Coordinated fire

By Alan Noir, in Rules

Is the effect of this card continuous? Ie A corps unit spends aim token, another unit gains. If the second unit is also corps and spends theor aim, does a third unit in range get one and so on? Or is it a one off?

Also does Deflect cause suppression.?

Continuous, which is why the card was errataed to only passing 1 aim token.

Deflect does not cause suppression as it is not a ranged attack, it is a keyword that causes wounds.

Thanks but is it a one off or do all corps who spend aim get to pass 1 aim on?

3 minutes ago, Alan Noir said:

Thanks but is it a one off or do all corps who spend aim get to pass 1 aim on?

All corps, which is what I meant by "continuous."
