Destiny Token Timing RITR

By Funny Defcon, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions


What it the timing of play. Player 1 rolls a hit/crit and has ACMs? Can a destiny token stop this critcal effect by changing the die face?

What is the timing between players if both are going to use a destiny token? Attacking player first?


Funny D

Edited by Funny Defcon

Destiny is resolved during the "Resolve Attack Effects" step of the attack, as specified in the RITR rulebook.

The steps of the attack are:

1 . Declare Target
2 . Roll Attack Dice
3 . Resolve Attack Effects (here you play the Destiny)
4. Spend Defense Tokens
5 . Resolve Damage (here you resolve the effect of any critical effect like ACM)

So the answer to your first question is yes, it can stop ACM for example.

For the second question:

"If both players have effects with the same timing, the first player resolves all of his effects with that timing first."

This means that if both want to use the Destiny, the first player uses it first and then the second player uses it.

The first-second player timing for Destiny is quite fun.

If the first player is the attacker, they get to resolve all their attack effects (including spending accuracies) before the second player gets to use their destiny.

If the second player is the attacker, the first player gets to use their destiny before the second player gets to resolve any of their attack effects (including spending accuracies).

So not only can destiny stop crits, it can stop accuracies... but only if the second player is attacking.

Destiny is the one effect in the game that lets the defender mess with the Resolve Attack Effects step.