I'm a little bewildered by the way the way commanders work in the game. Not confused, I understand the rules mechanics, but it just seems odd to me. All the infantry units in the game come in squads, except for leaders (and operatives, I guess, I haven't used any of them yet). Leader work alone. Which seems odd (although I guess I can see why heroes like Luke or Vader might want to operate that way). Even a humble platoon commander in real armies has a few people assigned directly to him to help him run his force. This gets even odder when you look at the Specialist Personnel Expansion packs. In them you get an officer, a com tech, and two droids. But they can't work together, they can only be attached individually to other squads. Or the officer can be the force commander, but again he's alone. I'm wondering how many people actually make use of the droids and all since you have to give up a slot in the squads which could be used for another trooper?
It seems to me that there ought to be command squads. Maybe a squad comes with an officer as a default, but then with multiple personnel slots and maybe an equipment slot or two. So you could take an officer, a com tech, a droid and maybe one trooper for security. The officer would still function like the leader as normal, but he'd have his communications right at hand and a droid or two which he could use to help nearby units (or himself). Seems like this would make sense. I may experiment with something like that.