2. Now at 6xp Tin-bok, 3 Shunt, 2 still Gruff. The HWK then kills off Alpha-1 with a lucky roll.

Alpha-2 then hits Shunt, taking his stealth device and 2 of his shields, while Beta-1 misses. Tin-bok gets smacked by turret 1, losing two of his shields and his stealth device.. EEK !

Round 4. Gamma shows up in the NE corner.

The HWK plans a 2 straight, will dock, if doesn't bump. 2 turn left for Gruff to clear his stress, 3 turn left for Tin-bok, and 2 bank left for Shunt.

Alpha-2 straights 5. Has no shot so evades. Beta-1 does another 4k. Gamma-1 straights 4, too far to lock, barrel rolls to his left around asteroid.

The HWK moves and docks. Tin-bok uses Sabine to barrel roll right, moves, then locks onto Alpha-2 and boosts forward.

Gamma-2 straights 5, barely misses asteroid. No lock, so barrel rolls right getting around the asteroid.

Shunt drops his first proton bomb, then moves and locks Turret 1. Gruff moves, clears stress then boosts left getting out of Beta-1's arc. His shot then luckily hits Gamma-1 taking his first shield. Shunt blows the turret up.

The bomb goes off dealing a damaged engine critical to Alpha 2, which Tin-bok then adds a 2 nd hull. Even with spending his lock!..

Xp now 7 for Tin-bok, 4 for Shunt, and 3 for Gruff. The HWK is now docked.

Both Gamma-2 and 1, along with Alpha-2 have no shots. Beta-1 misses.

Round 5. The Troops can now start rolling to see if they can leave the end-cap and move into the central hub. Shunt plans to do a 1 bank right, will use his Trajectory simulator to launch his last proton bomb. 5 straight for Gruff (will have to barrel roll to get out of the bomb's blast zone), and a 3 bank left for Tin-bok.

Alpha-2 does a hard turn 2 right. Beta-1 turns left 1 and focuses. Gamma-1 straights 5, locks the HWK and focuses.

Tin-bok moves, after boosting left, then locks onto Gamma-1.

Gamma-2 then bumps Gruff, no lock or action.

Shunt launches his bomb, moves, and barrel rolls to his right to get out of his own blast zone, Gruff does likewise. This causes Gruff to have no shot. The Bomb goes off, dealing a munitions failure critical to Gamma-1 (equals 2nd shield loss as it has no ordinance), and a Stunned pilot critical to Gamma-2.

Shunt's shot then takes the defender's last shield and deals it 1 hull damage. Gruff no shot.

Gamma-2 whiffs his shot on the HWK, even with it having only the range and stealth device defending it!

Tin-bok's torpedo strikes true, blowing up Gamma-1. XP now 10 for Tin-bok, 5 for Shunt, 3 still for Gruff.

Beta-1 then rakes Bok, taking his last shield and gives him a weapons disabled critical. Alpha-2 no shot.

The troops roll a pair of blanks. Don't advance out of the end cap.

Round 6. Jericho shows up in the SE corner. 3 bank right for Gruff, 2 turn left for Tin-bok and 2k for Shunt.

Alpha-2 hard turns 3 right. Beta-1 bumps into the HWK doing a 5 straight. Both no action.

Gamma-2 locks onto the HWK and straights 3, losing a shield as it bumps into Tin-bok. Jericho moves 2 straight. Not in range to lock Gruff. Focuses.

The rebels move. Gruff locks onto Jericho, Shunt takes his stress, Tin-bok barrel rolls left, via Sabine, moves, locks onto Gamma-2 and fails to clear his weapons malfunction critical. Shunt's shot takes a 2 nd shield off the defender elite. Jericho is missed by Gruff's assault missile (Man is he sucking in trying to hit today). XP now 6 Shunt, 10 still for Tin-bok and 3 still for Gruff.

Gamma-2 again barely misses the HWK thanks to its stealth device, even with spending his lock, he didn't connect'. Alpha-2 misses, Beta-1 misses.

The Troops this time, roll a focus and a blank. Still can't get out of the end-cap.

Round 7, Bok plans a 3 turn right, 3 bank right for Gruff, 1 straight for Shunt to clear his stress.

Alpha-2 straights 2 and focuses, Beta-1 does a 3k.

Jericho locks Gruff, then banks 3 right and focuses. This causes Gruff to bump into him. Gamma-2 locks the HWK, banks 1 left and focuses. Tin-bok barrel rolls to his left, moves then boosts right after locking Gamma-2.. No shot, and didn't bother clearing his critical.

Shunt clears his stress, and focuses. Then takes the last 2 shields off the defender elite and deals it 1 hull damage. Gruff and Bok no shots. Shunt up to 7xp now.

The Shunt loses the last of his shields to both Alpha-2 and Beta-1, while the HWK loses all 3 of his shields to Gamma-2. EEK..

The rebel troops finally get one hit only, needing a 2 nd to get out of the end-cap... The other die was a blank...

Round 8, With how things are rolling, the rebel fighters, see things are NOT going their way. Gruff plans to enter hyperspace. So does Tin-bok. Shunt can't maneuver enough to do a green, so plans just a 2k..

After the empire moves, Shunt bumps into Alpha-2, failing to do his 2k, taking a stress. Bok safely enters hyperspace, but Gruff does not. Gets ioned by Jericho. Shunt fails to hit anyone, the HWK gets blown up by Gamma-2 and Beta-1.

Considering this a 2 nd mission loss.

Ending XP, 10 Tin-bok, 7 Shunt, 3 Gruff. 6.8xp average, rounding up to 7.

May need to re-think when Gamma, Jericho and Delta come into play. Thinking of shifting Delta to entering in round 2 vice starting out, 5 for Gamma and 7 for Jericho...

If after the 3rd running, its still a loss, will implement the above changes.

3 rd running at 3 rebels..

Using the new A-wing Deox (Ps5, push the limit, Concussion missile), the X-wing Chaka (PS 7, proton torpedo), and the Y-wing Dozer (PS7 also, seismic bomb and plasma torpedo). SQL will be on Chaka. PS averages to a 6, so no change to Alpha or Beta squad. Delta's still one elite interceptor.

Alpha starts down on spot 3, Beta up on spot 8, Delta on spot 2.

The HWK and Dozer start up in the far south portion of their engagement zone, along the west edge. Dozer to the south of the HWK, while Deox and Chaka line up on the far east of the infiltration zone along the north edge, with Chaka just off the map edge, and Deox to his inside, a little back (following the Curve of the start zone).

Round 1. Deox plans a 5 straight, 4 straight all other rebels.

Alpha squad straights 5, Alpha-1 evades, Alpha-2 has to break off from the squad, barrel rolling to its right around an asteroid. Beta squad straights 5 and evades. Delta-1 takes his free focus, banks 3 right, then barrel rolls left, avoiding the same asteroid Alpha-2 did.

The rebels move. The HWK focuses, Dozer locks Turret 2, Deox and Chaka boost right. Deox then takes a focus via Intensity EPT. Dozer's torpedo strips 3 hull off the turret, which the HWK lucks out, and gets a critical hit on, destroying it (1 attack vs 1 evade, I got a crit vs a blank. WOW).

Chaka then misses turret 1, but Deox hits it for 3 hull..

No enemy ships have shots. Turret 1 misses Deox.

Round 2. Chaka and Deox plan 2 banks left, 4 straight Dozer and the HWK.

Alpha 1 banks right 3 and evades, Alpha 2 does same. Both in Beta straight 4 and focus. Delta-1 takes his free focus then bumps Alpha-1 doing a 4 straight. No action.

The HWK moves and focuses, Dozer locks Turret 1, Deox and Chaka barely avoid bumping anyone in Beta, and both take a focus. Chaka's shot Rips into Beta-2, for 3 hits and a critical, blowing the fighter out of the sky. Deox deals Beta-1 two hull via a direct hit critical. Dozer finishes off turret 1. XP now 1 Dozer, 1 Deox and 2 Chaka.

Delta-1 no shot.

Beta-1 and Alpha-2 shoot Deox but both whiff. Alpha-1 no shot.

Round 3. Turn 2 right for Deox, and Chaka, 3 straight Dozer and the HWK.

Alpha-1 straights 3, has to barrel roll left to get Dozer into arc. Beta-1 banks 2 left and focuses, Alpha-2 straights 5 and has to barrel roll right to get Deox in arc... Though he won't be there when he moves.

Delta-1 takes his free focus, then he straights 3 and evades.

The rebels move. The HWK focuses again, Dozer locks Alpha-1, Deox and Chaka lock onto Delta-1, Deox then uses Push the limit to assign self a focus. Takes a stress to do so.

Dozer's shot kills Alpha-1, shifts up to 3xp. Chaka's proton torpedo misses Delta-1, but does strip it of both its evade and focus token. This lets Deox destroy it with his concussion missile. Due to it being elite Chaka shifts to 3xp, 4 for Dozer and 5 for Deox.

Beta-1 takes a pot shot but misses the HWK thanks to its stealth device.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner (Gamma-1 towards the south, Gamma-2 in the north).

Deox plans a 2 turn left to clear his stress, 3 turn left for Chaka, 3 bank left for Dozer, 2 straight for the HWK (will dock).

Alpha-2 does a turn 2 right, no shot so evades. Beta-1 does a 3k. Gamma-1 straights 5 and focuses.

Then Gamma-2 does a straight 5, has to barrel roll right, to get around a debris field. Neither in range to lock the HWK.

The rebels move. The HWK starts docking. Dozer drops his seismic charge (will destroy Beta-2), but is out of range to lock anyone after, Deox boosts forward and assigns a focus via Intensity. Chaka locks onto Gamma-1, then via Dutch Vander, so does Deox. Dozer kills the fighter, shifting him to 6xp. Chaka then rips two shields and the focus token off of Gamma-1, which Deox then takes the last shield and gives him a Minor Hull breach critical. XP now 6 Dozer, 4 Chaka, 5 Deox.

Alpha-2 and Gamma-2 no shots. Gamma-1 barely misses Deox (due to not having a focus token anymore).. So far, so good..

Round 5. Deox plans a 3k, Dozer a 2 turn left, 4k for Chaka. The HWK is now docked, and the troops will get to roll at the end of the round.

Alpha-2 does a 2 turn right and focuses. Gamma-1 rolls a 3 straight, bumping into Deox. No action, no free lock. Gamma 2 rolls a 3 straight also, gets barely in range to lock the HWK and focuses.

The Rebels move. Deox and Chaka take stress, Dozer locks Gamma-2. Shoots it, forcing it to spend its focus to stop any damage. Chaka kills Gamma-1.

Gamma-2 then shoots but even with spending his lock, misses the HWK thanks to its stealth device and the range bonus.

Deox then misses. XP now 8 Chaka, 5 still for Deox and 6 still for Dozer.

Alpha-2 misses Deox.

The troops roll only 1 hit, failing to advance to the central hub. One more hit needed next round (hopefully).

Round 6. Jericho shows up in the SE corner, angled towards Chaka. Chaka plans a 2 straight to clear his stress. 5 straight for Deox for the same reason. Dozer plans a 2 turn left.

Alpha-2 straights 5, and focuses. Gamma-2 re-locks the HWK then straights 4 and focuses. Jericho straights 3 too far to lock, so focuses defensively.

The rebels move. Deox clears his stress, boosts right, then uses PTL to to boost forward, and gains a focus via intensity (then stresses again). Dozer protects the HWK (Still has lock on Gamma-2), Chaka boosts left. Dozer shoots, taking three shields off of the elite defender, Chaka takes its last.

Gamma-2 then takes a shield off of the HWK (would have been 2 had it not been for the protect action given by Dozer). This also takes the HWK's stealth device (the defender was at range 1, so used its main guns vice its ion cannon).

Deox then deals 1 hull and a minor hull breach crit to the defender. The HWK uses Wingman to remove Deox's stress.

No shot Alpha-2 or Jericho.

XP now 6 for Deox, 9 for Chaka and 7 for Dozer.

The rebel troops roll a 2 nd hit, move into the central hub.

Round 7. Deox plans a turn 2 right, 3 turn left for Chaka, and 2 bank left for Dozer.

Alpha-2 turns right 2, then barrel rolls right to gain arc to shoot. Jericho turns 2 left, out of range to lock, so barrel rolls to get Jericho in his front arc. Gamma-2 re-locks the HWK, then straights 2, moving right by it. No shot, so focuses for defensive reasons.

The rebels move. Deox boosts right, then uses PTL to barrel roll right. Takes a stress. Chaka locks onto Jericho, then via Dutch Vander, allows Deox to lock Alpha-2. Dozer focuses. His turret then kills the elite defender off. Chaka then strips the shield off of Jericho, as well as gives him a hit and a Damaged sensor array critical, (also takes his stealth device).

Jericho's counter shot misses.

Deox then gives 1 hull to Alpha-2. Lock not spent. XP now 10 for Chaka, 11 for Dozer and 7 for Deox.

Alpha-2 then takes 2 shields off of Chaka and his stealth device.

The Rebel troops roll two straight criticals, planting the virus. Jericho now shifts to a Flee AI. Either the NE or SE corners are its escape spot.

Round 8. The HWK plans a 2 turn left, 2 bank left for Dozer, 2 bank left Chaka, and 2 turn right Deox.

Alpha-2 bumps Chaka doing a straight 5. Jericho turns 3 right (couldn't go left due to there being an asteroid in the way), bumping Alpha-2.

The rebels move. Deox clears his stress and boosts forward, Chaka re-locks Jericho allowing Deox to shift his lock to the aggressor. Dozer too far to lock, so protects the HWK. Neither him or Chaka have shots.

Jericho hits the HWK taking its last 2 shields.

The HWK then kills the aggressor elite, shifting Deox to 8xp, 12 for Dozer and 11 for Chaka. Deox then deals another hull to Alpha-2. Taking him up to 9xp.

Alpha-2 then takes a shield off of Dozer and neuters his stealth device.. Man have the imperials not hit worth a darn this mission..

Round 9, the rebels eliminate Alpha-2, making it a clean sweep win.

Ending XP was 14 for Dozer, 11 for Chaka and 9 for Deox making 11 average XP.

1 st win, 2 losses.

Note to self, need to Change Deox's name to Blue-Thunder.

4 th running at 3 rebel ships:

Using the X-wing Squeaky (PS7, plasma torpedo and r2-d2), B-wing Wilt (PS 6, Plasma and advance proton torpedo), and Y-wing Unca (Twin laser turret, goes with ordinance of Proton torpedo and proton bombs, with extra munitions). Wilt lines up due north, at the far east start spot for the rebel infiltration zone, with Unca by his side, and Squeaky lines up in the middle of the zone, facing towards turret 2. The HWK is just to his south. SQL on Unca. Neither Alpha or Beta shift up to having an advance yet (PS just under 7 average)..

Delta is back to being a Tie striker elite. Alpha spot 1, Beta spot 4, Delta spot 9.

Round 1. Wilt plans a 3 straight, all other rebels a 4 straight.

Alpha squad straights 3 and evades. Beta squad straights 5 and Beta-2 runs into a debris field (even a 4 straight would have done so). So takes no action.. Beta-1 evades. Delta-1 takes his free focus, then straights 3 and barrel rolls to his left and forward.

The rebels move. The HWK takes a focus, Squeaky locks onto Turret 2, Unca focuses and Wilt has no shot. Unca's TLT deals 2 hull to turret 2, which Squeaky then barely hits for a 3 rd hull, the HWK finishes it off. None with any XP.

No imperial ships shoot, Turret 1 shoots but misses Unca.

Round 2. 3 straight Wilt, 3 bank right Unca, 4 straight for the HWK and 3 bank left for Squeaky.

Alpha squad and Beta squad all bank 3 right. All evade. Delta-1 takes its free focus, banks 3 left and then barrel rolls right.

The rebels move. Both Wilt and Unca lock the striker elite, while Squeaky locks Turret 1. Unca's first torpedo deals 2 hits and a critical hit to the striker, taking off his shield, giving him 1 hull and a Console fire critical. Squeaky's shot deals 2 hull to the turret.

Delta-1 then returns fire on Unca misses.

Wilt then blows the elite striker up. Taking him to 4xp, 2 for Unca and 1 for Squeaky.

Of the other imperials only Beta-2 had a shot but he missed. Turret 1 gets finished off by the HWK.

Round 3. The HWK plans a 3 straight, 3 bank right for Squeaky, 3 straight on Unca, and 2 turn right for Wilt.

Alpha squad straights 4 and focuses. Beta squad straights 3 and focuses.

