So a funny situation came up in a skirmish today. My BARC was coming around some terrain for a flank on an AT-ST. My opponent moved his AT-ST so that it would block my next compulsory on the BARC. Before the match, we agreed that the AT-ST was height 2 and treated it as that the whole game. Well BARC activates and makes compulsory and sure enough can't complete the move because he ran into the AT-ST not being able to clear height 2. I took the 2 wounds and we played on. Now the question. Should the AT-ST have been treated as a ground vehicle in which case my BARC could have moved through, or did we play it right with the height 2?
AT-ST and Height
A repulsive vehicle can move through any unit , so I assume that the ground vehicle was sitting such that it prevented the compulsory move because it would end there.which is odd given the barc should be able to turn 1 way or the other and not land on the AT ST or was the AT ST the only place it could land after the compulsory due to terrain.
It's a Ground Vehicle, so you should treat it as a Ground Vehicle. It seems you made a house rule before the game and are now asking us if you should follow the house rule or the actual rules? Am I misunderstanding your question?
Edited by arnoldrew5 hours ago, arnoldrew said:It's a Ground Vehicle, so you should treat it as a Ground Vehicle. It seems you made a house rule before the game and are now asking us if you should follow the house rule or the actual rules? Am I misunderstanding your question?
You hit the nail on the head. I believe the error was made assigning height 2 to the AT-ST. We neglected to remember that it is considered a ground vehicle. Thanks for the reply.