Move investigator and attack a monster? Confused, need clarification.

By Xruptor, in Mansions of Madness

Hello! I'm new to the game and I have a quick question. Lets say that there is a monster in an adjacent room that is only one 1 space from me. I use the MOVE action to move towards the monster 1 space. I now occupy the space with the monster. I use the ATTACK action and attack the monster.

1) Since I have one movement left on my move action, does that mean I can use the evade check to move back to the previous room? Or does this completely end my turn?

2) Because I moved towards the monster. I'm assuming that counts as an action and thus I only have one remaining action left. Since I attacked the monster that used up my second action and thus I have none left? Right? The only thing I can do at this point is use my last movement space?

Also if a monster spawns and it said we take 2 horror with (will to negate). That means if we pass the will roll we don't take any damage correct? But we would need at least 2 will points to completely negate the damage. If we roll a 1, we still take 1 horror of damage, correct?

1) To move out of the space with the monster, you need to make an EVADE. You can MOVE action, move one space then ATTACK and then move one more space.

2) Yes. You use your first action to MOVE and second action to ATTACK.

3) Yes you suffer one less horror for each success you have up to 0 horror.
Yes if you roll 1 dice or only have one success you will suffer one horror.

It's important to clafiry "Evade" is not an action, its a consiquence of doing things in in a space with a monster. So in your example 1.

You are in the space adjacent to the monster. You use an action to move 2 spaces, one space puts you next to the monster so you can interupt your move action (without forfiting that second space of movement) to attack. Attack is an action that can be done in a monster space without an evade check, so you do so. The monster doesn't die, so you can then continue your move action to move back, but since still technically part of the earlier "move action" you are subject to an Evade check, (this is a consiquence not an action). Peform the evade check, if it doesn't tell you to stop moving, you can continue moving regardless of result.

Its a common missconception - that people think if you fail an evade check (aka take damage) you must stop moving, you don't. You only have to forfit your move if it specifically states "Forfit the remainder of your action", if you become stunned/restrained or there is any other wording that would suggest you must remain in the space. If the evade check states that you must move one space away, then you should do this before continuing your move.

Edited by scrubbless
22 minutes ago, scrubbless said:

It's important to clafiry "Evade" is not an action, its a consiquence of doing things in in a space with a monster. So in your example 1.

You are in the space adjacent to the monster. You use an action to move 2 spaces, one space puts you next to the monster so you can interupt your move action (without forfiting that second space of movement) to attack. Attack is an action that can be done in a monster space without an evade check, so you do so. The monster doesn't die, so you can then continue your move action to move back, but since still technically part of the earlier "move action" you are subject to an Evade check, (this is a consiquence not an action). Peform the evade check, if it doesn't tell you to stop moving, you can continue moving regardless of result.

Its a common missconception - that people think if you fail an evade check (aka take damage) you must stop moving, you don't. You only have to forfit your move if it specifically states "Forfit the remainder of your action", if you become stunned/restrained or there is any other wording that would suggest you must remain in the space. If the evade check states that you must move one space away, then you should do this before continuing your move.

More accurately it is not the move action that triggers the evade check, it is when you attempt to leave the monster's space. Performing the move action doesn't trigger the evade check just like an attack action doesn't. Any action that isn't a move or attack triggers evade, and attempting to leave the monsters space triggers an evade