New Players saying hello

By Warhawk1977, in Imperial Assault Campaign

Hi just picked up the game a few weeks ago for my teen boys and me to play. So far we have played the tutorial a few times and really enjoyed the game. I think we will start the campaign this weekend but we also picked up X-wing so might play that instead. I know we are a little late to the game but we are planning on picking up some expansions before they get gone. Lots of great minis here for out upcoming RPG game and more minis is always are good.

But just saying hello to everyone and looking forward to enjoying the game.

Congratulations with a great investment :) It's a fabulous game, and while new stuff is no longer being produced, there are hundreds and hundres of hours of fun to have had with the 3 large & 3 small expansion campaigns + app campaigns, and loads of extra units to differentiate the game with. Good luck!

I'm looking for the expansion and hope to get them all. Just started x-wing too so deciding what to buy is hard.

1 hour ago, Warhawk1977 said:

I'm looking for the expansion and hope to get them all. Just started x-wing too so deciding what to buy is hard.

As someone who literally has played hundreds of hours of this game over many campaigns with my kids - I envy you! My kids are a little older now (we started when they were 11 and 8 ) and with activities/homework/girlfriends - everyone’s time is harder to nail down :)

If it clicks with your kids - I would buy Jabbas Realm. That has an app campaign, the heroes are great, the extra units for the Imperial player are really good as well. Plus if you play a few skirmishes there are tons of good cards and units for that too.

Return to Hoth is also good, I enjoyed the app campaign and the paper (1 vs many) campaign too. I love the snow tiles, and there are some new mechanics for the campaign which are cool (hidden tiles that are revealed on exploration, interlude mission).

We recently started Heart of the Empire. Seems like a fun campaign thus far. I liked that the Emperor was the main villain of the campaign. Also it has a bit of ‘choose your own adventure’ style to mission flow and selection which is kind of cool.

Again, if it clicks just pick out some fun Ally/Villain packs that your kids (and you! ) like. My daughter was so excited when we played Leia’s mission and loved bringing her as an ally. Meanwhile I loved torturing my kids with Bossk! :D