Make our own app campaigns?

By Mandalore of the Rings, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Didn't someone create an app that can be used to make quality looking campaigns? I know there is a card making app already, which is awesome by the way, but what do we have for campaigns?

What would be really cool is if we had an easy way to make our own app campaigns and share them with the community! I'd love to put some of my ideas into a digital format that people could use and play against. I guess you need a way to enter text blurbs, a way to slowly reveal tiles and interact with certain squares and a way to randomize (or not) certain villains. I'm not techy at all but maybe someone has already done this or is planning on it. With IACP covering the skirmish side of things, this would also cover the campaign side... and we could even add in new IACP deployment cards to the random villains that you encounter in the new community designed app missions!

Still loving IA... Great game. So many possibilities.

Not campaigns specifically, but someone's made a map editor:

I also hope to add a map/mission editor to the Kensei tools suite at some point, which will be not dissimilar to that ("but better!" ;) ). It will very much be aimed at traditional (campaign or skirmish) missions though, not interactive ones like in the app. But don't hold your breath: I have plans but it'll be a lot of work and it very much depends on when or if the mood takes me.

The Valkyrie project hasn't gotten enough volunteers to develop Imperial Assault content.

Thanks for the info!