Help With This list

By Kramerr, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

I have put together the following list. I believe that this could be tweaked a bit to make it better. Any help would be appreciated...

Name: Thrawn’s Threat
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Assault: Close-Range Intel Scan
Defense: Planetary Ion Cannon
Navigation: Solar Corona

ISD Kuat Refit (112)
• Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
• Intel Officer (7)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
• Reinforced Blast Doors (5)
• Leading Shots (4)
• Assault Concussion Missiles (7)
= 179 Points

Victory II (85)
• Intel Officer (7)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• H9 Turbolasers (8)
• Leading Shots (4)
• Warlord (8)
= 119 Points

• Howlrunner (16)
• Boba Fett (26)
• Gar Saxon (23)
• Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter (20)
• 2 x TIE Fighter Squadron (16)
= 101 Points

Total Points: 399

The first thing I'd probably do is try & squeeze a gozanti in there: with only two activations & no bid you're very likely to be out-activated most of the time & it will be very difficult for the kuat to get a good close range shot.

I'd drop gunnery team on the kuat; you're not likely to catch two ships at once with enough dice to really make it worth it, and I'd ditch the expanded hangar bay (gozanti can help you command squadrons)

I'd replace the Intel officer with strategic adviser (better to help you position the kuat for a stronger shot)

Assault concussion missiles could be either assault proton torpedoes or external racks. Both of which are very good & a bit cheaper.

On the victory I would remove h9 turbolasers & warlord title (you should be okay with leading shots & Intel officer) and I would add quad battery turrets (extra blue dice) and disposable capacitors. This will give your victory a really threatening long range attack

If I've done my math correctly that should allow you to add gozanti class cruisers with comms net, & come in at 399 points still

However, I might reconsider howlrunner; with only 2 swarm squadrons to buff you're not getting great value out of her. She could easily be switched to mauler mithel, or even to another generic tie fighter (which would give you a bit more of a bid for first player) (with a kuat setup like you have, you probably want first player).

On objectives: defense & navigation objectives are great. I've never actually played close range intel scan, so I'm not sure if i can advise on that or not.

There is more that could be changed, but those things should help it out.

(I don't really want to rip it apart and rebuild it from the ground up because it would stop being your fleet at that point, and to be honest unless you're planning on grinding out major tournaments the most important thing is playing the fleet that you want to play).

i'd like to see what else could be changed to make this a tournament-ready list...

On 2/11/2020 at 1:05 PM, namdoolb said:

The first thing I'd probably do is try & squeeze a gozanti in there: with only two activations & no bid you're very likely to be out-activated most of the time & it will be very difficult for the kuat to get a good close range shot.

I'd drop gunnery team on the kuat; you're not likely to catch two ships at once with enough dice to really make it worth it, and I'd ditch the expanded hangar bay (gozanti can help you command squadrons)

I'd replace the Intel officer with strategic adviser (better to help you position the kuat for a stronger shot)

Assault concussion missiles could be either assault proton torpedoes or external racks. Both of which are very good & a bit cheaper.

On the victory I would remove h9 turbolasers & warlord title (you should be okay with leading shots & Intel officer) and I would add quad battery turrets (extra blue dice) and disposable capacitors. This will give your victory a really threatening long range attack

If I've done my math correctly that should allow you to add gozanti class cruisers with comms net, & come in at 399 points still

However, I might reconsider howlrunner; with only 2 swarm squadrons to buff you're not getting great value out of her. She could easily be switched to mauler mithel, or even to another generic tie fighter (which would give you a bit more of a bid for first player) (with a kuat setup like you have, you probably want first player).

On objectives: defense & navigation objectives are great. I've never actually played close range intel scan, so I'm not sure if i can advise on that or not.

There is more that could be changed, but those things should help it out.

(I don't really want to rip it apart and rebuild it from the ground up because it would stop being your fleet at that point, and to be honest unless you're planning on grinding out major tournaments the most important thing is playing the fleet that you want to play).

I'd like to see what else could be done to make this a tournament-ready list....

If I were giving this some more tweaks, this is probably where I'd end up:

Thrawn's threat (61/386/400) ==========================

Kuat Refit (112 + 48: 160) + Grand Admiral Thrawn (32) + Strategic Adviser (4) + Reinforced Blast Doors (5) + Leading Shots (4) + External Racks (3)

Victory II-class Star Destroyer (85 + 26: 111) + Intel Officer (7) + Gunnery Team (7) + Disposable Capacitors (3) + Leading Shots (4) + Quad Battery Turrets (5)

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 + 6: 29) + Comms Net (2) + Suppressor (4)

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 + 2: 25) + Comms Net (2)

Dengar (20), Howlrunner (16), Valen Rudor (13), Saber Squadron (12)

By trimming the upgrades on the ships to only what is needed, & cutting the squadrons back a bit we've managed to fit two gozanti's in, and get a decent initiative bid.

Squadrons will need commanding, but the gozanti's can do that. There's some reasonable squad synergy there with swarm & counter which should allow your squads to punch a little above their weight in terms of points.

There is one more tweak that could be done, although the added value is questionable: replace blast doors with ecm, drop Intel officer, upgrade saber squadron to mauler mithel. You could add a cheap officer to the vsd to replace Intel officer, but be careful about eating into your initiative bid too much.

ECM could replace blast doors even without the other changes, but I don't think this is essential.

I'd be happy to bring that list to a tournament; not my preference in ships, but it's not something I would mind playing. (Although I should make a point of mentioning that whilst I'm a fairly experienced player I'm not the best out there by any stretch).

I have to agree with @namdoolb the Kuat probably wants to nav every turn making it a poor carrier choice.

Makes me think of going back to the list i was trying with 2 Kuat's and a lifeboat kittens for Motti