Interdictor G-8 Experimental Projector Question

By RaptorRitter13, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

With the G-8 Projector card, if you temporarily reduce a ship’s speed to 0 does that count as performing a speed 0 maneuver and therefore not allow them to spend defense tokens??? I wouldn’t think it works this way, but I haven’t played around with the interdictor yet. Any help would be appreciated :)


The difference is, the speed of the maneuver changes, but the ships speed - as shown in their speed dial - does NOT change,

THAT has to be at 0 for the rule to kick in.

Technically, if a speed 0 maneuver was all it took, then anyone who did a maneuver which rammed an enemy ship and they had to be placed where they started has done a speed 0 maneuver and couldn’t spend tokens...

So it doesn’t happen, least of all because it is silly - let alone gave the timing all wrong.

You check the ships speed - as shown on the dial - when it is shot at. If abd only if the dual says 0, does the defense token rule kick in.

Edited by Drasnighta
53 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:


The difference is, the speed of the maneuver changes, but the ships speed - as shown in their speed dial - does NOT change,

THAT has to be at 0 for the rule to kick in.

Technically, if a speed 0 maneuver was all it took, then anyone who did a maneuver which rammed an enemy ship and they had to be placed where they started has done a speed 0 maneuver and couldn’t spend tokens...

So it doesn’t happen, least of all because it is silly - let alone gave the timing all wrong.

You check the ships speed - as shown on the dial - when it is shot at. If abd only if the dual says 0, does the defense token rule kick in.

That’s what I figured, thanks :)