The rebels move. The HWK focuses, Wilt locks Beta-2, Squeaky unfortunately bumps Beta-2, but still has a shot on Beta-1. Unca focuses His turret deals only 1 hull to the Beta-1. Squeaky totally whiffs (3 focuses and a blank vs 2 evades). Wilt deals 1 ion and 1 hull to Beta-2. This takes Wilt to 5xp, 3 for Unca, 1 for Squeaky. The HWK shoots Alpha-1 blowing it up.

Alpha 2 and Beta-1 each hit Squeaky taking a shield, Beta-2 misses.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner (the elite to the south, the regular to the west). The HWK plans a bank 1 left, will dock. 2 turn left for Wilt, 3 bank left for Unca, and 1 bank left for Squeaky to regenerate a shield.

Alpha-2 does a 4k, Beta-1 does a 3k. This blocks off Beta-2 from clearing Squeaky, so it can't bleed off its ion. Gamma-1 then straights 4 and barrel rolls right, to get around an asteroid. Gamma-2 does a 5 straight and focuses.

The rebels move. The HWK docks. Unca focuses, Wilt locks Gamma-1 and Squeaky barrel rolls left, then uses intensity to assign himself a focus. His range shot on Gamma-1 misses, even with spending his focus, though he did cause the Defender to spend its. Unca strips one shield off of Gamma-2.

Wilt then ions Gamma-1.

Wilt gets ioned losing his first shield, in return, while Unca loses two of his shields and takes his stealth device in return fire from Gamma-2. Then the HWK loses one shield and its Stealth device to Beta-1, then a 2 nd shield to Alpha-2. Beta-2 no shot.

The HWK is now docked, the troops can roll next round. XP now 6 for Wilt, 4 for Unca, 1 still for Squeaky.

Round 5. Wilt has only a 1 straight due to being ioned. Unca plans a 2 turn right (if he can drop his first proton bomb he will), and another 1 bank left for Squeaky to regenerate another shield.

Alpha-2 does another 4k. Beta-1 bumps Beta-2 doing a 2 bank left, which blocks Beta-2 again from moving and clearing its ion. No action either. Gamma-1 barely avoids bumping Wilt, clearing its ion token, not in range to lock the HWK, so focuses. Gamma-2 straights 4, locks the HWK and focuses.

The rebels move. Wilt clears his stress, just beyond arc now to shoot Gamma-1, so focuses (couldn't barrel roll due to asteroid). Unca gets too close to shoot Gamma-2 with his turret, so locks Alpha-2, but drops his first proton bomb. Squeaky barrel rolls left, to get out of the blast zone. The bomb goes off taking 2 more shields via a direct hit critical from Gamma-2. Unca's shot then deals only 1 hull to Alpha-2. Squeaky misses, AGAIN (man other than the two shots on turrets, he's MISSED every other shot!) Wilt has no shot. Unca increases to 5xp.

Gamma-2 then smacks the last shield off the HWK and deals it 1 hull. Alpha-2 deals it a 2 nd hull. Beta-1 misses Squeaky, Gamma-1 thankfully misses Wilt (he can thank squeaky for forcing it to use its focus token).

The troops roll a pair of blanks. Do not advance from the End cap.

Round 6. Jericho shows up in the SE corner. Unca plans another 2 turn right, 2k for Wilt, 2 turn right for Squeaky.

Alpha-2 turns right 1 then focuses, Beta-2 turns 2 left and focuses, Beta-2 finally gets to clear his ion, then barrel rolls left, to clear a debris field. Gamma-1 banks 3 left, locks the HWK then focuses. Gamma-2 straights 4 after re-locking the HWK then has to barrel roll right, to get it in arc to shoot.

Jericho moves 3 straight, locks Unca and focuses.

The rebels move. Squeaky barrel rolls left. Unca locks Gamma-2, Wilt stresses. Unca's second torpedo hits taking the last shield off the elite Defender and gives it a damaged cockpit critical. Then Squeaky whiffs again. Man his die rolling has sucked!!!

Jericho then hits Unca taking a shield and giving him 2 ion tokens via its ion pulse missile. Gamma-2 then blows the HWK out of the sky. Gamma-1 then has no shot. Squeaky loses 2 shields from Alpha-2.

Wow, the rebels are getting PWNED.. All thanks to poor rolls.. More than anything else that is..

It started out SOO GREAT, with eliminating the striker elite in one round.. Pity the die rolls sucked there after.

3 rd rebel loss, 1 victory.. THIS Was more down to the dice, not anything else.

Edited by LTuser

5 th running at 3 ships.

Using A-wing Red-bull (PS4, has an assault missile), the B-wing Spot (PS6, plasma and proton torpedo for ordinance, named PILOT of Sabine wren), and the Y-wing Cmoz (PS6 also, dorsal turret goes with his Plasma torpedo and Cluster mine).. Spot has Squad leader. Red-bull lines up to the norht of the infiltration zone, Then both Spot and Cmoz in the middle of it, the HWK lines up just west, outside Spot. All are angled towards the base.

PS averages to 5. NO advances. Delta stays striker elite.

Alpha starts spot 3, Beta spot 1, Delta spot 5.

Round 1. Cmoz and Spot plan 3 straights, 5 for Red-bull and 4 for the HWK.

Alpha squad straights 4 and evades, Beta squad straights 5 and evades.

The HWK moves and focuses while Red-bull boosts forward.

Delta-1 takes his free focus, then straights 2 and boosts forward.

Spot uses Sabine Wren pilot , to boost forward, then moves and locks Turret 1. Cmoz locks Turret 2,. Cmoz blows his turret up using his torpedo, Spot whiffs with his proton torpedo, but due to the Gunner crew slot, then gets to shoot it with his main guns, dealing one hull to the turret, which Red bull then gets two crits on blowing it up. The HWK has no shot.

No imperials with shots. XP 0 Spot, 0 Cmoz, 1 Red-bull

Round 2. Both Red-bull and the HWK plans 4 straights, 2 bank left Spot and 3 straight Cmoz.

Alpha squad straights 4 and barrel rolls left to get better arc for shooting Spot/Cmoz. Beta squad straights 3 and evades.

The HWK moves and focuses again. Red-bull locks Delta-1.

Delta-1 then banks 3 right, after taking his free focus, then barrel rolls left to get arc to shoot the HWK.

Spot focuses, Cmoz protects the HWK. Cmoz misses, Spot deals 3 hull to the Striker.

Delta-1 whiffs his shot on the HWK, then he dies to Red-bull. XP now 5 Red-bull, 2 Spot, 1 Cmoz.

The HWK takes a pot shot at range 3 on Alpha-1, but misses.

Alpha 1, 2 and Beta-2 all shoot Spot, but thanks to his sensor jammer, all three shots miss. Beta-1 just out of range to shoot anyone.

Round 3. 4 Straight for the HWK, 3 bank left for Cmoz, 2 turn right Spot and 2 bank right Red-bull.

Alpha squad both straights 2. Alpha-2 bumps into Spot, Alpha-1 focuses. Beta squad both straights 3 and focuses.

The HWK focuses again, Red-bull Boosts right, Cmoz bumps into Alpha-2, Spot uses Squad leader to give him an action, he locks onto Alpha-1. Then his shot blows the fighter up, shifting him up to 3xp. Spot's shot then misses with his ion cannon, but thanks to Gunner he shoots with his main guns and deals 1 hull and a weapons malfunction critical to Beta-2. Red-bull finishes Beta-2 off, and the HWK misses Beta-1. XP now 3 Cmoz, 3 Spot, 7 Red-bull.

Alpha-2 no shot, Beta-1 takes a shield off Cmoz.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in NE corner. Cmoz plans a 3 bank left, 2k Spot, 3k Red-bull, 4k for the HWK.

Alpha-2 tries a 3k, even a 4k would land him on a debris field, so he keeps the 3, but doesn't turn around. Does not act, so takes no damage. Beta-1 turns right 2 and focuses. Gamma-1 straights 4, then barrel rolls right. Not in range to lock the HWK.

The HWK moves and stresses, so does Red-bull.

Gamma-2 then straights 4 and focuses.

Spot stresses, Cmoz locks Gamma-1 and boosts forward. Spot deals a direct hit critical to Beta-1, taking him up to 4xp, Cmoz misses, lock not spent though.

Gamma-2 no shot.

Red-bull and the HWK both miss. Cmoz still 3xp, 7 still for Red-bull, 4 now for Spot.

Beta-1 takes a shield off of Red-bull Alpha-2 no shot and Gamma-1 no shot.

Round 5. the HWK plans a 4 straight to clear his stress and dock, 1 bank right for Spot to clear his stress, 4k for Cmoz and 3 straight for Red-bull to clear his.

Alpha-2 turns 2 left, was a right turn rolled, but a debris field is in his path, so switches it around. Then evades as has no shot. Beta-1 does a 4k. Gamma-1 then bumps Cmoz after doing a 3 straight. No lock, no action.

Red-bull moves, clears his stress, then locks Gamma-1, the HWK clears his and docks.

Gamma-2 straights 5, locks the HWK and focuses.

Spot clears his stress and focuses, Cmoz stresses. Cmoz's shot takes one shield off of Gamma-1, Spot's shot on Gamma-2 takes 2 shields off it.

Gamma-2 then hits and takes 1 shield off of the HWK and gives it 1 ion token (and removed its stealth device).

Red-bull's assault missile then strikes Gamma-1 taking its last 2 shields and dealing it a Minor explosion critical, which came up adding a 2 nd hit, giving it 2 hull damage. The Assault missile also blows Beta-1 up. XP now 4 for Cmoz, 5 for Spot and 9 for Red-bull.

Alpha-2 no shot, Gamma-1 just out of range to shoot the HWK.

Round 6. Jericho's aggressor shows up in the SE corner. Spot plans a 2k, 5 straight for Red-bull, 2 straight for Cmoz. The HWK's troops can now roll.

Alpha-2 does a 4k. Gamma-1 straights 3, locks the HWK and focuses.

Red-bull focuses.

Gamma-2 then re-locks the HWK and bumps Spot doing a 3 turn right. No action. Jericho straights 3 and barrel rolls right to get around an asteroid.

Spot stresses. Cmoz re-locks Gamma-1 then boosts left. Spot's shot strips the last 2 shields off of Gamma-2, and deals it a direct hit critical. Cmoz takes a pot shot at it, thinking to kill it off, and lucks out getting the 1 hit needed to kill the elite defender.

Jericho no shot.

Red-bull misses Gamma-1. XP now 10 for Red-bull, 7 for Spot and 8 for Cmoz.

Alpha-2 misses, and Gamma-1 takes a 2 nd shield off of the HWK and gives it a 2 nd ion token.

OUCH. The rebel troops advance into the central hub, after rolling 1 critical hit and 1 focus.

Round 7. Red-bull plans a 3 turn left, 1 bank left for Spot, and 3 bank left for Cmoz.

Alpha-2 banks 3 right and focuses. Gamma-1 re-locks the HWK and focuses after going 2 straight.

Red-bull moves and barrel rolls left to get an arc on Gamma-1.

Jericho straights 4 and locks Spot then focuses.

Spot moves, clears his stress, then barrel rolls to his right, using Intensity to take a focus after.

Cmoz locks the Aggressor then boosts left.

His shot takes the stealth device and the one shield off it. Spot's shot then takes 1 hull and gives an Injured pilot critical (So it's Wingged Gundark named pilot is now ignored).

The Aggressor's counter shot strips two shields off Spot.

Red-bull lucks out and kills Gamma-1. He's now up to 13xp, 8 for Spot and 9 for Cmoz.

Alpha-1 takes the first shield off of Red-bull.

The troops gain 1 of 4 hits needed to plant the virus.

Round 8. Spot plans a 2 turn right, 2 turn left for Cmoz and 3k for Red-bull, hoping to get behind the last tie fighter.

Alpha 2 straights 4 and focuses.

Red-bull takes a stress.

Then Jericho re-locks Spot, then turns 3 left and focuses.

Spot uses Sabine Wren to barrel roll left, then he moves, and locks Jericho. Cmoz moves and barrel rolls left. His shot misses. Spot however, doesn't, blowing the elite aggressor up with THREE CRITICAL hits!!! A little overkill never hurts!.

Alpha-2 takes a 3 rd hit from Spot, after Red-bull whiffed his shot.

The troops get 1 more hit needed to plant the virus.

Round 9. The rebels eliminate the last fighter. Ending XP 13 spot, 11 Cmoz and 14 for Red-bull.

13xp average.

2 nd win, 3 losses. Thinking on it, Cmoz didn't get a chance to drop his cluster mine, where his Seismic charge WOULD have worked out better, while Spot kept getting in too close to even use either of his torpedos.

The Pilot slot of Sabine Wren on Spot, worked out great..

6 th (and hopefully last) play test at 3 ships.

Using the X-wing Jinn (PS 7, goes with his proton torpedo), the Y-wing Crack (PS6, goes with seismic bomb and Ion torpedo, with extra munitions) and Imo-thep (PS5, proton torpedo and proton bomb). PS averages to 6, so Alpha and beta have no advance. Delta is back to an Interceptor.

Alpha starts on spot 7, Beta on 3, Delta on 5. Squad leader on Jinn.

Jinn lines up to the north-east edge of the infiltration zone with Imo-thep and Crack are in the middle. The HWK lines up to the south of Imo-thep, behind him...

( Note to self, Crack needs MORE than just his seismic torpedo and ion torpedo, need to change that once he hits PS 7).

Round 1. Crack plans a 3 bank right, 3 bank left for Imo-thep, 4 straight for Jinn and the HWK.

Alpha squad straights 3 and evades. Beta squad straights 5. Beta-1 has to slow down to a 4, to avoid running onto a debris field, then he barrel rolls right.

The HWK focuses.

Delta-1 takes a free focus, then straights 5 and boosts forward.

Imo-thep locks Turret 2. Not in range for his droid to allow a boost. Crack's just out of range to lock, Jinn locks Turret 1. Jinn's torpedo blows up turret 1.

Delta-1 has no shot.

Imo-thep's torpedo blows up turret 2. Both he and Jinn now at 1xp, 0 for Crack.

No other shots.

Round 2. The HWK plans a 2 bank right, keeping distance on the interceptor elite. 3 bank right for Imo-thep, 2 bank right for Jinn and 3 bank left for Crack.

Alpha squad straights 5 and evades. Beta squad also straights 5. Beta-1 bumps into Delta-1. Beta-2 ok, and evades.

The HWK moves and focuses. Delta-1 takes a free focus, straights 3 and boosts forward.

Imo-thep moves, protects the HWK. Crack locks Alpha-1, while Jinn locks Delta-1. Jinn's shot strips the focus off the interceptor, and deals it a console fire critical hit. Crack deals a blinded pilot critical to Alpha-1.

Delta-1 then misses the HWK thanks to the protect action given to it.

Imo-thep then adds a 2 nd hull from his main guns to Delta-1. XP now 2 Jinn, 2 Imo-thep, 1 Crack.

The HWK adds a 3 rd hull.

Alpha-2 hits Crack taking a first shield and his stealth device. Alpha-1 auto-misses, Beta-1 no shot, Beta-2 misses. Alpha-1 now at 1 hull.

Round 3. The HWK plans a 2 bank left, 2 turn right for Crack, 3 turn left for Jinn, 3 bank left for Imo-thep.

Alpha-1 tries a 4k, bumping into Crack, Alpha-2 tries a 3 bank left, bumps into 1. Both in Beta turn 3 left, with Beta-2 bumping Delta-1. Beta-1 evades as has no arc.

Delta-1 takes his free focus, banks 2 left and clears his console fire critical.

The HWK uses his named pilot, to up Imo-thep to PS12 for the round. Jinn moves, focuses and via his named pilot Jake Farrell, boosts left, Crack drops his first seismic bomb, then locks Beta-2. Imo-thep drops his proton bomb, then locks Beta-1 and boosts forward via his droid. His proton bomb goes off, killing the interceptor elite. Crack's seismic bomb deals a 2 nd hull to Alpha-1. Imo-thep's guns then miss Beta-1 (Three blanks vs 3 evades, didn't waste lock). Jinn kills Alpha-1, Crack deals a hull to Beta-2. The HWK then deals a thrust control fire to Beta-2, taking it up to 2 hull damage and a stress.

This shifts Jinn to 5xp, 6 for Imo-thep and 3 for Crack.

Beta-2 then misses his return shot, while Alpha-2 and Beta-1 have no shots.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner.

Jinn plans a 3 turn right, 2 bank left for the HWK, hoping to dock. Crack plans a 2 turn left, 3 bank left for Imo-thep. This round, the HWK uses his named pilot to shift Crack up to PS 12.

Alpha-2 turns left 1 and focuses. Beta-1 turns 2 right and focuses, while Beta-2 turns 1 left, doesn't clear his stress. Gamma-1 straights 5, has to barrel roll left to avoid an asteroid. Too far to lock the HWK.

