1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:I started by pitching a rough concept getting largely positive/encouraging feedback and incorporating the suggestions of several forum members into the first draft which is probably why it had the grab bag feel. I've been trying to adapt it to your feedback but either you've been changing that feedback or you been unclear about what you've intended to be communicate from the beginning.
I actually think that being practiced enough to repeatably pull off something cool on cue is thematic for a ronin/ronin/ex-samurai. In the case of ravage it seems like a half measure of a talent that would appear in a lightsaber form spec, which is kind of appropriate for force sensitive outcast because it's not even a half form. Having the full measure of the talent/split across two talents (ravage and ravage improved to let you use it once per round, to make it more like Hawkbat swoop or draw closer but minus moving to your opponent or moving your opponent to you) particularly when themed as succeeding through intense ferocity, seems remarkably appropriate for a half lightsaber ronin spec. But maybe destined blademaster is over the top and not thematically on point as it could be.
Making it more coercion based seems appropriate...
What if the reused "trust no one" talent was paired with matching new "trusted by no one" and "feared by all" talents... of course I need to figure out mechanical effects for them, but thematically would that work for you (generalized you, looking for feedback from anyone willing to give it)
The thing is i dont think a well trained person would use ravage. They would use a light saber for tree. Look at trees like Arbiter or Armoror as good examples. Ravage strikes me an angry and untrained. Not experienced. And being able to repeat abilities is not interesting or thematic really. Instead give them new once per day abilities that stack well with the other trees that dont care what form technique you use. Things like sum djem etc.