Advice needed about new expansion

By Marakus, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Hi all,

Myself and two friends are playing the main campaign and are having a blast!

I even started a new hobby, painting miniatures 😁 really cool!

With just 2 missions to go, including the end game mission. We are looking to buy a expansion. We would like to have your advice on which one te get.

I have searched on diffrent forums and read soms stuff but I could only find old forums where not all content was availible.

So if it matters we have the core game with all the plastic figures such as Han Solo, IG-88 and so on. Next to that a few extra packs such as Palpatine, Lando and Greedo.

We are looking for a fun new full lenght campaign. With if possible also included 3 player skirmish games (1 vs 1 vs 1). What would you suggest?

Thank you in advance!



The 2 full length campaigns most frequently played are the Return To Hoth and the Jabba's Palace sets.

Hoth gives the Rebel players a pair of Echo Base Troopers to use right from the start, whereas Jabba's Palace allows the players the use of mercenary faction units as heroes. You also get a Rancor in the set, so there is much more excitement with that than a little tank that can be killed in 2 hits.

Be wary though, a lot of people suffered with bent / broken figures in their set due to the packing of the box.

Thanks @onyersix , I looked more into and Jabba's Palace is probably the one where getting :)

If you are now into the hobby, i confirm Jabba's Palace and associated units are great addition. Jabba, rancor, bantha.... And all the scums included in the main box may vary thé painting pleasure.

Also, hoth and jabbas are both playable using the app.