Jinnn locks Gamma-2, Crack drops his 2 nd bomb then locks Alpha-2, The HWK bumps into Beta-1, Imo-thep locks Gamma-1. Crack's bomb goes off, dealing 1 hull to Alpha-1, but his shot misses.. Jinn strips 3 shields off of Gamma-2.

Gamma-2 no shot.

Imo-thep then hits and ions Gamma-1, taking off one of his 3 shields.

The HWK no shot. Jinn now at 6xp, 7 for Imo-thep and 4 for Crack.

Return shot from Gamma-1 misses Imo-thep (thanks to it not having a focus token), while Alpha-2 takes a 2 nd shield off of Crack. All other imps have no shots or miss.

Round 5. The HWK hopes a simple 1 straight will allow it to dock, 2 turn left planned for Imo-thep, 3 turn right for Jinn and 2 left turn Crack.

Alpha-2 banks left 3, no arc, and can't barrel roll to get one, so evades. Beta-1 turns right 1, still can't clear its stress. Beta-2 turns 2 left and focuses. Gamma-1 bumps into Imo-thep, can't clear his stress. No lock or Action.

Imo-thep then moves and re-locks Gamma-1. The HWK docks.

Gamma-2 straights 4, locks the HWK and focuses.

Crack then bumps Gamma-2. GRR Jinn moves. Focuses and via Jake banks right. Jinn's shot then takes the last shield, gives a damaged cockpit critical and 1 hull damage to the elite defender. Crack misses.

Gamma-2 then hits the HWK, taking its first shield, its stealth device and gives it 1 ion token.

Imo-thep then changes targets and luckily manages to kill off the elite defender. This shifts him up to 11xp, 5 for Crack, 8 for Jinn.

Alpha-2 and Beta-1 no shot. Beta-2 takes another shield off Crack. Gamma-1 takes his last shield and gives Crack an Ion token.

The troops are now in the End-cap.

Round 6. Jericho shows up in the SE corner. Imo-thep plans another 2 turn left, 2 bank right Jinn and Crack has just a straight 1 (ioned).

Alpha-2 does a 4k, Beta-1 banks right 3, still can't clear its stress, Beta-2 does a 5 straight, which he has to shorten to a 4 straight cause of an asteroid, then he has to barrel roll right.

Gamma-1 bumps into Beta-2, still can't clear his ion. No lock.

Imo-thep moves and focuses as he's still got the lock on Gamma-1. Crack bumps into Jinn, no clears ion. No action.

Jericho straights 3 and focuses.

Jinn focuses, boosts right. Kills off Beta-1. Crack no shot.

Jericho no shot.

Imo-thep takes a 2 nd shield off of Gamma-1, and gives it a 2 nd ion token.

Beta-2 and Alpha 2 miss.

XP now 5 still for Crack, 10 for Jinn and 12 for Imo-thep. Man he's raking it in!

The Troops roll a critical, and advance into the Central hub.

Round 7. Jinn plans a 3 turn left, 1 straight again for Crack (hopes he clears his ion this time), 3 bank left for Imo-thep.

Alpha-2 straights 2 and has to barrel roll right to get an arc. Beta-2 banks 3 left and focuses. Gamma-1 bleeds its first of two ion tokens, gets in range to lock the HWK and focuses.

Imo-thep re-locks Gamma-1.

Jericho turns 2 left, locks Jinn and barrel rolls right to avoid running onto an asteroid.

Jinn focuses, then Crack bleeds his ion off and locks Beta-2. Jinn's shot strips the last shield off the defender, gives it a minor hull breach critical. Shifts to 11xp. Crack misses, even with spending his lock.

Jericho totally whiffs vs Jinn.

Imo-thep smacks Gamma-1 giving it back a 2 nd ion token and a 2 nd hull. Imo-thep now at 13xp, 5 still for Crack.

Gamma-1 then turns around and gives a 2 nd ion token and takes a 2 nd shield off the HWK. Alpha-2 misses, Beta-2 has no shot.

The troops get only 1 hit towards planting the virus.

Round 8. The rebels are cutting it close.. May need to do a clean sweep to win..

Jinn plans a 4k, 3 straight for Imo-thep, 2 turn right for Crack.

Alpha-2 does a 3k, Beta-2 turns 1 left and focuses, Gamma-1 bleeds another ion token, re-locks the HWK and focuses.

Imo-thep re-locks Gamma-1, then boosts left, getting out of Alpha-2's arc.

Jericho re-locks Jinn, then turns right 3 and focuses.

Crack re-locks Beta-2, Jinn takes a stress. Jinn's shot then misses, but forced the aggressor elite to spend it's focus.

Crack finally hits, dealing 2 hull to Beta-2.

Jericho then barely misses Jinn (had 3 focuses vs 3 blanks, so Jinn barely avoids being hit).

Imo-thep finally kills Gamma-1 with his main guns.

Alpha-2 misses Crack, Beta-2 no shot.

Troops now up to 2 hits out of 4 needed. XP now 6 for Crack, 16 for Imo-thep, 13 still for Jinn.

Round 9. Crack plans another 2 turn right, 1 bank right for Jinn to clear his stress, 2 turn left for Imo-thep. The HWK will boost Imo-thep's PS up for the round.

Alpha-2 banks right 2 and focuses, while Beta-2 does a 3k.

Jericho re-locks Jinn then turns 3 left and focuses.

Crack locks onto Jericho, Jinn clears stress, and boosts forward after focusing via Jake . Imo-thep then re-locks Alpha-2 and boosts left. He hits the tie fighter, dealing it a 2 nd hull (finally), and gives it one ion token. Jinn then pops off the Stealth device, takes the shield and gives 1 hull damage to the aggressor elite. Crack misses (when has he not!) XP now 17 for Imo-thep, 14 for Jinn, 6 still for Crack.

Jericho misses Jinn again. Beta-2 misses, Alpha-2 however, finally strikes Imo-thep taking him for two of his shields and his stealth device..

The Troops get a 3 rd hit.. Man at this rate, the HWK will be de-docking in the 11 th round.. The rebels MUST Kill all enemy opposition to have a hope of winning..

Round 10. Imo-thep plans a 2 bank left, 3 bank right Crack and 3 turn left for Jinn. The HWK plans to boost Imo-thep's PS to 12.

Alpha-2 bleeds its Ion, barrel rolls left to get arc. Beta-2 does a 4k. Jericho re-locks Jinn then banks 3 left and focuses.

Crack bumps into Alpha-2, gets no action. Jinn focuses, then boosts forward. Imo-thep locks Beta-2 then boosts left via his droid. BUT his shot totally whiffs (1 hit 2 focuses, vs 3 evades). Jinn hits Jericho for 2 more hull damage. Crack lucks out with his forward guns, killing Jericho with a critical hit (injured pilot). This takes Jinn to 16xp, 18 for Imo-thep and 10 for Crack.

Alpha-2 has no shot, but Beta-2 hits Imo-thep, taking his last shields.

The Troops get the last hit needed to plant the virus. Can de-dock next round, but due to having two ion tokens, WON'T be able to hyper out. This means the rebels MUST kill the last two fighters.

Round 11. Jinn plans a 2 turn left, 1 bank left Imo-thep, 1 straight for Crack.

Alpha-2 does a 4k, Beta-2 banks left bumping Imo-thep.

The HWK bleeds its first ion token and focuses. Jinn focuses and boosts forward, Crack locks Alpha-2, Imo-thep locks Beta-2. Imo-thep kills Beta-2. Jinn and Crack miss. This takes Imo-thep to 20XP!!!!

Holy spitballs!

Alpha-2 finally connects with Jinn taking his stealth device and two of his shields.. Wow, thought he'd go the entire battle not being struck...

Round 12. The rebels move, Alpha 2 moves. Crack winds up getting the kill in on Alpha-2. Wow not a moment too late.. This makes 3 wins, 3 losses. All rebel wins were ONLY via eliminating all imperials.. Not one was via getting the HWK to hyper out.

Ending XP, 20 Imo-thep, 12 Crack, 16 Jinn. That makes a whapping 16xp average for this running...

Averaging the XP overall, we come out to 9xp average out of the six base runnings.

I will go two more, but i won't record/track them just to see if i can get a win without having to do a total elimination. One will use Shatter, Twitch and Doc. The other i will do at the store with Donovan, this upcoming wednesday.

Well, due to the virus, the game for this week got nixxed.. SO i will go ahead and shift up to 5 players, and start testing at home...

Once it shifts up to 5 rebel players, the imperial forces become

Starting out;

Alpha is 3 tie fighters, with one fighter shifting up to a tie advance at PS 5+ (a 2nd fighter is replaced by an advance at PS 7+)

Beta squad, 3 tie fighters, one converts over to a tie advance at PS 6+, a 2nd at PS 8+.

Delta squad, 2 tie interceptor or striker elites


Gamma squad is 2 tie defenders, with an added tie defender elite at PS 5+

Jericho squad, 1 tie aggressor elite, with the addition of a 2nd at PS 5+

For running 1, 2, 3 and 8, Delta will be Interceptors. For running 4, 5, 6 and 7, Delta will be Strikers.

For the rebels;

1 st run – All A-wings (PS averages to a 5). Alpha will have one advance, Beta has No advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

2 nd run – All X-wings (PS averages to a 6). Alpha will have one advance, Beta has one advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

3 rd run – All B-wings (PS will average to a 6). Alpha will have one advance, Beta has one advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

4 th run – All Y-wings (PS averages to a 6). Alpha will have one advance, Beta has one advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

5 th run – Two X-wings (Squeaky and Tin-bok), 2 B-wings (Shunt and Spot) and 1 Y-wing (Imo-thep) PS averages to a 5. Alpha will have one advance, Beta has No advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

6 th run – Two Y-wings (Crack and Unca), 2 A-wings (Blue thunder and Red-bull) and 1 X-wing (Reign-fire). PS averages to a 5. Alpha will have one advance, Beta has No advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

7 th run – Two B-wings (Doc and Twitch ), 2 Y-wings (Dozer and Snoopy ) and 1 A-wing ( Shatter). PS averages to a 5. Alpha will have one advance, Beta has No advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

8 th run – Two A-wings (Drogo and Gruff), 2 X-wings ( Shrek and Jinn) and 1 B-wing (Grood). PS averages to 5. Alpha will have one advance, Beta has No advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite).

So off to get the first test with 5 a-wings tried out.

Edited by LTuser

Well, ran it but it lasted barely 5 rounds before the imperials had wasted one of the a-wings and destroyed the HWK. The rebels barely killed a single imperial ship.. Though they damaged 2 of the defenders, and 2 other fighters.. They just couldn't put out enough damage..

1 st running at 5 rebels

Using all 5 A-wings. Drogo (PS5, has an ion pulse missile), Shatter (PS6, has a cruise missile), Gruff (also PS6, has an assault missile), Red-bull (PS4, also has an assault missile) and Blue-thunder (PS5, has a concussion missile). PS averages to 5. HWK at PS4, same for Delta's interceptors, Gamma at PS5 line.

Squad leader on Shatter. Shatter, Blue thunder and Drogo line up on the southern edge of the entrance 'bubble', with the HWK to Drogo's rear, while Gruff and Red-bull line up on the northern edge. All face inward towards the base.

Alpha squad lines up on Spot 1, Beta on 5, Delta on 3.

Round 1. All five A-wings plan a straight 5, while the HWK plans a 4 straight.

Alpha's 1 and 2 straight 4, then barrel roll to their right to get around a debris field in their path. All in Beta roll a straight 5 and evade. Alpha-3 (the advance) rolls a 5 straight, and evades (not in range to lock anyone yet). Delta-1 and 2 both take their free focus, straight 5, and have to barrel roll to the right, like Alpha did to avoid the debris field.

The HWK moves and focuses. Blue-thunder protects the HWK, then boosts forward via push the limit, takes a stress. Shatter locks turret 1, Drogo locks turret 2, Gruff and Red-bull both boost right.

Gruff's range 3 shot misses the turret. Shatter deals 2 hull to turret 2. Blue-thunder adds a 3 rd hull to turret 2, while Drogo deals a first damage to turret 1, then Red-bull adds a 2 nd to turret 1. The HWK then finishes off turret 2 with a lucky hit.

No imperials have shots.

Turret 3 takes a range 4 shot on Red-bull, while Turret -1 takes a 3 range shot on him, Both miss..

Round 2. The HWK plans another 4 straight, 3 straight for Blue-thunder to clear his stress, 3 straight Shatter and Drogo, 4 straight Gruff, 3 bank right for Red-bull.

Alpha-1 and 2 straight 5 and evade. Beta squad all bank 3 right and focus. Alpha-2 straights 4, too far to lock, evades. Both in Delta straight 3 after taking their free focus, then boost forward.

The rebels move. The HWK focuses, Red-bull boosts forward, Blue-thunder clears his stress, then focuses, then uses PTL to boost left (takes back his stress), Shatter locks Delta-1, Gruff evades, and Drogo locks Delta-1. Shatter's Cruise missile smacks home dealing 3 hull to Delta-1, Gruff misses, Blue-thunder then kills the first elite interceptor. Drogo misses Delta-2.

Delta-2 misses the HWK.

Red-bull finishes off turret 1. XP now 4 for Blue-thunder, 2 ea for Shatter and Red-bull, 1 ea for Gruff and Drogo.

Alpha-2 misses, Beta-1 hits Gruff taking his stealth device and 2 shields, Beta-2 smacks off his last shield, and gives him two hull damage (EEK). Beta-3 sends Gruff into the wild blue yonder, with a weapons malfunction critical. Alpha-1 and 2 miss. Turret 3 also misses.

EGADS.. One rebel down already. Not an auspicious start.

Round 3. Blue-thunder plans a 2 bank left to clear his stress, Drogo hopes to do a 3k, 5 k for both Red-bull and Shatter, while the HWK hopes to get in a 3 straight.

Alpha-1 and 2 turn right 3, then barrel roll left. Beta squad all turns 1 left. Beta-1 bumps into Red-bull, causing Beta-3 to rear-end him, Beta-2 focuses. Alpha-3 locks Blue-thunder after doing a 3 bank right, and focuses. Delta-2 takes his free focus, then straights 5 and bumps into Alpha-2.

This causes the HWK to bump as well. Blue-thunder clears his stress, barrel rolls right, uses Intensity to take a free focus. Drogo and Red-bull each take a stress, while Shatter bumps into Alpha-2. Takes his stress but fails to perform his K turn. Shatter then has no shot. Drogo deals a Weapon's Malfunction critical to the 2 nd elite interceptor, Blue-thunder deals 2 hull to turret 3.

Delta-2 then strips off two shields and the Stealth device from the HWK>

The HWK returns a shot, but misses, Red-bull takes one shield off of Alpha-3.

XP now 4 for Blue-thunder, 2 still for Shatter and 3 on Red-bull, 1 still for Gruff and 2 now for Drogo.

Alpha-3 then returns the shot, but on Shatter, taking his stealth device and two of his shields. Alpha-1 then takes Shatter's last shield. Alpha-2 misses. Beta-1 misses, however Beta-2 and 3 each take the last two shields off the HWK as they had no shots on other rebels. Turret 3 misses Shatter (barely).

Round 4. Gamma's two regular and one elite defender shows up in the NE corner.

Drogo and Red-bull plan 2 turns right, 2 left turn for Shatter and 2 bank left for Blue-thunder. The Hwk hopes a 1 straight will let it dock.

Alpha-1 does a 4k, Bumps into Beta-1. Alpha-2 does a 3k, bumping into Alpha-1. Neither complete their K turns. Beta-1 also does a 4k, but completes it, while Beta-2 and 3 try a 1 turn left, bumping also into Alpha-1. Alpha-3 re-locks onto Blue-thunder, then turns 2 right and focuses. Delta-2 re-focuses then 5k's, getting in behind the HWK. But cannot clear his weapons malfunction critical.

Gamma 1 and 2 straight 5, too far to lock, both focus.

The HWK docks. Red-bull moves, locks Gamma-1.

Gamma-3 straights 4 and barrel rolls to his right. Too far to lock the HWK.

The rest of the rebels move. Drogo bumps Alpha-2/Beta-3, still can shoot Beta-2/be shot at by him. Keeps stress. Blue-thunder barrel rolls right, uses PTL to lock Gamma-2. Shatter bumps Alpha-2. His shot still gets to finish off turret 3.

Gamma-3 no shot.

Blue thunder's missile misses, munitions failsafe ensures the ordinance is not wasted. Drogo likewise misses.

Beta-2 deals 1 hull to the HWK.

Red-bull's assault missile strikes true, taking 2 shields off Gamma-1, and taking one from Gamma-2.

