Now on to mission 2 of this last of my home made storys.. Raiding the Cookie Jar..
The mission's played on a 3x4 star field map. Hostile territory with a 12 turn limit.
2 large asteroids and 2 large debris fields, space range 2 from the 'facility', which is 3 end-cap modules around a small connector unit. The two southern caps, each have a sensor dish atop, while the northern one has an improved turbo-laser turret on it. The facility is placed, movement range 2, off of dead center of the map, towards the imperial side. All the asteroids/debris fields form an 'even box' around. Add a 2 nd turret at 3 players, and a 3 rd at 5. The facility is dead center of the map.
The eastern edge, is where the imperials start, and either the north-east or south-east corners are where the reinforcements come into play.
At 3 rebel players, the imperial forces will be -
Starting out;
Alpha squad, 2 Tie fighters (one shifted to a tie advance if the PS is 7 or more)
Beta squad, 2 more tie fighters, one shifted to an advance at PS 8+
Delta squad, one Tie interceptor (OR striker) elite.
Reinforcements are-
Gamma squad, 4 th round, 1 tie defender, with a 2 nd being added at PS 5+ (elite).
Jericho squad, 1 tie aggressor elite.
Alpha and Beta squad, along with Jericho squad, ignores the HWK, and shoot at the fighters only.
The Defenders of Gamma and the interceptors/strikers of Delta, target the HWK. Once Gamma squad has take damage, they shift to an attack AI, focusing now on fighters, but can still target the HWK.
ONCE the HWK has planted its virus, those in Gamma and jericho squad shift to a flee AI, and try to escape to warn high command.
IF ANY DO MAKE IT OUT, then the mission 3 and 4 in this string, will be harder, as they are now alerted.
Once it shifts up to 5 rebel players, the imperial forces become
Starting out;
Alpha is 3 tie fighters, with one fighter shifting up to a tie advance at PS 5+ (a 2 nd fighter is replaced by an advance at PS 7+)
Beta squad, 3 tie fighters, one converts over to a tie advance at PS 6+, a 2 nd at PS 8+.
Delta squad, 2 tie interceptor or striker elites
Gamma squad is 2 tie defenders, with an added tie defender elite at PS 5+
Jericho squad, 1 tie aggressor elite, with the addition of a 2 nd at PS 5+
Mission goals:
1 -Eliminate the turrets.
2 -Escort in the HWK to dock.
3 -The HWK must escape once the virus is planted.
Secondary goal;
Eliminate all imperial reinforcements, none must be allowed to escape.
IF any ships in Gamma or Jaffa squads to escape, there is a -1xp penalty to all players, PER SHIP that get's away. If the mission is a loss, there is no loss of gear.
The HWK is represented by a PS 2 operative, with the Blaster turret.
If the group's PS is 5+, upgrade to Roark Garnet.
If the group's PS is 7+, upgrade to Elite PS 6 with the wingman EPT.
If the group's PS is 9+, upgrade to Jan Ors.
All players at range 1 of either the HWK or YT, can perform Protect Actions on it.
Once the HWK docks with an end-cap, roll 1 attack dice, 2 hits are needed for the operative to move into the central hub. Each round in the 'central-hub' roll 2 attack dice. 4 total hits are needed for Virus to have gotten planted. IF only 1 hits is scored, it carries over to the next round. If someone gives up their action for the round, they can give the HWK a focus token, the crew can use that to modify any Focus results into hits. Otherwise it's a cumulative. After the Worm has been planted, it can de-dock the following round. Like with 'capture' missions, rolling a critical hit equates to 2 hits.
Once the virus is planted, the HWK must then escape either via map side A, or into hyperspace.
For our Rebel ships we have:
Drogo – PS 5, ion pulse missile, hull and shield upgrades, Predator and Outmaneuver EPTs.
Gruff – PS6, Assault missile, Hull upgrade, stealth device and munitions failsafe. EPTs of Determination and Lone wolf, with the named pilot of Bohdi Rook.
Deox – PS5. Concussion missile, Vectored thrusters and munitions failsafe mods. EPTS of Push the limit and Intensity.
Red-Bull. PS 4, Assault missile, Auto thrusters and hull upgrades for mods, and the EPTs of Predator and Debris gambit.
