Star Wars: Underworld (test footage)

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Think of what this show would have done for the Scum faction in across the board.

Released test footage from 2010 of the cancelled Star Wars TV show "Underworld," which was to take place in the lower levels of Coruscant. The series was set after the events of Order 66. The video game "1313" was to be a tie-in of this series. Due to the immense cost of shooting the series, as well as the selling of Lucasfilm to Disney, "Underworld" was delayed and eventually cancelled.

This footage was produced by Stargate Studios (whose VFX resume includes Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, The Orville) in partnership with Lucasfilm. The VFX technology displayed in the making-of portion is Stargate Studios' impressive real-time rendering Virtual Backlot Live technology.

Rick McCallum said they wanted to get it down to about $5 m per episode. For context, Mandalorian cost about $12m per episode and that's with the technology becoming better and cheaper.

The problem is that it cost nearly $20 to 50 million per episode for the technology they needed to use. George Lucas tried to make the technology cheaper. This test footage is evidence that they were on the verge of using CGI just as good as the prequels but way cheaper. George was such an innovator and was about to make a technological breakthrough had he stuck with this show.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun


1313 Game Demo Prototype Environment