Xp still 1 for Gruff, 2 still on Drogo, and 2 still for Shatter. 4 still for Blue thunder, and now Red-bull is also at 4.

Alpha-3 then misses, Alpha-1 has no shot, Alpha-2 hits taking 1 shield off Drogo, Beta-2 takes a 2 nd , and Beta-1 takes a third. Leaving Drogo now shield-less. Beta-3 had no shot.

Troops now into the end-cap.

Round 5. The HWK has no move. Red-bull and Blue-thunder plan 2 left turns, 2 right for Drogo, hoping this time he can clear his stress, and 3 straight for Shatter.

Alpha-1 does a 3k, makes it. Alpha-2 bumps Alpha-1 doing a 4k. Beta-1 banks 2 right then focuses. Beta-2 straights 2 bumping Drogo (as he couldn't get by him), while Beta-3 turns 3 right and evades as has no shot. Gamma-1 straights 4 bumping into Alpha-2, still out of range to lock. Can't take an action. Gamma-2 straights 3, just out of range to lock also, focuses. Alpha-2 re-locks Blue-thunder then straights 5, bumping into him. Delta-2 takes his free focus, straights 2 and clears his critical hit, taking him up to 1 hul.

Red-bull bumps into Gamma-1.. GRR.

Gamma-3 then straights 5 bumping into the rear of Beta-1.

Blue thunder moves and focuses, Shatter focuses, Drogo finally clears his stress, boosts forward. Shatter's shot takes a 2 nd shield off of Gamma-2.

Gamma-3 has no shot.

Red-bull takes his last shield, and gives him 1 hull. Drogo gets in the kill shot on the defender.

Delta-2 kills the HWK with 2 hits and 2 critical hits (DOH, a little over kill, as one was a minor explosion which dealt 2 hull on its own).

XP now 5 ea for Drogo, Blue thunder and Red-bull, 4 for Shatter. 1 still on Gruff.

Red-bull then deals 1 hull to Alpha-1. Alpha-3 has no shot, same for Beta-2 and 3, and Alpha-1 and 2. Beta-1 does but misses.

The rebels are failing. Now need to hyper out.

Round 6. Jericho squad shows up in the SE corner. Turn 2 right for Drogo, hoping to hyper out. 2 left turn for Red-bull for the same, 2 bank right for Shatter, and 2 turn right on Blue-thunder.

Alpha-1 turns left 1 focusing. Alpha-2 turns right 1 bumping Gamma-3. Beta-1 straights 2 and focuses. Beta-2 turns left 1 and focuses, Beta-3 turns right 1 and evades. Gamma-1 locks onto Red-bull then does a white 4k, getting in behind him and focuses. Alpha-3 re-locks Blue-thunder then turns 2 left and has no shot, so evades. Delta-2 free focuses, then bumps Beta-1 doing a 4 straight.

Red-bull moves, preps for hyperspace.

Gamma-3 locks Drogo then hard turns 1 left, bumping him. Jericho straights 3, no lock, both focus.

The rest of the rebels move, All prep safely for hyperspace. Shatter enters.

Gamma-3 then hits Drogo, dealing him 1 hull and 1 ion, stopping him entering hyperspace.

Blue-thunder then safely enters hyperspace.

Delta-2 hits Red-bull taking all of his shields, but fails to stop him entering hyperspace.

All other imperials either have no shots, or miss Drogo.

Round 7, Drogo dies to Gamma-3 and Jericho 2, before he got a chance to enter hyperspace...

Ending XP 5 ea on Drogo, Red-bull and Blue-thunder, 4 for Shatter, 1 for Gruff. 4Xp average.

1 st fail at 5 ships.


Edited by LTuser

2 nd running at 5 rebels

Using all 5 X-wings. Jinn (PS 7, goes with his proton torpedo), Squeaky (also PS7, Plasma torpedo), Tin-bok (PS5, Plasma torpedo), Reign-fire (PS4 and plasma torpedo), and Chaka (PS7, proton torpedo). Squeaky and Jinn line up on the north, Chaka, Reign-fire and Tin-bok in the middle angled towards the base, with the HWK just to Tin-bok's rear. Chaka is the middle of those 3 x-wings. Squeaky and Jinn are slightly angled towards Turret 1, bypassing the nearby debris field. Squeaky is the inner one of the 2 fighters. The HWK still is only at the PS4 line, with Roark Garnet, and the crew slot of Nien Nubb. Squad leader on Jinn.

PS averages to a 6, so Beta squad and alpha squad each have one tie advance and 2 tie fighters (the tie fighters are Alpha or Beta 1 and 2 respectively, while the Tie advance in each squad is Alpha or Beta 3)!

Delta squad is now upped to PS6, with Kir Kannos named pilot. Still interceptors.

No change to Gamma or Jericho squads.

Alpha starts on spot 9, Beta on spot 2, angled towards the NW corner, while Delta is on spot 8.

Round 1. All rebels plan 4 straights.

Alpha 1 and 2 straight 5 and evade. Beta 1 and 2 straight 4 then evade. Alpha-3 then straights 4 and evades, too far to lock any rebel. Beta-3 straights 3 and evades (also too far to lock).

The rebels move. The HWK focus. Reign-fire locks onto Turret 1, Tin-bok boosts forward via Sabine then moves and focuses.

Delta 1 and 2 straight 4 then boost forward after taking their free focus.

Chaka boosts to his left, Squeaky locks Turret 1, Jinn has no shot, so uses Squad leader to give Squeaky an action, he takes a focus. Squeaky's shot deals 3 hull to Turret 1, which Chaka then finishes off.

Neither in Delta squad have shots.

Tin-bok deals 3 hull to turret 2, which Reign-fire then destroys. Taking Reign and Chaka up to 1xp ea, 0 for the others. The HWK has no shot.

No other imperials with shots. Turret 3 takes a range 4 shot on Squeaky but misses.

Round 2. Tin-bok and the HWK plan 4 straights, 1 bank left for both Jinn and Squeaky, 2 straight Chaka and 2 bank left for Reign-fire.

Alpha-1 and 2 both straight 3 and focus. This causes Alpha-3 to bump into Alpha-1 when he does a 5 straight. Alpha-3 thus gets no lock or focus action. Beta-1 and 2 straight 4, then evade again. Beta-3 straights 5, barely misses bumping Beta-1. Not in range to lock anyone, so evades.

The HWK focuses. Tin-bok boosts forward, then locks Beta-2. The HWK uses Roark to boost Reign-fire up to PS 12.

Delta-1 and 2 both free focus, then straight 3. They then boost left.

Chaka and Jinn both take a focus, Squeaky locks Alpha-1, while Reign-fire locks Delta-2. His torpedo destroys the first elite interceptor, with a Direct hit critical, and a minor explosion that caused an additional hit. Jinn then deals 2 hull to Delta-1, which Chaka then blows up, using his focus token. Squeaky then fires his torpedo into Alpha-1, dealing it a Stunned pilot critical. Tin-bok then fires its torpedo into Beta-2, dealing it 1 hull and an Damaged engine critical. This shifts Jinn, Squeaky and Tin-bok up to 3xp ea, and 6xp ea for Chaka and Reign-fire. The HWK then finishes off Beta-2.

Squeaky then loses one shield to Alpha-3, Beta-3 takes one from Tin-bok as well as his stealth device. Alpha-1 and 2 miss Jinn and squeaky respectively, while Beta-1 misses Tin-bok. Turret-3 misses Chaka.

Round 3. Jinn and Tin-bok plan 4ks, will stress. Squeaky plans a 1 bank right (to regenerate his lost shield), Reign-fire and Chaka plan 3 turn rights, and the HWK plans a 2 bank left.

Alpha-1 then takes a hull damage, after banking 2 left, bumping into Squeaky. Alpha-2 does a 4k. Beta-1 bumps into Tin-bok doing a 2 bank right. Alpha-3 then locks Squeaky and bumps into him trying to do a 5k. Beta-3 locks Tin-bok, then bumps into Beta-1 doing a 2 straight.

The HWK moves and focuses. Uses Roark to boost Tin-bok. Jinn and Tin-bok take their stress. Reign moves then activates Marksmanship, Squeaky barrel rolls to his right, getting just out of the arc of Alpha-2. Uses Intensity to assign self a focus. Chaka locks Beta-3, which via Dutch Vandar allows Tin-bok to do the same. Tin-bok shoots taking both the shields off of the Advance, which lets Chaka get in a Console fire and Damaged sensor array critical hits with his proton torpedo. Jinn then takes 1 of Alpha-3's shields, Squeaky deals 2 hull to Turret 3, then Reign-fire finishes off the turret. The HWK deals 1 hit and 1 critical, killing off Beta-3. This shifts the XP up to 7 ea for Chaka and Reign, 4 ea for Jinn and Tin-bok, 3 still for Squeaky.

Alpha-3 and 1 both have no shots. Beta-1 misses Chaka. Alpha-2 misses Jinn.

Squeaky back up to full shields. Did not need to spend his focus, so spends it now to flip back over Intensity.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner. The HWK plans a 1 straight. If he doesn't bump anyone he will dock. Squeaky and Reign-fire both plan 2 banks left, 1 bank left for Jinn to clear his stress, 1 bank right for Tin-bok to do same, 4k for Chaka (will stress). The HWK will use Roark on Reign this round, boosting his PS up to 12.

Alpha-1 banks 2 left, focuses. Alpha-2 banks 2 right, barrel rolls to his left to get out of Jinn's arc. Beta 1 does a 4k, while Gamma1 and 2 straight 5, both too far to lock the HWK, then focus. Alpha 3 locks Squeaky, then turns 2 left and barrel rolls left to get arc to shoot him.

The HWK docks. Tin-bok boosts left, clears stress, locks onto Beta-1 and boosts forward via droid.

Gamma-3 straights 3, like Gamma 1 and 2, is too far to lock the HWK but has an asteroid in his path for next round, so barrel rolls right to get by it.

The rest of the rebels move. Jinn clears his stress, focuses, then uses Jake Farrel to boost forward. Squeaky focuses as well, Reign-fire locks onto Gamma-1 and Chaka boosts forward. Reign's shot strips all 3 shields off of the first Defender. Chaka then deals it a console fire critical. Squeaky hits Gamma-3 taking one of his shields, and Jinn blows up Alpha-1.

Gamma-3 then misses a shot on Squeaky (but had he had a focus token, Squeaky would have lost all 3 of his shields and taken a hull)...

Tin-bok then deals 2 hull to Beta-1. XP now 8 ea for both Reign-fire and Chaka, 6 for Jinn, 5 for Tin-bok, and 4 for Squeaky.

Beta-1 misses his return shot on Tin-bok, Gamma-2 has no shot (those in his front arc are JUST beyond range 1). Gamma-1 strips two shields off Reign-fire, Alpha-2 takes 1 shield from Jinn and his Stealth device, while Alpha-3 takes one off Squeaky. Reigns droid re-acquires his target lock.

The troops are now disembarked and are in the End-cap.

Round 5. Reign-fire plans a 4k, 3 turn right for Tin-bok, 1 bank left for Chaka, 3 bank right for Jinn and 3 turn right for Squeaky.

Alpha-2 turns right 3, bumping into Jinn barely. Beta-1 does another 4k. Gamma-1 straights 4, bumping into Chaka, so cannot clear his console fire critical Gamma-2 also does a 4 straight, bumping into Reign-fire before he'd have bumped anyone else. BOTH no action.

Alpha-3 re-locks Jinn, banks 1 left, barely avoiding bumping hi, then focuses.

Reign takes a stress. The HWK ups Tin-bok for this round again.

Gamma-3 straights 5, locks onto the HWK and focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Chaka barely avoids bumping Gamma-2, so locks him. Uses Dutch Vandar to allow Squeaky to take a lock on him too. Squeaky then takes a focus, while Jinn locks Beta-1. Tin-bok boosts left, moves, then locks Gamma-3 and boosts left again via droid.

Gamma-1 lucks out and does NOT take any additional damage this round from his Console fire.

Tin-bok shoots, and his shot strips off the elite defender's remaining shields. Jinn kills Beta-1, Squeaky takes the remaining shields off of Gamma-2, while Chaka blows It up.

Gamma-3 ions the HWK, taking his stealth device and his first shield.

Reign-fire adds a damaged cockpit critical to Gamma-1. XP now 9 for Reign-fire, 11 for Chaka, 6 for Tin-bok, 5 for Squeaky and 8 for Jinn. Reign's droid fails to re-acquire his lock.

Alpha-3 then misses Chaka, Alpha-2 misses Tin-bok, Gamma-1 takes a 2 nd shield off the HWK and gives it a 2 nd ion token.

The rebel troops roll a critical hit, and advance into the center hub.

Round 6. Jericho squad shows up in the SE corner. Reign-fire plans a 1 bank left to clear his stress, 3 turn left for Jinn, 2 turn left for Chaka, 3 bank left for Squeaky and 3 turn right for Tin-bok.

The HWK again will bolster Tin-bok's PS up.

Alpha-2 straights 2 bumping into Alpha-3. Gamma-1 locks the HWK again, then straights 5, and for his action he clears his console fire critical. Alpha-3 then re-locks Tin-bok then does a 4k

Reign-fire then clears his stress, and locks onto Alpha-3.

Gamma-3 re-locks the HWK, then banks left 3 and focuses. Jericho 1 and 2 straight 2. Both too far to lock anyone or shoot, so both take an evade.

The rebels move. Squeaky takes a focus, Jinn locks onto Alpha-3, Tin-bok boosts right, moves then locks Gamma-1 and boosts left via his droid. (man I am loving the combo of the R7-T1 droid and the pilot of Sabine Wren!!), while Chaka boosts to his left. Tin-bok whiffs on his shot, even with spending his lock. GRR. His droid fails to re-acquire his lock. Chaka takes his shot, which kills Gamma-3. Jinn takes the last shield off of Alpha-3, which Reign then finishes off, while Squeaky takes out Gamma-1.

Jericho 1 misses, but Jericho 2 ions Squeaky and takes off a shield.

Alpha-2 takes a third shield off the HWK.

The rebels are down to only 3 enemies left. YAY. The rebel troops roll two of the four hits needed to plant the virus.

XP is now 13 for Reign, 15 for Chaka, 7 for Tin-bok, 9 now for Squeaky and 9 for Jinn.

Round 7. Squeaky has a 1 straight (ioned), 3 turn right for Jinn, 4k for Chaka, 2 bank left for Tin-bok and 2 turn left for Reign-fire. The HWK will boost Tin-bok again.

Alpha-2 turns left 2, then barrel rolls to get out of Chaka's firing arc.

Reign-fire activates Marksmanship.

Jericho both locks Reign-fire, then banks 3 right and both focus.

The rest of the rebels move. Squeaky clears his ion token, then barrel rolls to his right. Has no shot. Chaka takes a stress. Jinn locks onto Jericho 1, while Tin-bok locks Jericho 2. His shot takes the shield and stealth device, off the elite aggressor, while giving it a direct hit critical and 1 hull.. One hull remains on the blighter. Jinn's torpedo gets fired, takes the shield and stealth device of the other aggressor, gives it a damaged engine critical and 1 hull. Chaka then misses.

Jericho 1 misses barely, his return shot (because Jinn's torpedo caused him to spend his focus to evade one other hit). Jericho 2 however ions Reign-fire, taking his last shield.

Reign then kills off Jericho 1. This takes Reign up to 17xp, 15 for Chaka, 10 for Squeaky, 11 for Jinn and 9 for Tin-bok.

Alpha-2 then takes another shield off Squeaky (leaving him with 1 left, man does he need to start regenerating shields!).

The troops gain a 3 rd hit needed for the virus.

At this rate, the rebels will win via a total imperial elimination. Maybe one of them might die though.

Round 8. Tin-bok plans a 2 turn left, 1 straight for Reign due to ion damage, 1 straight for Chaka to clear his stress, 4k for both Squeaky and Jinn.

Alpha-2 turns 2 right, then focuses.

Reign bumps Tin-bok. Doesn't clear ion.

Jericho 2 then re-locks Reign and turns 2 left and focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Tin-bok boosts left first, then locks Jericho, Squeaky and Jinn take their stress, Chaka clears his stress and he focuses.

Chaka then Crit's Alpha-2 with a thrust Control fire. Jinn has no shot, Squeaky misses.

Jericho gives 1 hull and a 2 nd ion to Reign-fire.

Then he dies to Tin-bok.

Rebel troops have planted the virus. Now the HWK can un-dock and start moving, though till both ion tokens are bled off, it can't exit to hyperspace.

Round 9. After Alpha-2 moves, Squeaky gets the kill shot in on him.

Solid rebel victory. Chaka had not even lost a shield!

