Smoke Screen clarification needed

By Lightrock, in Rules

R2's 3-pip card says:

"When R2-D2 issues an order to another friendly trooper unit, it may perform a speed-1 move."

Who does "it" refer to? R2 or the other trooper unit?

In other words does R2 get to perform a move when it issues an order to another unit or is this card No Time For Sorrows' little brother?

"it" refers to the other trooper unit.

(Notice on R2's other command cards, they refer to R2 as "he")

Edited by manoftomorrow010

"It" refers to the unit that received the order. So yes, it's like another No Time For Sorrows. Put Comms Relay on R2 and you make the card nearly a carbon copy ;)

Just as I thought then. It just seemed too good on a unit that costs the same as barebones troopers AND can potentially score an extra victory point too. They really did want to get those R2s on the tables didn't they?

On 2/6/2020 at 10:51 PM, Lightrock said:

Just as I thought then. It just seemed too good on a unit that costs the same as barebones troopers AND can potentially score an extra victory point too. They really did want to get those R2s on the tables didn't they?

Well, R2-D2 Is the longest serving combatant in SW History... Makes sense he'd've picked up some cool stuff

4 hours ago, Indy_com said:

Well, R2-D2 Is the longest serving combatant in SW History... Makes sense he'd've picked up some cool stuff

When 900 years R2 reaches, look as good, he will not. #DontForgetYoda

I think R2 goes the longest of any droid combatants without a memory wipe. Meanwhile a memory wipe is practically known as a Tuesday for C-3P0.

45 minutes ago, Caimheul1313 said:

I think R2 goes the longest of any droid combatants without a memory wipe. Meanwhile a memory wipe is practically known as a Tuesday for C-3P0.

C-3PO canonically has 2

The one at the end of RotS

And the RoS one.

Edited by Indy_com
39 minutes ago, Indy_com said:

C-3PO canonically has 2

I'm probably thinking of the old Droids cartoon... thought I wouldn't be surprised if there were some "behind the scenes" wipes during Rebels and such.

On 2/10/2020 at 5:25 AM, Indy_com said:

Well, R2-D2 Is the longest serving combatant in SW History... Makes sense he'd've picked up some cool stuff

HK-47: "Says you, meatbag."