Just want to check if my opponent got things right on my first tourney from last weekend.
He attacks a B1 squad with 7 minis with his Snowtropoopers with flame trooper + extra core trooper + Frag grenades. (Higher activation count than me and airdropped them in behind enemy lines with Timely reinforcements, then went first activation on the following round)
He attacked with everything as in 5 white (Core), 7 black (Flamerthrower vs 7 minis) & 6 Red (Grenade for each attacker)
Suffice to say 18 dice with Surge to crit left my B1 squad a lump of molten metal.
I wasn’t sure that he should have gotten the grenades as well as the rest of the attack but can't find in the rules regarding if gear upgrades are a separate weapon or if they augment the units standard weapon, can someone please clarify what is the correct rules and if possible where in the rules it covers off the ruling