Ending XP was high. 17 for Chaka, 12 for Squeaky, 18 for Reign-fire, 13 for Tin-bok and 12 for Jinn.

Averages to 14. WOW..

Edited by LTuser

So far, of the wins, all have been by the rebels eliminating all opposition. NOT ONE has yet, had either Gamma or Jericho even SHIFT to Flee AI...

3 rd running at 5 rebels.

Using all B-wings. All are PS6 so the average is also a 6. Beta and Alpha both have an advance, the HWK is still at PS4, the Defenders are 2 regular and 1 Elite. Grood has his advance proton and plasma torpedo, Shunt has his proton bomb and seismic bomb with Sabine crew. Doc has his proton bomb and plasma torpedo, also with the Crew of Sabine. Wilt has his plasma and advance proton torpedo, while Spot has his plasma and proton torpedo. Grood has squad leader.

Alpha starts on 9, Beta squad on 6, with Delta just south of them on 5. Delta is still two elite interceptors, shifted up to the PS6 line with Kir Kanos named pilot. Grood and Wilt line up due north, at the eastern most part of the entrance zone, Spot, Doc and Shunt all in the middle, with the HWK due south.

Round 1. All B-wings plan a 3 straight, 4 straight for the HWK.

Alpha 1 and 2 both straight 3 and evade, this causes Alpha-3 to bump into 1's back when he does a 4 straight. Beta-1 and 2 do a 4 straight, and evade. Likewise Beta-3 bumps into 1 when he does a 5 straight. So both Tie Advance, don't get an action.

The HWK moves Takes a focus.

Delta-1 and 2 take their free focus, then straight 5 and boosts forward.

The fighters move. Grood and Wilt both barrel roll to their right, so they can shoot at turret 1 next round. Dock and Shunt lock turret 2. Spot uses the named pilot Sabine Wren ( Different than Wilt and Doc's Crew of Sabine) , to boost forward, then moves. Takes a focus. Spot shoots and kills turret 2 with three critical hits.. Wow, great start. This however means no one else has a shot. XP 1 for Spot.

No imperials ships have shots. Turret 1 misses Wilt, Turret 3 is just out of range.

Round 2. The HWK plans another 4 straight, 2 bank left for Spot, 3 straight for the other 4 B-wings.

Alpha-1 and 2 both straight 5, get in range and focus. Beta-1 and 2 straight 4, evade. Alpha-3 straights 4, locks onto Grood and focuses. Beta-3 straights 4, locks Wilt after barrel rolling to his right.

The HWK moves and focuses.

Delta-1 and 2 both take their free focus, move straight 5 and boost right.

The rebels move. Spot and Doc both take a focus, Spot declined to use Sabine , Shunt locks Beta-3, Grood and Wilt lock Alpha-3.

Delta-1's shot shreds the stealth device and 3 shields off of the HWK, while Delta-2 strips the last shield, and deals him two hull damage.. YEOUCH! (Maybe I should have had some of the B-wings do a protect action) . Delta-1's focus got spent, 2 still has his.

Doc shoots first, dealing a Minor hull breach critical to Delta-1. Spot deals 2 hull to Delta-2, Wilt's plasma torpedo strips both shields off of Alpha-3, Shunt takes one shield off of Beta-3, Grood's torpedo whiffs though. XP now 0 Grood, 1 for Shunt, Doc and Wilt, 2 for Spot.

Grood's FCS re-locks Alpha-3.

The HWK's blaster turret finishes off Delta-2. +1 xp to all rebels.

Grood then gets SHANKED by Alpha-1, 2 and 3, losing ALL 5 of his shields and taking a Damaged Cockpit critical, dropping his PS to 0!

Beta-1 and 2 each take 1 shield off of Shunt and strip his stealth device away. While Beta-3 misses. Turret 1 and 3 then shank the rest of Shunts shields off.. EEK!

Round 3. Spot plans a 2 bank left, 2 turn left for Doc, 2k for Grood, 2 straight for Shunt, 2 bank right for Wilt, and 4 straight for the HWK. The HWK uses Roark to bump Grood's PS up to 12.

Alpha-1 and 2 both 4k. Beta-1 and 2 also 4k. Beta-2 however bumps into Shunt. Alpha-3 re-locks Grood then straights 2 and focuses. This winds up making Grood bump into him, when he moves.

Beta-3 locks Wilt, banks right 1 and barrel rolls to his left to get out of Wilt's arc.

The HWK moves and takes another focus.

Delta-1 takes his free focus, does a 3k, getting in behind the HWK, but takes a 2 nd hull damage due to his hull breach.

Spot uses Sabine to bank left, then move and focuses. Shunt drops his first seismic charge, moves BARELY clearing Beta-3, then barrel rolls to his left. Doc locks Alpha-3, and Grood bumps. Wilt focuses. Shunt's bomb goes off, finishing off Delta-1, takes 1 hull off of Beta-1 and 2. Shunt and Doc use their crew slot of Sabine to kill Beta-1 off. +4xp to Shunt, +2 to Doc, +1 to all others.

Wilt then deals 3 hull to Turret 3, Doc takes the last shield off Beta-3 and giving him 1 hull, Spot and Shunt take care of Turret 1, and Grood has no shot. XP now 7 for Shunt, 3 for Doc, 2 for Grood, 5 for Spot and 4 for Wilt.

Beta-2, 3 and Alpha 3 all have no shot. Alpha-1 and 2 send Grood EVA. Turret 3 shoots Spot back, taking 2 of his shields.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner. The HWK plans a 2 turn right to dock, Wilt plans a 2 turn left, 3 straight for Spot, 3 bank right for Doc and 2 turn left for Shunt.

Alpha-1 and 2 banks right 2. Alpha-2 bumps into 3, Alpha-1 focuses. Beta-2 does another 3k. Gamma-1 and 2 both straight 5 and focus (too far to lock).. Alpha-3 locks Wilt then turns left 2 and focuses. Beta-3 locks Shunt then does a 4k.

The HWK moves and Docks.

Gamma-3 straights 4 (rolled a 5 straight, but that would have ran it onto a Debris field, so shortened it down) then he barrel rolls right.

The rebels move. Spot locks Gamma-2 (so he can torpedo him), Shut drops his first proton bomb, then locks Gamma-1, Wilt locks Gamma 3 and Doc has to Barrel roll to his right, to just get out of the proton bomb's blast radius. The Bomb goes off dealing a Stunned pilot critical to Alpha-3, and a console fire to Alpha-1. Shunt uses Sabine to then deal Alpha-3 a 2 nd hull, Doc uses his Sabine to kill the advance off. Doc then shoots and takes out Turret 3. Doc goes up to 7xp. Wilt ions Gamma-3 taking his first shield, taking hum up to 5xp, Spot whiffs with his proton torpedo on Gamma-2, and barely hits with his main guns after Gunner kicks in , taking only ONE shield off Gamma-1. This shifts him up to 6xp. Shunt misses, but his xp increases to 8 due to his bomb dropping.

Gamma-3 then ions Wilt, taking his 2 nd shield. Gamma-1 uses his main guns and smacks 3 shields off of spot, Gamma 2 takes his last and gives him one ion token. Alpha-2 shoots Wilt taking a 3 rd shield. Beta-3 misses, while Beta-2 takes a shield off of Doc and his stealth device.

The HWK is now docked, the troops are in the end cap.

Round 5. This is where things went from bad to worse..

Wilt and Spot have only 1 straights (ioned), Shunt tries a 2k, and Doc a 1 bank left.

Alpha-1 clears his console fire critical, after going 2 straight. Alpha-2 banks left 2 and has no shot, and can't barrel roll to get one, so evades. Beta-2 straights 4 and focuses. Gamma-1 straights 4, bumps into Shunt. Gamma-2 straights 3, bumping into Spot. Neither can lock or take actions. Gamma-3 clears his ion, and focuses (just is still barely out of range to lock the HWK.

The rebels move. Wilt bumps into Gamma-3, can't clear his ion. Doc focuses, Shunt can't clear Gamma-2, bumps and loses his action, while Spot has to use Sabine to barrel roll to his right, then clears his ion and focuses as he has no shot.

Shunt's shot misses Gamma-1, Doc misses. Neither Wilt or Spot have shots.

Gamma-3 misses Doc. Beta-3 rakes 2 additional shields off Doc, Alpha 1 misses. Alpha-2 now does have a shot, and he smacks 1 more shield off of Wilt. Gamma-1 and 2 are now in range to shoot the HWK, both hit, killing the HWK off (each hit for 1 hull, and it had 2 hull remaining).. BOOOO.

The rebels lost this one. The Dice giveth, the dice taketh... I thought I was doing good with the bomb dropping, but the empire had the better die rolls, than the rebels did.. especially from round 2 onward.

Ending XP 2 for Grood, 7 for Doc, 5 for Wilt, 6 for Spot, and 8 for Shunt. 5Xp average.

4 th running

Using all 5 Y-wings. Going with Snoopy (PS7, uses his TLT, Seismic bomb and proton torpedo), Unca (also PS7, Proton torpedo and proton bomb with extra munitions and TLT), Dozer (also PS7, Plasma torpedo and seismic bomb), Crack (PS 6, goes with his seismic bomb and ion torpedo), and Imo-thep (PS5, with his ion turret, a proton bomb and proton torpedo). PS averages to 6. Delta is now Strikers, using AI card #1 (starting with a Twin ion engine, shield upgrade, Opportunist EPT, Engine upgrade and the named pilot of Pure Sabacc), Beta and Alpha each have one Tie advance. Alpha starts on spot 2, Beta on 9, Delta on 8. Imo-thep starts in the far NE edge of the rebel starting spot, Unca just to his south, then Snoopy (facing directly towards the first debris fields, but with his Dash Rendar named pilot can run over him ok), then Crack and lastly Dozer. Snoopy has squad leader.

The HWK lines up facing the south-west most end-cap, just behind Snoopy. Crack and Dozer are also angled that way.

Round 1). Snoopy, Unca and Imo-thep plans a 3 bank right, 3 straight Crack and Dozer, 4 straight for the HWK.

Alpha 1 and 2 straight 4 and evade. Beta-1 and 2 straight 5 and evade. Alpha-3 straights 4, evades. Too far to lock anyone. Beta-3 straights 5 and also evades..

The HWK moves and focuses.

Delta-1 and 2 straight 3 after taking their free focus, then boost forward.

The rest of the rebels move. Dozer protects the HWK, Crack locks T2, Unca barrel rolls left, Snoopy locks Turret 1, and Imo-thep has no shot. Snoopy shoots T1, dealing it 2 hull, Unca finishes it off. Dozer deals 2 hull to Turret 2, Crack adds a 3 rd hull. The HWK finishes it off.

No other shots. Turret 3 out of range to shoot anyone. XP 1 Unca, 0 everyone else.

Round 2. Imo-thep plans a 3 bank left, same for Dozer and Snoopy, 3 straight for Unca, and Crack, and a 4 straight for the HWK. The HWK will be using Roark Garnet on Imo-thep every round he is in range to do so.

Alpha 1 and 2 both straight 4, and evade again. Beta 1 and 2 straights 5 again, and focus. Alpha-3 straights 5, bumping into the back of both Alpha-1 and 2. Beta-3 also straights 5, focuses, and locks Unca.

The HWK moves and focuses.

Delta-1 and 2 take their free focus, turn 2 left, then have to barrel roll right.

The rest of the rebels move. Crack again protects the HWK, Unca and Dozer lock Delta-2, while Imo-thep and Snoopy lock Delta-1. Imo-thep's torpedo strips off its shield and deals it a damaged cockpit critical (now at 1xp), Snoopy's torpedo adds 2 more hull (also now at 1xp). Unca's first torpedo strips the shields off Delta-2, and deals it a direct hit critical (now at 2xp). Dozer gets the kill shot in (+1xp all). Crack has no shot. XP now 3 for Unca, 2 for Snoopy, 1 for Crack, 2 for Imo-thep and 4 for Dozer.

Delta-1 no shot.

The HWK has no shot.

No one in Alpha or Beta have shots. Turret 3 takes a range 4 shot on Imo-thep and lucks out taking his first of four shields and stripping him of his stealth device.

Round 3. The HWK plans a 2 straight, 3 straight for Crack, 3 bank right Dozer, 2 turn left Unca, 3 bank left Snoopy and 3 straight for Imo-thep. (Man is it looking crowded on the map!)

Delta 1 who's now operating at PS0, takes his free focus, turns right 2 and has to barrel roll left to get a shot off. Alpha-1 and 2 straight 5 and focus. Beta-1 and 2 turn left two and focus. Alpha-3 re-bumps by doing a 5 straight also. No lock or action. Beta-3 re-locks Unca, turns 2 left and focuses.

The rebels all move. The HWK bumps into Alpha-2, no action. Crack barely avoids bumping Alpha-1, so locks him. Unca drops his first proton bomb, then locks Beta-3. Snoopy locks Beta-3 as well, Dozer locks Beta-2, and Imo-thep drops his proton bomb, then locks Turret 3, then boosts forward via droid.

Unca's proton bomb goes off, dealing a minor explosion critical to Beta-1, leading to 2 hull damage. A structural damage critical to Beta-3 and a Damaged sensor array critical to Beta-2. This shifts Unca up to 4xp. Imo-thep's bomb goes off, killing Beta-1 (shifting him to 4xp), giving a Stunned pilot critical to Beta-2, and a Minor explosion to Beta-3, taking off one of it's shields. Imo-thep then deals 2 hull damage to Turret 3 with his main guns, not spending his lock in the process. Unca then takes the last shield off of Beta-3 and deals it one hull, leading to Snoopy to kill the advance. Dozer kills off Beta-2, and Crack totally whiffs his shot vs Alpha-1 even with spending his lock.. This shifts the XP to 4 for Unca, 4 for Imo-thep, 1 still on Crack, 5 for Snoopy and 6 for Dozer.

The HWK then whiffs his shot vs Delta-1. Then he loses 2 shields and his stealth device in return fire from the Striker. Alpha-3 misses Crack, however Alpha-1 and 2 do not, taking him for 3 shields and his stealth device. EEK. Turret 3 then barely misses Snoopy, thanks to his stealth device.

Things so far going ok, other than with Crack..

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in NE corner. Both non-elite defenders are on the 'west side' of the starting zone, the elite's on the south spot, splitting the debris field either side of it.

The HWK plans a bank 1 right to dock, 2 turn left for Imo-thep, 2 bank left for Unca, 4k for Crack, 3 bank left for Dozer and 2 turn left for Snoopy.

Delta-1 takes a free focus, then Straights 3, putting him out of arc/range to shoot anyone, and he can't barrel roll to get a shot off, so he just focuses for defensive reasons. Alpha-1 banks 2 right and evades as has no shot. Alpha-2 turns 3 left, and also evades. Gamma 1 and 2 straight 3 and focus. Alpha-3 locks onto Crack, then banks left 1 bumping into him. No action.

The HWK docks. (facing outwards).

Gamma-3 does a 4 straight, and barrel rolls left, to ensure he's going to miss the debris field next round.

The rest of the rebels move. Crack takes a stress, but drops his first seismic bomb before moving. Imo-thep locks onto Gamma-3, then boosts right via his droid. Dozer drops his seismic bomb, then locks Gamma-3, Unca locks Gamma-2. Snoopy locks Gamma-2. Crack's bomb goes off dealing 1 hull each to Alpha-1 and 2 and takes the first shield off of Alpha-3. Dozer's bomb goes off killing Delta-1 (+1xp all). Imo-thep then deals an ion to Gamma-3, taking its first of four shields,. Snoopy then takes 2 more shields with his turret. Unca's 2 nd torpedo strips off two shields from Gamma-2, while Dozer takes 2 shields off Gamma-1. Crack misses (AGAIN!). XP now 6 for Unca, 6 for Imo-thep, 2 now for Crack, 7 for Snoopy, and 10 on Dozer.

Gamma-3 then misses his snap shot on Snoopy, thanks to NOT having a focus token to spend. Gamma 2 and 1 strip Unca of all his shields and his stealth device, with their main guns, All in Alpha with no shots.

Turret 3 takes Crack's last shield (EEK).

The HWK now is docked, and the troops are in the end-cap.

Round 5. Imo-thep plans a 2 turn right, 3 bank left for Dozer, 2 straight for Crack to clear his stress, 2 turn left for Unca, and 2 straight for Snoopy (though he'll land on a debris field, Dash protects him!!)

Alpha-1 does a 3k, Alpha-2 banks left 2 and evades. Gamma-1 lands on the Debris field trying a 3 straight, bumping into Unca (would have bumped Dozer behind him if there was enough space), this gives him no shot or action, so he can't take damage. Gamma-2 also straights 3 bumping into 1's back. Alpha-3 re-locks Crack, then does a 4k. Gamma-3 bleeds off his ion, too far to lock the HWK, so focuses defensively.

