A review about distance and distance bands.

By ovinomanc3r, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I will thanks anyone who help me going through this. I am fairly good with the rules and I feel I'm missing something but I cannot find out what.

In Armada each distance is independent so distance 2 it is not distance 1. We know this and we have Snipe as a good example. At distance 1 it is not necessarily at distance 2.

Within means that no piece of whatever may be outside of the specific range/distance.

The minimum-maximun rule is widely used to increase the area where something is working on. That way, distance 1-5 is the whole rule while distance 5 is only the 5 band.

Things are at distance 1 of themselves. At, not within.

GSR allows you to move obstacles within distance 2 of their current position and I'm trying to figure out what that really means.

1. It is optional so I may not choose an obstacle to not move it.

2. A token within distance 1 of something it is not within distance 2 of the same thing.

3. So, if I choose to move an obstacle I cannot move it just 1 inch from its current place as that wouldn't be within distance 2. Actually, the station cannot be placed within distance 2 at all cause its size.

Does GSR wrongly written dice the beginning? What I'm missing to reconcile how we all play GSR and how looks like to me right now we should had been playing it?

You’re thinking too much again, Ovi. 🙂

In seriousness - this one was covered a long time ago by explicit developer intent and emails.

Its why no one questions it.

Questioning it or demanding it be RAW followed breaks more than not.

Also you have to be careful that there is now a distinct difference between moving an obstacle and moving an obstacle TOWARDS.

43 minutes ago, ovinomanc3r said:

3. So, if I choose to move an obstacle I cannot move it just 1 inch from its current place as that wouldn't be within distance 2. Actually, the station cannot be placed within distance 2 at all cause its size.

From the FAQ:

An obstacle moved with this effect can be rotated as long as no part of that obstacle is beyond distance 2 of the object’s original position.

Moving an obstacle? Don't go beyond distance 2.