Finally! I’m slowly getting around to providing a recap from last weekend’s Prime Championship that was held in Madison, Wisconsin! I had the privilege of being Head Judge, along with another TO/judge. (quick thought: having 2 TOs/Judges for bigger events is really, really recommended)
First off-- special thanks to Misty Mountain Games for hosting the event, and for MidWest Token 3D for helping provide some of the terrain and give-aways.
We had 32 players from Madison, Milwaukee, Wausau, Chicago-land, Iowa and the Twin Cities— great group of gammers, many there to win the coveted World’s invite. Plenty of newer players as well.
After four rounds (and finals concession), Brian Charlier went home with the Invite.
Despite the long day (and night), 26 of the original 32 played through all four rounds.
I’ll use additional posts in this thread to bring photos and analysis. But I will first leave you with one of the highlights...
Airspeeder actually pulled off harpooning an AT-ST!
And if anybody else from the event wants to share their adventures from the day, please do!