Imo-thep moves and focuses. Unca shifts his lock to Gamma-3, Crack clears his stress and locks Alpha-3, Snoopy and Dozer lock Gamma-2. Crack then deals a blinded pilot critical, after taking the last shield off the advance. Unca takes the last shield off of Gamma-3 and gives it 1 hull. Imo-thep re-ions him and gives him a 2 nd hull. Snoopy takes Gamma-2's last shield and gives HIM one hull damage, Dozer kills it off. This shifts Unca to 7xp, 7 also for Imo-thep, 3 for Crack, 8 for Snoopy and 13 for Dozer.. Man he's raking in the XP!. All rebel locks have been spent, except for Crack's.

Gamma-3 no shot. Same for Alpha 2. Alpha-3 misses Crack, but Alpha-1 hits him for 1 hull.. Boo!

The rebel troops are now in the central hub, after rolling a focus and a critical hit.

Round 6. Jericho squad shows up in the SE corner.

Snoopy and Imo-thep both plan 2 right turns, 2 left turn for Dozer and Unca, 3 bank right Crack.

Alpha-1 straights 3, barrel rolls left. Alpha-2 does a 3k. Gamma-1 straights 4, locks the HWK and focuses. Alpha-3 re-locks Crack, banks 1 right and has to barrel roll left to get away from an asteroid. Jericho 1 and 2 straight 3, lock onto Imo-thep and focus. Gamma-3 bleeds his ion off, and still is just out of range to lock the HWK, focuses again.

The rest of the rebels move. Imo-thep locks turret 3, then boosts right. Dozer no shot, so focuses. Unca and Snoopy both lock Gamma-1, after Unca drops his seismic bomb. The Bomb kills off Gamma-3 (+1xp all), and takes the last shield off Gamma-1. His turret then hits only once, giving 1 hull to the defender. Unca kills it. Alpha-3 is killed by Crack with 3 critical hits! YAY. Imo-thep then finishes off turret 3. This shifts Imo-thep to 9xp, 7 for Crack, 12 for Snoopy, 14 for Dozer and 11 for Unca.

Jericho 1 and 2 each hit Imo-thep with their Ion pulse missiles, stripping him of two more of his shields, and giving FOUR ION TOKENS (man it's gonna take forever to bleed them off).

Alpha-1 whiffs with the HWK, Alpha-2 no shot.

The rebel troops gain two hits needed to plant the virus, 2 more to go!..

Round 7. Imo-thep has a 1 straight (ioned), Crack plans a 2 turn right, 3 straight for Unca, 2 turn left for Dozer, and 2 turn right for Snoopy.

Alpha 1 bumps into the HWK trying to do a 2 bank left. Alpha 2 banks right 3, barrel rolls left t avoid the asteroid in front of it. Jericho 1 and 2 both re-lock Imo-thep, then straight 3 and focus.

Imo-thep bleeds his first ion token, locks Jericho 1 and boosts left. Snoopy also locks Jericho 1, Dozer focuses (has no shot), Unca locks Alpha-1 and Crack locks Alpha-2. Unca's turret deals only a 2 nd hull to Alpha-1, while Crack deals a structural damage critical to Alpha-2. Snoopy strips the shield off Jericho-1 and gives it a hull damage, while Dozer misses.

Jericho 1 and 2 ionize Snoopy, taking his first two shields, and giving him two ion tokens.

Imo-thep misses. XP is 9 still for Imo-thep and 14 for Dozer, Snoopy shifts up to 13, 8 for Crack and 12 for Unca.

Alpha-1 has no shot, but Alpha-2 rakes into Crack giving him 3 more hull damage, taking him 1 away from being sent EVA.

The rebel troops get all the hits needed to plant the virus. This shifts Jericho to Flee AI. The SE corner is nearest.

The HWK can no de-dock.

Round 8, the HWK plans a 2 turn right, 1 straight for Crack to Hyper out, 1 straight for both Snoopy and Imo-thep (ion), 2 turn left for Unca, and 3 bank left for Dozer.

Alpha-1 does a 4k, while Alpha-2 banks 2 left and fails to clear his structural damage critical.

The HWK moves and takes a focus. Jericho-1 turns 3 left, then barrel rolls left. Jericho 2 straights 2, preps for hyperspace and focuses.

Snoopy clears his first ion, Imo-thep clears his 2 nd , Dozer locks Jericho 2, so does Snoopy, Crack preps for hyperspace and focuses, and Unca locks Alpha-1. Crack safely enters hyperspace. Unca whiffs his shot. Snoopy deals only 1 hit from his TLT on Jericho 2, taking its shield and stealth device. Dozer then hits him for one hull damage and a stunned pilot critical. This however does NOT stop it safely entering hyperspace.

Jericho 1 re-ions Snoopy, taking a 3 rd shield, and putting him back up to 2 ion tokens.

Imo-thep has no shot. The HWK misses. Snoopy now at 14xp, 15 now for Dozer. 12 still on Unca, 8 on Crack and 9 still for Imo-thep.

Alpha-2 has no shot, Alpha-1 hits the HWK, taking its last two shields.

Round 9. The HWK plans a 1 straight to enter hyperspace. Snoopy and Imo-thep have a 1 straight due to ion Dozer and Unca plan 1 straights also, to enter hyperspace.

Alpha-1 straights 5 and focuses, while Alpha-2 turns 2 right and clears his critical. Now at 2 hull. This causes Imo-thep to bump into him, so he fails to clear his 3 rd ion token.

Jericho 1 turns 3 left again, then barrel rolls left, escaping via the South east side.

Dozer safely enters hyperspace. So does Unca and the HWK. Snoopy misses a range 3 shot, but loses 1 in return to Alpha-2. Imo-thep misses a shot on Alpha-1. Alpha-1 has no return shot.

Round 10. Snoopy as one more 1 straight to go, Imo-thep still has two.

After the empire moves, Snoopy manages to kill off Alpha-2, taking him to 16xp. Imo-thep misses, but loses his last shield, and takes 1 hull damage from Alpha-1. One more ion to go for him. Snoopy can safely enter hyperspace next round.

Round 11. Imo-thep clears his last ion token. Misses Alpha-1, but takes another hull damage from him in return fire.

Round 12, Imo-thep tries to enter hyperspace, but rolls a pair of blanks. Then takes a pair of critical hits from Alpha-1, one of which was a direct hit crit, sending him EVA.

So this makes my 2 nd rebel win at 5 ships, 2 losses. This one was tougher, but the rebels managed to pull it out in the end. And it makes my first time the rebels won, without having a clean sweep of the empire AND THE FIRST time they let an enemy escape. In the 4 th running of mission 3 and 4 in this string, the empire will be on alert.

Ending XP was 16xp for Snoopy, 15 for Dozer, 12 for Unca, 9 for Imo-thep and 8 for Crack. Making an average of 12xp. Imo-thep would have lost half his xp and his most expensive EPT from going EVA, had this been a real mission.

Almost lost Crack too.. Maybe i need to shift him up to having a proper set of ordinance, rather than the seismic torpedo and ion torpedo.... Also, i need to start getting these Y-wings, some Named pilots!

Edited by LTuser

5 th running @ 5 rebel ships

Using two X-wings, Squeaky (PS7, with a plasma torpedo) and Tin-bok (PS5, with a plasma torpedo), two B-wings, Shunt (PS 6, goes with his proton bomb and plasma torpedo, with extra munitions, and the crew slot of Sabine Wren), and Spot (PS also 6, named pilot of Sabine Wren , with plasma and proton torpedos), and the Y-wing of Imo-thep (PS 5, proton bomb and proton torpedo). PS barely is in the 5 average (as you round down). Only Alpha squad has a Tie advance. Jericho has two aggressor elites, the elite in Gamma is still there. Delta is still Strikers, using AI card # 7 (Hull upgrade, Engine upgrade, Stealth device, and EPT of Ruthlessness).

Squeaky has Squad leader. Alpha starts on spot 3, Beta on spot 9, Delta on spot 4.

Both X-wings line up in the north east portion of the infiltration zone, then the Two B-wings and Imo-thep, with the HWK behind him.

Round 1. Both X-wings and the HWK plan a 4 straight, 3 bank right for Imo-thep and 2 banks right for both Shunt and Spot.

Alpha 1 and 2 both roll a 4 straight. Then both have to slow it down to a 3 straight due to debris field in front of them, then they barrel roll right. Beta squad all straights 5 and evades. Alpha-3 straights 4, cannot barrel roll away from the debris field, in a manner to stop it going through the debris field in the following round. Oh well.

The HWK moves and focuses.

Delta-1 and 2 straight 3, then boost forward after taking their free focus.

The rebels move. Tin-bok uses the named pilot Sabine , to boost right, then locks onto Turret 1 and boosts forward via his droid. Imo-thep moves and locks Turret 2 then boosts forward via his droid. Spot uses his named pilot of Sabine , to barrel roll right, then locks turret 2, so does Shunt. Squeaky moves then barrel rolls right. Squeaky's shot deals 3 hull to turret 1, which is destroyed by Imo-thep. Shunt deals 2 hull to turret 2, Spot blows it up.

No other shots. Turret 3 misses Tin-bok.

XP 1 Tin-bok and Spot, 0 all others.

Round 2. Imo-thep plans a 3 bank left, Spot also plans one and will stress. Squeaky, the HWK and Tin-bok plans a 4 straight, 2 bank left for Shunt.

Alpha-1 and 2 straight 4 and focus. All in Beta bank 2 left and focus. Alpha-3 rolls a straight 3, shifts it to a 3 bank to try and avoid the debris field, but runs through it bumping into Alpha-1.

The HWK moves and focuses.

Delta-1 and 2 take their free focus, straight 3 and boost left.

The rest of the rebels move. Imo-thep locks onto Delta-1, boosts forward. Spot takes a stress, Shunt barrel rolls left. Squeaky barrel rolls left, and Tin-bok locks Alpha-2. Squeaky takes a focus from his Intensity focus. Tin-bok, boosted by the HWK to PS 12, then he shoots and strips off both shields from Alpha-3. Spot's main guns rip into Delta-1, taking its shield, stealth device and gives it 2 hull and a Minor hull breach critical, Shunt gets in the kill, then uses Wingman to remove Spot's stress. Squeaky deals 2 hull to Beta-2.

Delta-2 misses the HWK.

Imo-thep strips the shield, stealth device and ions Delta-2. XP now 3 for Tin-bok, 3 for Spot, 4 for Shunt, 2 for Squeaky and 2 for Imo-thep.

Beta-2 strips a shield off of Squeaky, Beta-1 and 3 miss him. Alpha-3 misses Tin-bok, Alpha-1 takes a shield off of Imo-thep and neuters his stealth device, while Alpha-2 misses. Turret 3 takes a shield off Spot.

Round 3. Tin-bok plans a 4k, 3 straight for the HWK< who will boost Imo-thep, 2 turn left for Imo-thep, 2k Spot 1 bank left Shunt, 1 bank right Squeaky.

Alpha-1 and 2 turn right 1. Alpha-2 bumps into Tin-bok. Beta-1 and 2 turn right 1 and focus, this will cause Squeaky to bump. Alpha-3 locks onto Tin-bok then turns 2 right. Has no shot so evades.

Delta-2 bleeds ion off, takes his free focus, then barrel rolls to get shot.

Tin-bok streses. Imo-thep locks Turret 3, Squeaky bumps Beta-3, Shunt stresses and Spot locks Delta-2. Squeaky shoots and kills Beta-2. Imo-thep's torpedo destroys turret 3, Spot kills off Delta-2, Shunt deals 2 hull to Alpha-1, and the HWK has no shot. XP now 5 for Squeaky, 7 for Spot, 6 for Shunt, 5 for Tin-bok and 4 for Imo-thep. Shunt again uses Wingman to clear Spot's stress.

Alpha-3 has no shot. Same for Beta-1 and 3. Alpha-1 misses, but Alpha-2 strips a 2 nd shield off Squeaky.

Round 4. Gamma shows up in the NE corner, with Gamma-1 and 2 on the left side, Gamma-3 on the right, splitting an asteroid.

Tin-bok plans a 1 bank right to clear his stress, 2 turn right Spot, 2 bank right Shunt, 3 bank right Imo-thep and 1 bank right for the HWK to dock. Squeaky hopes to do a 2 straight, to try and regenerate a shield again

Alpha-1 turns left 1 and focuses. Alpha-2 turns left then barrel rolls right, so he gets an arc on Squeaky. Beta-1 turns right 1, no shot so evades. Beta-3 does a 3k. Gamma-1 and 2 both straight 5, and focus. Alpha-3 re-locks onto Tin-bok, then bank right 1, has no shot so evades again.

The HWK Docks. Faces outward.

Delta-3 Straights 5 barrel rolls right to get around the asteroid.

The rest of the rebels move. Tin-bok uses Sabine to barrel roll left, clears stress then focuses. Squeaky bumps into Alpha-2, no regenerates shield (again). Shunt locks Gamma1, Spot uses Sabine to bost right, moves then locks Gamma-3. Tin-bok also locks Gamma-1 and boosts right (The HWK boosted Imo-thep up this round). Imo-thep's shot ions Gamma-1 and strips one shield. Squeaky takes one from Gamma-3, Shunt's first torpedo yanks the other 2 shields off Gamma-1, Spot takes a 2 nd shield off Gamma-3 and ions him.

Gamma 3 misses Squeaky.

Tin-bok then deals a thrust control fire and munition's failure critical to Gamma-1, but as it has no munitions, its just a 2 nd hull and 1 stress. XP now 6 Squeaky, 8 Spot, 7 Shunt, 6 Tin-bok and 5 Imo-thep.

Alpha-3 has no shot. Same for Beta-1 and Alpha-2. Gamma-1 takes 2 shields off Tin-bok, and his stealth device. Gamma-2 takes his 3 rd shield and ions him. Beta-2 tears into Squeaky dealing him 1 hull. Alpha-1 takes a shield off Spot.

The troops are now in the end-cap.

Round 5. Tin-bok has a 1 straight (ioned). Imo-thep plans a 2 turn left, 1 bank left Shunt, 1 bank right Spot, 1 straight Squeaky.

Alpha-1 turns 2 left, then barrel rolls left. Alpha-2 does a 3k. Beta-1 turns right 2 and evades as has no arc, while Beta-3 straights 2 bumps squeaky. Gamma-1 bleeds its ion off, but can't act as it still has a stress. Gamma-2 straights 5, locks the HWK and focuses. Alpha-3 then re-locks Imo-thep and moves.

Gamma-3 then clears his ion, and focuses.

The rebels move. Tin-bok fails to clear his ion as he bumps into Gamma1. Spot locks Gamma-3, Squeaky also does so, after regenerating one shield. Shunt Focuses. Imo-thep locks Alpha-3 and boosts left. He then ions Alpha-3, dealing it 1 hull. Shunt kills Gamma-1. Spot deals 1 hull to Gamma 3 after Squeaky stripped his last two shields off. (Had FOUR hits, but the bloody defender had 3 evades.. BOO).

Gamma-3 then whiffs his shot vs Spot, after Squeaky stripped his focus token away.

Tin-bok then kills Gamma-3 with a pair of critical hits (another munitions failure and a blinded pilot).

XP now 8 Squeaky, 10 Spot, 11 Shunt, 7 Imo-thep, and 10 Tin-bok.

Alpha-3 again has no shot. Gamma-2 misses the HWK, only thanks to his stealth device and the range die), Beta-2 hits, taking Squeaky's just regenerated shield, Alpha-1 strips three shields off of Shunt, taking his stealth device too.. Alpha-2 and Beta-1 miss.

The rebel troops are now in the central hub, after rolling a crit and a hit.

Round 6. Jericho shows up in the SE corner. Spot plans a 2 turn right, so does Squeaky, 2 left turn for Imo-thep, 1 straight for Tin-bok (ioned), and 2k Shunt.

Alpha-1 bumps Shunt trying a 1 turn left. Alpha-2 bumps Squeaky doing a 4 straight. Beta-1 straights 2, has a R3 shot on Imo-thep, so he focuses. Beta-3 bumps into 1 turning right. Gamma-2 re-locks the HWK, banks left 1 and has to barrel roll right to get an arc to shoot it. Alpha-3 bleeds his ion, and evades.

Both in Jericho straight 2. Too far to lock anyone, so they focus.