Grood – PS 6, Fire control system, Heavy laser cannon, Ordinance of Advance proton torpedo and plasma torpedo, Munitions failsafe, a hull upgrade and stealth device for mods. EPT of Intimidation and the named pilot of Nera Dantels.
Shunt – PS 6. Trajectory simulator system, Heavy laser cannon. Ordinance of a Proton and Seismic bomb, Ion and Plasma torpedos. Crew slot of Sabine Wren, Stealth device and Extra munitions for mods. EPT of Wingman, and named pilot of Etahn Abaht.
Doc – PS 6. Sensor jammer system, Mangler cannon. Ordinance of a proton bomb, Ion and plasma torpedo. Stealth device mod and crew of Sabine wren. EPT of Predator and named pilot of Gemmer Sojan.
Wilt – PS 6. Sensor jammer, Ion cannon, Munition's failsafe, shield and Hull upgrades for mods. Ordinance of Plasma and advance proton torpedos, EPTs of Outmaneuver and Expertise.
Spot – PS 6, Sensor jammer system, Ion cannon. Munition's failsafe and Shield upgrades for Mods. Crew slot of Gunner, Plasma and proton torpedo for ordinance, EPT of Intensity and named pilot of Sabine Wren (Different than the crew slot).
Squeaky. PS 7. Plasma torpedo, R2-D2 astromech, Vectored thrusters, Munition's failsafe and a Shield upgrade for mods. EPTs of Intensity and Outmaneuver.
Jinn – PS 7. Plasma or proton torpedo for ordinance, R3 astromech, Stealth device, Shield upgrade and a hull upgrade for Mods. EPTs of Saturation Salvo and outmaneuver, and named pilot of Jake Farrel.
Chaka – PS 7. Proton torpedo, R2 astromech, Stealth device, Shield upgrade and Engine upgrade for mods. EPTS of Determination and Predator, and named pilot of Dutch Vandar.
Tin-bok. PS 5. Plasma torpedo, R7-T1 astromech, Vectored thrusters and Shield upgrade.
Reign-fire. PS 4. Plasma torpedo, R5-K6 astromech, Guidance chip and stealth device mods. EPT of Marksmanship.
Crack – PS 6. Ordinance of Seismic bomb, Ion and Seismic torpedo, R7 astromech, Sync turret. Stealth device, Shield upgrade and extra munitions for mods. Saturation salvo and Intimidation EPTS.
Dozer – PS 7. Ordinance of Seismic bomb, proximity mine and plasma torpedo. R5 astromech, Sync turret. Vectored thrusters, Shield and Stealth devices for mods. EPTs of Expert handling and Outmaneuver.
Unca – PS 7. Ordinance of Proton torpedo, Proton and Seismic bombs. R3 astromech, Twin laser turret. Munitions failsafe, Extra munitions and Stealth device for mods. EPTs of Predator and Intimidation.
Cmoz – PS 6. Ordinance of Cluster mine, seismic bomb and proton torpedo. R7-T1 astromech and a dorsal turret. Vectored thrusters and a shield upgrade for mods. EPT of Determination and Wingman.
Imo-thep. PS 5. Ordinance of Proton and Seismic bombs and a proton torpedo. R7-T1 astromech, Ion turret. Stealth device and shield upgrade for mods. EPT of Predator.
Once the rebels have planted the Virus, all enemies in Jericho and Gamma squad shift to flee AI, and will FIRST try to hyperspace out. If they take damage while trying to do this, they shift to needing to flee by EITHER of the map corners they came into play from.
Ship assignments for 3 players:
1 st running. A-wing Drogo, X-wing Reign-fire, and B-wing Grood
2 nd running. A-wing Gruff, X-wing Tin-bok and B-wing Shunt
3 rd running. A-wing Deox, X-wing Chaka and Y-wing Dozer
4 th running. X-wing Squeaky, B-wing Wilt and Y-wing Unca
5 th running. A-wing Red-bull, Y-wing Cmoz and B-wing Spot
6 th running. X-wing Jinn and Reign fire, and Y-wing Crack.
Running 1, 4 and 6 have Strikers for Delta squad. Running 2, 3 and 5 are interceptors.
Edited by LTuser