The rebels move. Tin-bok uses Sabine to barrel roll left, then clears his ion token, and locks Beta-3, Spot drops his proton bob, then locks Gamma 2, Squeaky also locks Gamma-2, Shunt takes a stress. Imo-thep re-locks Alpha-3. He ions it again, giving it a 2 nd hull. Spot's bomb goes off, destroying Beta-3, and deals an Injured pilot critical to Alpha-2 (becomes 1 hull, as it has no EPTs). Squeaky's torpedo strips 2 shields off Gamma-2, Spot then takes the last, and Shunt deals it 1 hull. Tin-bok misses. XP now 9 for Squeaky, 11 for Spot, 12 for Shunt, 8 for Imo-thep. 10 still for Tin-bok.

Jericho both have no shots. Alpha-3 no shot. Gamma-2 takes 2 shields off the HWK and its stealth device. Beta-1 misses, Alpha-2 kills Squeaky off, with two more hull hits.

The rebel troops gain 1 hit of 4 needed to plant the virus...

The way this is going, it looks like the rebels may pull out a win, with HIGH XP..

Round 7. Shunt plans a bank 1 left to clear his stress, Imo-thep plans a 3 bank left, 2 bank right for Spot, and 3 straight for Tin-bok.

Alpha-1 does a 3k. Alpha-2 does a turn 3 right and focuses. Beta-1 rolls a 2 turn right, but has to shift it to a bank right to avoid an asteroid. He also focuses. Gamma-2 re-locks the HWK, does a white 4k and focuses. Alpha-3 clears his ion and evades. Jericho 1 and 2 lock Imo-thep after straight 3 and both focus.

Shunt clears his stress, locks Gamma-2. Bok locks Alpha-2, even though he has no shot, so he can focus next round. Spot barrel rolls left, and Imo-thep locks Beta-1 then boosts left. Imo-thep dropped his proton bomb before he moved, Dealing a direct hit critical to Jericho-2, taking its shield and giving it one hull, and a minor explosion critical, just taking the shield off Jericho 1. Both lose their Stealth device because of it. Spot's shot kills Alpha-1. Shunt misses.

Jericho 2 no shot as Shunt's just out of range and so is Imo-thep. Jericho 1 ions Shunt, taking a shield.

Imo-thep Ion's Beta 1.

XP now 9 Still for Squeaky, 13 for Spot, 12 still on Shunt, 9 now for Imo-thep and 10 still for Tin-bok.

Gamma-2 then ions the HWK, taking off a 3 rd shield. This will wind up causing it to run over an asteroid the round after it un-docks and clears the ion off. Beta-1 and Alpha-3 miss or have no shot, Alpha-2 strips another shield off of Spot.

The Troops get a 2 nd hit, towards planting the virus.

Round 8. Imo-thep plans a 3 straight, same for Tin-bok, 1 straight for Shunt to clear his ion, Spot also plans a 1 straight. Both are Focusing on Gamma-2.

Alpha-2 straights 2, has a shot so focuses. Beta-1 clears his ion, and has to barrel roll left to get an arc on Shunt. Gamma-2 re-locks the HWK, hard turns 1 left. Can't take a focus. Jericho-1 locks Shunt, then straights 4 and focuses. Jericho-2 turns left 2, locks Shunt and focuses.

The rebels move. Imo-thep locks Alpha-2 and boosts left via his droid. Tin-bok locks Gamma-2, Shunt drops his first proton bomb, then clears ion and barrel rolls right, after Spot also barrel rolled right. The Bomb goes off dealing 1 more hull to Beta-1, and a Weapons malfunction critical to Alpha-2. He then misses Gamma-2, but so does Spot. BOO. Tin-bok then kills Alpha-2.

Jericho 1 and 2 both have no shots, as are just out of range. Imo-thep then deals a damaged cockpit critical to Gamma-2.

The troops get a crit, planting the virus. Jericho 1 and 2, and Gamma-2 all shift to a Flee AI.

The HWK can now un dock.

XP now 9 Still for Squeaky, 13 for Spot, 13 still on Shunt, 11 for Imo-thep and 12 for Tin-bok.

Round 9. The HWK has a 1 straight, due to ion. Shunt plans a 2 turn left, 2 bank left for Spot, 3 turn left for Tin-bok and 2 turn left for Imo-thep.

Gamma-2 does a hard 1 turn left. Can't act. Beta-1 does a 3k.

The HWK clears his ion, but can't do anything else, to avoid running over an asteroid next round.

Jericho-1 banks right 3. Jericho 2 does a left 3 turn, then barrel rolls left.

Tin-bok moves, locks Beta-1, but boosts forward, intent on shooting Jericho 2. Spot barrel rolls right via Sabine , then moves and focuses. Shunt barrel rolls left, to get an arc to shoot Jericho 2 without having a debris field in the way. Imo-thep locks Beta-1. Spot kills Gamma-2, shifting him up to 16xp. Shunt deals only a 2 nd hull damage to Jericho 2, taking him up to 13xp, Tin-bok gets in the Kill, and Imo-thep kills off Beta-1. None can stop Jericho 1 escaping though. With Jericho-2 slain, Squeaky goes up to 10xp due to it being elite. Spot rises up to 17xp, Shunt to 15, 14 for Imo-thep and 16 for Tin-bok.

Round 10, the rebels move, Jericho escapes, Tin-bok and Imo-thep both enter hyperspace, Spot and Shunt set themselves up for it next round and the HWK runs through the asteroid, setting itself up, but loses its last shield in the process.

Round 11, The others safely enter hyperspace.

Second running where some one escaped from Jericho. Mission 3 and 4 in string for BOTH THESE RUNNINGS will be harder!

3 rd win, with 2 losses at 5 rebels. Have 3 more play tests to go..

Ending XP was high though. 14Xp average. May have to Re-think Jericho both being elites..

6 th running at 5 rebel ships

Two Y-wings. Crack (PS6, goes with his Seismic bomb, and Ion torpedo, with extra munitions). Unca (PS 7, goes with his proton torpedo and Proton bomb, with extra munitions). Two A-wings of Blue thunder (PS5, has a Concussion missile), and Red-bull (PS4, has an assault missile). And the X-wing Reign-fire (Also PS4, with a plasma torpedo). Squad leader on Unca.

PS averages to a 5. Alpha will have one advance, Beta has No advance, Gamma 3 defenders (one elite), Jericho 2 aggressors (one elite). Delta squad is still Strikers, using AI Pilot card # 6 with a shield upgrade, “Chaser” named pilot and a targeting computer (giving the TL ability.).

Alpha squad starts on spot 8, Beta on 6, Delta on 5. Both A-wings line up on the extreme north-east of the start zone, then Unca and Crack, with Reign-fire south, with the HWK behind him.

Round 1. Both Red-bull and Blue-Thunder plan a 5 straight, 3 straights for both Crack and Unca, 4 straight for Reign and the HWK.

Alpha 1 and 2, do a straight 4 and evade. All in Beta straight 5 and evade. Alpha-3 straights 3 and evades.

The HWK and Reign move. Reign activates Marksmanship while the HWK move. Red-bull has no shot, so takes an evade.

Delta-1 and 2 take their free focus, 3 straight and boost forward.

The rest of the rebels move. Crack locks Turret 2, Blue-Thunder barrel rolls right, so has arc to shoot turret 1 and Unca uses SQL to give him an action, he focuses. Blue thunder though whiffs his shot. Unca deals 1 damage to turret 2, Crack makes it 3 hull, and Reign blows it up.

No imperial ships have a shot. Turret 1 rips into Blue thunder taking two of his shields, even WITH his having a focus.. Turret 3 misses..

Wow.. Sucky start.

Round 2. Reign and the HWK plan 4 straights again, 3 banks left for both Unca and Crack, 2 straight both A-wings.

Alpha-1 and 2 straight 4 again and focus. All in Beta straight 5 and focus. Alpha-3 straights 4, locks Blue-thunder and focuses.

Reign moves and protects the HWK, the HWK moves and focuses, Red-bull locks Alpha-3.

Delta-1 and 2 then do a straight 3 again, after taking their free focus, then they boost forward, in range to get a free lock on the HWK.

Crack locks Delta-2, Unca locks Beta-1, and Blue-thunder locks Alpha-3. Unca's first torpedo deals only 1 hull to Beta-1, while Crack's first ion torpedo strikes true, dealing 1 ion token to All 3 fighters in Beta and both elite strikers.

Delta-1 then shoots the HWK, but even with spending his lock misses, thanks to Reign's protection of him. However Delta-2 hits true, taking the first shield off the HWK and its stealth device.

Blue-thunder's Assault missile WHIFFS, vs Alpha 3, but Red-bull's concussion missile strikes true, taking both shields off the advance. The HWK then takes the shield off Delta-2, and Reign misses, (but had he a focus, he'd have hit three out of 4 dice!).. GRR. XP now 1 for Unca, 1 for Blue-thunder, and 1 for Reign. 0 for Crack and Red-bull.

Alpha-3 hits Blue-thunder taking his last shield Alpha-1 causes him a minor hull breach, Alpha-2 takes both shields off Red-bull, and neuters his stealth device. Beta-1 takes Unca's first shield, and his stealth device. Beta-2 takes two more shields, while Beta-3 hulls him once. Turret 1 then hulls Blue-thunder via giving it a thrust control fire, and Turret 3 sends him EVA, via two lucky hits vs NO evades or even focuses... Man that sucks.

Round 3. The HWK plans a 2 straight, 1 bank left for Reign, 3 straight both Crack and Unca, 3k for Red-bull.

All in Beta bleed off their ion, and focus, doing a 1 straight. Alpha-1 and 2 do a 4k. Alpha-3 then locks Red-bull and bumps into him doing a bank 2 right. No can focus.

The HWK moves and focuses, Red-bull takes a stress and Reign once again, opts to protect the HWK.

Both Delta 1 and 2 re-lock the HWK, bleed their ion off and evade after taking their free focus.

Crack bumps into Beta-2, Unca uses SQL to give Crack an action. The HWK bumps Reign up this round. However Reign's attack comes up all focuses, (Had he not protected the HWK and instead opted to activate marksmanship, he'd have dealt 3 hits and 1 crit!! GRR).

Unca then takes the shield off Delta-1. Crack deals 1 hull to Delta-2.

Delta-2 strips another shield off the HWK. Delta-1 deals it 1 hull.. EEK.

The HWK deals 2 hull to Beta-1, Red-bull deals 2 hull to Alpha-3. Unca increases to 2xp, 1xp for Crack, Red-bull and Reign, 0 still for Blue-thunder.

Alpha-3, and Beta-2 no shots. Beta-1 strips two shields off Crack, a third comes off from Beta-3, while Alpha-1 hulls Unca a 2 nd time, and Alpha-2 adds a third.. MAN things are going PEAR shape for the rebels!!. Turret 1 and 3, send Red-bull EVA with a quartet of critical hits..

Round 4, Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner. All the remaining rebels plan 2 straights, (or a 4 straight for the HWK), so they can hyper out.

After the imperials move, Crack dropped his first seismic bomb, dealing a 2 nd hull to Delta-2, and one hull to Beta-3, shifting up to 2xp. Unca still at 2, 1 for Crack, Reign and Red-bull. 0 still for Blue-thunder.

Unca then safely enters hyperspace, along with Reign and the HWK. Crack fails..

After the imperials shoot, Crack's down to 2 hull remaining...

Crack safely enters hyperspace in round 5, after dropping his 2 nd bomb, killing Alpha-3 and Beta-1. Crack shifts up to 6xp. 2 still for Unca, and 1 still for the others, except Blue-thunder. 2Xp average..

3 rd loss, 3 wins.. Wow, that was a SWIFT loss...

The dice just were not with me.

I will go ahead and do the other 2 runnings, and see how things pan out with those two..

So up next..

7th running at 5 rebels

Going with 2 B-wings Doc (PS6, takes his plasma torpedo and proton bomb, with Sabine crew), and Twitch (PS 7, has A Cluster mine and plasma torpedo with Sabine crew), the A-wing Shatter (PS6, cruise missile), and the Y-wings Snoopy (PS 7 takes his proton torpedo and seismic bomb), and Dozer (also PS 7, goes with his seismic bomb and plasma torpedo). PS averages to a 6, so both Alpha and Beta squads have one Tie advance each, Delta squad is Still Strikers, using AI card #3, with a hull and shield upgrade, Expert handling and Wingman EPT, and Adaptive Ailerons .

Squad leader is on Snoopy. Alpha starts on spot 6, Beta on 7, Delta down on 1. Both Y-wings, line up directly to the north, facing along the north edge, then both B-wings are in the middle, facing directly towards turret 2, with Shatter in the southern part of the entrance bubble, with the HWK between him and Twitch. Doc is the northern most of the two B-wings.

Round 1. Shatter plans a straight 5, Bank 3 right for both Snoopy and Dozer, 3 straight for Doc and Twitch, and a 4 straight for the HWK. No need to up anyone's PS right now.

Alpha-1 and 2 roll a straight 5. Evades. Beta-1 and 2 straight 3, and barrel rolls left to avoid an asteroid. Alpha-3 straights 4, bumping into Beta-1, Beta-3 straights 4 bumping Beta-2. Both no actions. Delta-1 and 2 boost right via adaptive Ailerons (here after called AA), then straights 2, take their free focus and boost forward via their engine upgrade.

The rebels move. The HWK focuses, Shatter boosts forward, Dozer locks turret 1, So does Doc, Twitch locks turret 2, Snoopy has no shot, so uses SQL to give Dozer an action, he focuses. Then hi shot gives 2 hull to turret 1.

Delta-1 and 2 no shot.

Doc finishes off turret 1. Twitch deals 3 hull to turret 2, Shatter finishes. 1Xp him and Doc. 0Xp all others.

No imperials with shots. Turret 3 too far to shoot.

Round 2. Dozer and Snoopy plan 3 bank lefts, 3 straight again Doc and Twitch, 3 bank right Shatter, 1 bank right the HWK.

Alpha-1 and 2, as well as Beta-1 and 2 all bank 3 right and focus. Alpha-3 straights 3, no one in range so evades. Beta-3 straights 5, bumps into Alpha-1. Delta 1 and 2 boost forward via AA, then straight 2 again, take their free focus, then boost forward via their engine upgrade.

The rebels all move. The HWK focuses, Snoopy locks Alpha-2, Dozer locks Alpha-1, Doc and Twitch both lock Delta-1. Shatter locks Delta-2. Snoopy's torpedo blows up Alpha-2, while Dozer's torpedo deals 2 hull to Alpha-1. Shatter then deals a direct hit critical, and takes the shield off of Delta-2.

Delta-1 whiffs the HWK, Delta-2 is just out of range, so shoots Shatter but misses.

The HWK has no shot. Doc's torpedo rips the shield off of Delta-1 and gives it 2 hull. Twitch's torpedo deals it only a third hull and a Structural damage critical. (Pity they have a hull upgrade so its needing 5 hull hits to kill the bugger!). (both Delta's are down hull and shield. YAY).

Beta-3 misses Dozer, Alpha-3 misses Doc, Beta-1 and 2 each hit Dozer, taking one shield apiece, and neuter his stealth device. Alpha-1 misses. Turret 3 misses.

XP now 2xp ea Shatter, Dozer, Doc and Snoopy, 1 for Twitch.

Round 3. The HWK plans a 2 turn left, 3k for Shatter (will stress), 3 bank right for both Dozer and Snoopy, 1 straight Twitch and 2 bank left Doc.

Alpha-1 tries a 4k, but bumps Dozer. Beta-1 and 2 also try 4k's, but Beta-1 bumps Snoopy, Beta-2 is ok. Alpha-3 then locks Doc, straights 5 and barrel rolls right to get out of his fire arc. Beta-3 locks Dozer, Tries his own 4k, bumping into Alpha-1. Delta-1 uses AA to boost left, takes free focus, then does a 2k. Cannot clear his structural damage critical. Delta-2 uses AA to boost left, then Rolls a straight 1 and bumps into Shatter. Took free focus though!..

The rebels move. Shatter takes his stress. The HWK bumps into Delta-1. Twitch protects the HWK (he'll need it!), Doc drops his proton bomb, Dozer and Snoopy both drop their Seismic bombs. Dozer then locks Beta-2, while Snoopy locks turret 3. Dozer's bomb goes off, killing Alpha-2, and takes 1 shield off Alpha-3 and 1 hull to Beta-1. Snoopy's bomb goes off taking its 2nd shield, Gives a 2nd hull to Beta-1 and a first hull to Beta-3. Doc's proton bomb then deals 1 hull to the advance, via a Munition's failure critical (but since it has no munitions, its just one hull). Doc uses Sabine, to make it a 2nd hull, Twitch uses his Sabine to kill the advance off. YAY. Snoopy's shot on the turret then deals it only 2 hull (but is now too close for the turret to shoot him). Dozer then kills off Beta-2. Shatter (Who the HWK boosted up via Roark) then shoots and deals 2 hull to Delta-2, not enough to kill it. BOO.

Delta-1 then misses Shatter, while Delta-2 thankfully misses the HWK, thanks to Twitch's protect action.

Twitch then gets in the kill shot on Delta-2. And doc eliminates turret 3. This takes everyone's XP to 5 for Doc, Twitch and Dozer, 4 for Snoopy and Shatter.

Beta-1 and 3 have no shots.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner, with Gamma-1 and 2 on the left, Gamma-3 (the elite) on the right. Twitch plans a 2 turn left, 3 bank right for Shatter (will keep stress, but the HWK can now remove it starting in the combat phase, so his Expertise will be usable, but he won't get to act), 3 bank right Snoopy, 2 bank left Dozer, 2 straight Doc, 3 bank left for the HWK. Will have to wait till next round to dock.

Beta-1 turns left 3 barrel rolls left. Gamma-1 and 2 straight 4, not in range to lock, so both Focus. Beta-3 locks Doc, then tries a 4k, bumps into Beta-1. Delta-1 takes his free focus, uses AA to bost forward, then does another 2k. Can't clear his crit again. Gamma-3 straights 3, barrel rolls right to avoid running over asteroid next round.

The rebels move. Twitch again protects the HWK, Shatter keeps stress, Snoopy locks Delta-1, Doc locks Gamma-1. Snoopy the kills Delta-1, +1xp all. Shatter (who the HWK boosted up) killed Beta-1. Dozer misses.

Gamma-3 no shot.

Doc and Dozer both miss their shots (BADLY in Dozer's case). Twitch takes the first shield off of Beta-3 and ions him.

Gamma-1 then takes Dozer taking his last shield, hulls him once. Gamma-2 hulls him a 2 nd time, and gives him 1 ion token. BOO..

XP now up to 6 for Doc and Dozer, 7xp for Twitch. 7 for Shatter, 8 for Snoopy.

Round 5. The HWK plans a straight 1 to dock, same for Dozer (ioned), 2 bank left for Shatter, 2 bank left for Twitch, 2 turn right for Snoopy and 2 turn left for Doc.

Gamma-1 and 2 roll a 4 straight. Gamma-1 barely clears Dozer, but bumps Doc. Gamma-2 bumps Dozer. Neither get to act or lock. Gamma-1 though is in range to shoot the HWK. Beta-3 runs onto an asteroid field clearing his ion token. Takes no action so doesn't risk taking damage. Gamma-3 banks left 2, and barrel rolls right.

The Rebels move. The HWK docks. Shatter barrel rolls left. Doc moves then barrel rolls left and forward somewhat, barely gets out of Gamma-2's arc. Snoopy locks Gamma-2, Dozer clears ion and locks Gamma-2. Twitch drops his Cluster mine. Snoopy then takes the first two shields off of Gamma-2. Dozer takes its last shield and deals it 1 hull. Twitch then kills it off (the HWK boosted him up this round). Doc misses, while Shatter takes the last shield off of Beta-3.

This shifts everyone's XP to 9 for Snoopy, 7 for Doc, 10 for Twitch, 6 still for Dozer, 8 for Shatter.

Gamma-3 barely misses his return shot on Doc (thanks to him not having a focus to spend), while Gamma-1 hits the HWK, taking his stealth device, his first shield and gives him 1 ion token. BOO. Beta-3 no shot.

Round 6. Jericho shows up in the SE corner. Shatter plans a 2 straight, 2 turn left Dozer, 3 bank left Snoopy, 2k both Doc and Twitch (will stress).

Gamma-1 locks the HWK, straights 3 and focuses. Beta-3 locks Shatter, turns 3 left, but since it went through the same debris field, chose not to act. Gamma-3 tries a 2 bank right, but won't clear Doc, bumps him, so gets no lock or action. Both in Jericho move 2 straight. Jericho 1 locks Snoopy, Jericho 2 out of range. Both focus.

The rebels move. Dozer, even though he has no shot, locks Gamma-3. Twitch and Doc stress, Shatter locks Beta-3, Snoopy locks Gamma-1. Snoopy then takes 2 shields off the defender. Twitch takes his last shield, and gives a damaged engine critical. Doc gets in the kill, with a minor explosion critical and 1 hull. Dozer has no shot, Shatter totally whiffs his shot (3 blanks vs 3 evades), declines to spend his lock. This shifts everyone's XP to 10 for Snoopy, 10 for Doc, 11 for Twitch, 6 still on Dozer, 8 still for Shatter.

Gamma-3 then hits taking a 2 nd shield off the HWK and gives it 1 more ion token. Beta-3 no shot, same for both in Jericho.

The rebel troops gain only 1 hit of 2 needed to move from the End cap into the Central hub.

Round 7. Doc plans a 1 bank right to clear his stress, 1 bank left for Twitch to do same, 2 turn right Snoopy, 3k Shatter and 2 turn left Dozer.

Beta-3 locks Shatter again, then turns 2 right, has to barrel roll right to get an arc on Shatter.

Gamma-3 locks the HWK, then rolls a 3 bank right, shortens it to a 2 bank, so it can avoid Twitch's cluster mine. Then he barrel rolls left to get an arc to shoot the HWK. Jericho 1 and 2 turn 2 left, lock Snoopy and both focus.

The rebels move. Shatter takes a stress, Snoopy protects the HWK, Dozer still has no shot, Doc clears his stress and focuses, Twitch clears his stress, but has to barrel roll to get an arc. Snoopy's turret then hits once, taking the first of four shields off Gamma-3. Twitch takes 2 more shields. Doc takes the last shield, then kills the defender with two critical hits, both being direct hit criticals. Shatter misses. XP now 12 for Snoopy, 14 for Doc, 13 for Twitch, 7 for Dozer and 9 for Shatter.

Jericho 1 and 2 both have no one in range to shoot. Beta-3 also has no shot.

The troops roll the 2 nd hit needed to move into the central hub.

Round 8.. Wow, cutting it close here guys.

Twitch plans a 2 bank left, 2 turn left Doc, 3 bank right Dozer, 5 straight Shatter and 3 bank right Snoopy.

Beta-3 re-locks Shatter then does a 4k. Jericho 1 and 2 bank right 2, and both re-lock Snoopy then focus.

The rebels move. Both Twitch and Doc have to barrel roll (Twitch did it to get out of Doc's path). Dozer locks Beta-3, Shatter clears his stress, then boosts right. Snoopy uses SQL to give Shatter an action, he boosts left. Snoopy has no shot. Twitch takes the shield off Jericho 2, neuters its stealth device and ions him. Dozer misses Beta-3, Shatter hits dealing 1 hull, Doc deals Jericho 2 a 2 nd hull. XP now 12 still for Snoopy and 7 still for Dozer, 10 now for Shatter, 14 for Twitch and 15 for Doc.

Jericho 1 and 2 each shoot Twitch, taking his stealth device, two shields and givng him 2 ion tokens. Beta-3 no shot.

The rebel troops roll nothing but blanks.

Round 9. Doc plans a 2 turn right, 1 straight for Twitch (ioned), 3 straight Dozer, 3 bank right Snoopy and 3 bank right Shatter.

Beta-3 does another 4k. Jericho 1 and 2 both lock Twitch, then Jericho 1 banks 2 right and focuses. Jericho 2 bleeds his ion and focuses.

The rebels move. Doc locks Jericho 1, Shatter bumps him. Twitch focuses after bleeding his first ion token, Dozer re-locks Beta-3, Snoopy uses SQL to give him an action, he barrel rolls to get a shot. Snoopy's turret then deals 1 hull to the advance, which Dozer finally finishes off. Doc and shatter combine to deal 3 hull, take the shield and stealth device off of Jericho 1. Jericho 1 and 2 re-ion Twitch shifting him back up to 3 ion tokens, and 2 less shields. Twitch Whiffs his shot on Jericho 2.

The troops roll a focus and a blank, man they're sucking...

XP ups to 10 for Dozer, 13 for Snoopy, 11 for Shatter, 16 for Doc, and 14 still for Twitch.

Round 10. After the rebels move, Jericho 2 dies, to Dozer's torpedo, but all others miss. Jericho-1 hits Twitch again for another ion, taking him down to 1 shield remaining. Dozer upps to 14xp, 12 now on Shatter, 14 now for Snoopy, 17 for Doc and 15 for Twitch.

The rebel troops STILL can't get the virus planted.

Round 11, Shatter gets in the kill on Jericho. The rebels win, with a total imperial wipe.

4 th win, 3 losses.

XP ending is very high, 18 for Doc, 16 for Twitch, 16 for Shatter, 15 for Snoopy and 16 for Twitch.

Will remove ALL elites in Gamma and Delta squadrons. XP is way too high otherwise. Will keep Delta at elites though.

Edited by LTuser

8 th and last running at 5 rebel ships.

Using two A-wings, Drogo (PS5, as an ion pulse missile) and Gruff (PS6, has an assault missile), two X-wings, Shrek (PS4, with a plasma torpedo) and Jinn (PS7, with a Proton torpedo) and the B-wing Grood (PS6, has an advance proton torpedo and plasma torpedo). PS averages to a 5 barely. Alpha has the advance, Beta has 3 tie fighters. Delta shifts BACK to being Tie interceptors, using AI pilot card # , with a stealth device, Auto-thrusters and the EPT of Predator. Squad leader on Jinn. Alpha starts on spot 5, Beta on Spot 2, Delta on spot 8. Both A-wings in the extreme north, with Shrek in the middle, and Grood and Jinn in the rear.

Well this was a some-what swift butt whupping for the imperials..

Round 1. Both Drogo and Gruff planned 5 straights, both were angled towards turret 1. Grood planned a 3 straight, 3 bank left for Jinn and 4 straight for both the HWK and Shrek.

Alpha-1 and 2 both did a straight 5 and evaded. Beta squad all went straight 4, and barrel rolled left to get around a asteroid. Alpha-3 then did a straight 5, was out of range to lock, so evaded. Delta-1 and 2 straights 4 after taking their free focus, then they boost forward.

The rebels moved. The HWK focused, Shrek boosts left, Jinn locks turret 1, Grood locks turret 2, and both Drogo and Gruff focused. Jinn shoots turret 2 dealing it 2 hull, Grood kills. Gruff deals 2 hull to T1, Drogo made it 3, Shrek killed it with a range 3 shot. 1Xp Shrek and Grood. 0Xp all the others.

No imperials had shots. Turret 3 missed Shrek.

Round 2. The HWK planned a 2 straight, 3 bank left Jinn, 2 bank left Grood, 2 straight both Drogo and Gruff and 4 straight for Shrek.

Alpha-1 and 2 Straight 3 and focus. Beta squad all straights 5, barrel rolls right. Alpha-3 straights 4, bumping into Alpha-1. Delta-1 and 2 take their free focus, straight 5, then boosts left.

The rebels move. The HWK focuses again, Jinn locks Beta-2, Grood locks Delta-1, Shrek boosts forward, Gruff bumps into Delta-2, Drogo locks Alpha-2. Jinn's torpedo deals a damaged sensor array to Beta-2. Grood's plasma torpedo fails to fire, thanks to munitions failsafe. Drogo's ion pulse missile hits Alpha-2 dealing it 1 hull and 2 ion tokens. Gruff misses.

Delta 1 and 2 both miss the HWK.

Shrek deals 3 hull to turret 3. Xp now 1 still for Grood and Shrek,1 now for both Drogo and Jinn, 0 still for Gruff.

Alpha-3 takes 1 shield off Grood. All in Beta squad shoot Jinn, but miss. Alpha-1 and 2 each take another shield off Grood. Turret 3 misses Drogo.

Round 3. Shrek plans a 2 turn left. Drogo plans a 5 straight, 2 bank right Gruff, 2k Grood and 1 bank left for Jinn. The HWK plans a 2 bank right.

Alpha-2 bleeds his first ion token, then focuses. Alpha-1 does a 4k. Beta 1 and 3 roll a 1 right turn, Beta-1 focuses, 3 bumps into 2. Beta-2 then tries a 2 right turn, bumping Alpha-2. Delta-1 and 2 take a free focus. Delta-1 then straights 4 bumping into Grood. Delta-2 then does a 5 straight and also bumps Grood. Alpha-3 locks Shrek then does a 4k.

The rebels move. The HWK focuses. Shrek locks Alpha-2, Drogo focuses, Grood takes a stress, Jinn uses squad leader to give Grood an action, he focuses. Thanks to FCS has a lock still on Delta-1. Gruff barrel rolls. Jinn's shot misses. Grood's advance torpedo blows Delta-1 up. +1xp all. Gruff misses, Drogo finishes off turret 3.

Delta 2 then takes the stealth device off the HWK and 2 of his shields. Shrek totally whiffs.

The HWK finishes off Beta-2. XP now, 6 for Grood, 3 for Drogo, 2 for Jinn, 1 for Gruff, 2 for Shrek. (Man are the rebels dice sucking)..

Alpha-3 takes 2 of Shrek's shields. Alpha-1 takes his last. Alpha-2 takes a 4 th from Grood. Beta-1 takes a shield off Drogo, Beta-3 no shot. Beta-3 misses.

Round 4. Gamma squad shows up in the NE corner.

Gruff plans a 3 turn left, 2 turn left Drogo, 3 bank right Jinn, 1 straight Grood to try and clear stress, 3 turn right Shrek and 2 turn left for the HWK.

Alpha-1 turns 2 left and focuses. Alpha-2 fails to bleed its second ion token, by bumping Alpha-1. Beta-1 straights 2, no shot so evades. Beta-3 tries a 4k, bumps into Alpha-2. All in Gamma squad 4 straight, then barrel roll right, to get around an asteroid. Alpha-3 locks Shrek, then bumps into him doing a 3 turn left. Delta-2 takes his free focus, 3 banks left, and barrel rolls left to maintain arc on the HWK.

The rebels move. Grood bumps into Jinn, can't clear his stress. Jinn locks Gamma 1, Gruff evades, Drogo locks Gamma-3, and Shrek locks Delta-1. Jinn's shot takes 2 shields off Gamma-1. Gruff and Drogo both miss, Grood has no shot.

Delta-1 takes a 3 rd shield off the HWK.

The HWK misses. Shrek takes the stealth device off Delta 2 and deals him 2 hull.

Alpha-3 misses. Alpha-1 takes the last shield off Grood, Alpha-2 hulls him twice, beta-1 and 3 miss. Gamma-1 misses, Gamma-2 and 3 no shot.

Round 5 is where things went pear shaped. The HWK got blown up, Grood entered hyperspace safely, Shrek got sent EVA, and both Gruff and Drogo took 1 hull and 1 ion each. Jinn was the only rebel left untouched, but he at least finished off Alpha-2. That gave him 5xp.

So that made a swift of sorts, rebel loss. Making 4 wins, 4 losses at 5 rebels. I will now consider mission 2 of this string good.

Ending XP for this run was 6 for Grood, 5 Jinn, 1 Gruff, 2 Shrek and 3 Drogo. 3Xp average...

Overall this makes

3 player







XP averages to 9 for the three player runnings. -2xp from dropping out the 1 elite in both Jericho and Gamma, brings it to 7xp average.

5 player









8.75xp average for the 5 player runnings, minus 3xp from dropping the elites in Gamma and Jericho drops it to 5.75xp average. 6.375xp average overall, rounding down to the nearest number gives 6xp overall for this play test.

Changes to make. NO elites in either Jericho or Gamma squad. Keep elites in Delta squad. No changes to start times for Gamma or Jericho.

Now to print it out, make the updates to the play-test ships, and move onto mission 3!!

Will award 6xp to all play test ships.

XP spent:

B-wings; Grood -

Wilt – Banked

Doc – Engine upgrade (4xp), banked remaining 2.

Shunt – Banked

Spot – Banked


Drogo – Named pilot of Roark Garnet.

Gruff – Banked

Red-bull – Named pilot of Tarn Mison.

Blue-thunder – Banked.


Imo-thep – purchased a plasma torpedo, and the named pilot of chewbacca

Cmoz – Acquired a guidance chip (for the PS 6 modification line), and a plasma torpedo. Also acquired 2nd turret (so selects which to use based on the mission) of an Ion turret.

Crack – PS to 7. Sold back ion and seismic torpedo. Replaced with Proton torpedo and Proximity mine.

Dozer – Named pilot of Dutch Vander.

Unca – Upped PS to 7. Sold back EPT of Intimidation, replaced with named pilot of Zeb Orelios. Banked remaining 4xp.



Chaka – Banked.

Tin-bok – PS to 6. Extra munitions.

Reign-fire – PS to 5, named pilot of Thane Kyrell.

Squeaky – Named pilot of Arvel Crynyd

Edited by LTuser